Home Forums IDIC – JOINT FACTION COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK: OPEN CHANNEL -I.D.I.C- Promotion: Vice Admiral Hiroshi T’nall

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    Post count: 2368

    I would like to offically welcome V.A. Hiroshi T’nall as our new diplomatic secretary in -I.D.IC-. Hiroshi will assist the ambassaodor in interfleet projects and maintain diplomatic relations within IDIC and in the interfleet area. The formal ‘letter of credence’ for this new position will be placed on our forums for your convenience. Hiroshi will recieve a promotion in our fleet to command- operations and will have access to the officers forums as ‘diplomatic secretary’.

    I look forward to working with Hiroshi in the future and congratulae her on this new role.


    Post count: 2368

    I am very honored to be bestowed this promotion. I have been working with Ingrid for a while now. I think it is an honor to work with her. I have always enjoyed playing alongside her and the other members of this fleet and am glad I’ve been able to help 🙂 I will continue to do so with my customary Hiroshi enthusiasm

    Post count: 2368

    I’ve been busy the last couple of weeks so I haven’t been on STO much. I hope we can catch up in the next few days, in any case I’m going to rank you up tonight. Congratulations.

    Post count: 2368

    Don’t worry I’ve been a bit busy myself, work has been a bit hectic. Very long story but suffice to say the Nursing home I work for has one more chance to Pass State inspection if we don’t they could do one of two things and that is remove the Administrative staff and completely replace them. The other thing State could do is take away my facility’s license to practice then they would shut us down leaving me without a job suffice to say I’m sweating just a bit.

    Post count: 2368

    Oh, coolness! Another Washu fan! hehe

    Post count: 2368

    Little Washu the most intelligent Mad Scientist to Grace the Universe. 🙂 Yes when it come to Tenchi Muyo she is and always will be my most favorite Character.

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