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    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 31 23-Sep-12

    Greetings Fleet

    **It’s been a while since the last STO fleet mail. The reason for this is that all fleet info is going through our forums. Please join if you haven’t already and check out our conversations and announcements there.


    Drop me a line either by email or in-game mail and let me know that you’ve signed up so I can activate your account.

    **Visit the ‘Starbase Development Projects’ forum and read up on our Star base efforts.


    Here you’ll find the weekly starbase reports from both our KDF and UFP bases, as well as view the leaderboard for our ‘Starbase Construction Competition’

    Speaking of our comp I’ve just managed to purchase a SUPER RARE Legacy Unlock for the grand prize winner. I was seeking something that very few would have in the STO universe and I think I found it. For those who like rare and hard to get items or those who love to collect every little thing this will be tempting to you. Some may find this unappealing, in any case there will be additional prizes to go with it.

    **Leeta Duty Officer + Convention Veteran Title Code**


    This was a give-away item at Star Trek conventions and I can tell you that it’s super rare to get. This will be available for all your toons and future toons, it is a legacy unlock.


    Save travels.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 32 04-Jan-13

    Greetings Fleet

    We are well into our second year as a fleet for both UFP & KDF fleets & we hope 2013 with be a great year for -I.D.I.C-
    If anyone needs help with any thing please contact us via email (admin@guildalliance.org), our forums or in-game PM or mail.

    Here are a few announcements and updates.

    **End of Winter Party – Sunday 13th Jan, 5:30pm (GMT+9:30 Adel)**
    Please use http://www.timeanddate.com to find out the time in your own timezone 🙂

    -To celebrate the end of the STO Winter Wonderland Event I am throwing a party. Meet your UFP and KDF Fleetmates at Q’s Wonderland.

    Please check the EVENT system for complete information on this event and I hope to see you all there 🙂

    **Visit the ‘Fleet Holdings Development Projects’ forum**

    -Read up on our Star Base and Embassy construction efforts.


    Here you’ll find the construction reports from both our KDF and UFP Holdings, as well as view the leaderboards for our ‘Holdings Competitions’

    **Forums Info**

    -It’s been a while since the last STO fleet mail. The reason for this is that all fleet info is going through our forums. Please join if you haven’t already and check out our conversations and announcements there.


    Drop me a line either by email: admin@guildalliance.org, or in-game mail and let me know that you’ve signed up so I can activate your account.

    **Special Thanks**

    -For those who came along we recently had a quiz event with one of our allies the SAW fleet. I just wanted to thank Ambassador Ingrid T’Par and Tactical Chief CatStar for a great job in coordinating and setting up the event. Although we lost we can take pride in the fact that -I.D.I.C- is living up to its charter & ideals, Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations, fostering cooperation and respect across these virtual stars.

    All the best for 2013.

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 32-SUP 06-Jan-13

    Greetings Fleet,

    Just a supplemental mail continuing from the Jan 4 fleet mail.

    **Forums Info – New Members**

    ALL fleet information is going through our forums. Please join if you haven’t already & check out the conversations & announcements there.


    Drop me a line by email: admin@guildalliance.org or in-game mail & let me know that you’ve signed up so I can activate your account.

    Also if you do not have the in-game -I.D.I.C- chat channel, please contact a fleet officer ASAP so they can invite & help you set it up.

    **Fleet Ships Of The Line Callendar 2013**

    We are making a 2013 Callendar showcasing the ships of our fleet members.

    If you would like to be a part of this please pimp out your ship with your favourite gear and send me the **highest resolution – screen size & graphics settings** shot you can of your ship & its **Exact Name & Registry**

    Mail to: admin@guildalliance.org

    If you are running a low-end system I am happy to meet you and take the shots needed, pls contact me and we can arrange it.

    We have about 6 finished, I need to get 3 from people on holidays so we need at least another 3 people to get the 12 unique.

    We need to do this **ASAP** so I can get this out by mid-Jan

    **Teamspeak 3**

    I am continuing our teamspeak sever for 2013 and it can be accessed by all at:

    Server: vs9.tserverhq.com:9296
    Password: picardmaneuver


    Please use this service sensibly & be respectfull to other users.

    **A special thanks to @Ishakar (Kara) for donating towards this years TS3 Server costs :)**

    The next fleet mail in a couple of days will be about our resources/websites/forums etc so stay tuned 🙂

    Safe Travels.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 33 31-Jan-13

    Greetings Fleet,

    A Few Notices

    **Fleet Summit***

    There was alot of enthusiasm at the last summit about getting the fleet going and running better, unfortunately there has been little contribution to the forums on the matters raised back in November.

    A key discussion point was the use of our forums to keep abreast of fleet happenings, sadly this has improved very little if at all.

    Therefore I have no choice but to make some judgements about certain members and decisions regarding the fleet management.

    *If you wish to contribute something to these conversations the opportunity will still be available until the 17th of March*


    **On Sunday March 17th at 5pm (GMT+9:30) **

    we will be holding a Second Fleet Summit in order to formally forward all the new rules and any changes to the fleet. I will be posting the International times in the next few days.

    Before the summit there will be a meeting of the GA Committee & Guild Command Staff to discuss the fleet leaderships. This will be scheduled as soon as an appropriate time is worked out between the people involved.

    **Fleet Calendar 2013**

    The -I.D.I.C- 2013 Ships of the Fleet Calendar is available for download from the:

    GA forums: guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=128&t=450 or GA FaceBook Page, Albums Section: fb.com/theguildalliance

    **Fleet Recruiting**

    There have been efforts to recruit over the last couple of weeks, unfortunately this has not been very successful.

    I will be posting on the official STO Fleets forums over the weekend. I will email out the link once its done and I would appreciate it if as many as you as possible could pay the forums a visit and post about what you like about our fleet.

    **Fleet Alliances**
    We will have news about a couple of new alliances in the coming days 🙂

    Thanks all.


    The complete -I.D.I.C- Fleet Mail Archive can be found here;

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 34 6-Jun-13 – IDIC 2nd Anniversary

    -I.D.I.C- -Plasma’s Fleet Mail 34 6-Jun-13

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. 2nd Anniversary

    Hi all, we are coming up to our U.F.P. 2nd anniversary on July 7th and to commemorate our achievements we will be hosting a couple of events for both our U.F.P. and K.D.F. fleet members.

    Last year we held a plethora of events, this year we are holding the second annual “Fleet Cup” during our celebration and I think the Fleet Cup will be a staple event for future celebrations. The event will take place on the weekend of June 22nd/23rd.

    We will also be holding a Party and Award/Promotions Ceremony on the weekend of July 8th/9th

    Please check the EVENTS tab in the fleet roster for details in your timezone and to R.S.V.P.

    IN ADDITION we will have a special forum section with all the event info and scheduling. You can access this at: viewforum.php?f=156

    Check this forum frequently for updated info.

    I’m looking forward to seeing you all there.

    All the best,

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