Home Forums IDIC – JOINT FACTION COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK: OPEN CHANNEL -I.D.I.C- Klingon Empire – 2nd Anniversary Event Round-Up

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    Post count: 2368

    Celebration and Tribute

    Chancellor Veena’s (-Plasma) Speech

    Klingon PlqaD Original

    Klingon (English Phonetic Translation)

    majQa’ Hoch cha’DIch DIS lopno’ yo’

    pa’ law’ choH Qav DIS rIn ‘ej jIQuch vIjatlh ‘e’ Qap yo’ pagh vabDot vImuSchugh yIjatlhQo’ poH. van yIDIl yo’ ghoS pol ‘e’ SuvwI’ qar vIneH. chenmoHwI’ O’drade B’vat Qang vice-Qang Neithy ‘ej

    Qapla’, yay SoH’ej ghIlDeSten ghaj

    yo’ ghIq. wej quvHa’ghach qem maHvaD pong post lon. tu’lu’ SID matlh ‘ej awaits batlh baj ‘ej ben law’ batlhmey. Ha’ HeghDI’ qaSnISbej Hoch qaSnISbej chaH lach’eghDI’ jatlhpu’ may’ qIm ‘ach loDnI’ lIj. SoH bIr Sanmaj’e’ Hutlh SoH.

    Qapla’ wo’vaD, Qapla’ -I.D.I.C-

    qatlho’ Hoch

    English Translation

    Welcome all to our fleet’s second year celebration.

    There have been many changes over the last year and I am glad to say that the fleet is still operating even though it is a quiet time. I would like to pay tribute to our warriors that have kept this fleet going. From our Creator O’Drade to our Chancellor B’Vat and our Vice-Chancellor Neithy

    Congratulations, you have triumphed. And you have my thanks.

    To the fleet I say this. Do not bring dishonor on us by abandoning your post. There is honor to be earned and glory awaits the patient and faithful. Go when you must for all must heed their own personal call to battle, but do not forget your brothers, for it is cold in space without you.

    Success to the Empire, Success to -I.D.I.C-

    Thank you all

    Post count: 2368

    Celebration and Tribute
    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Empire – 2nd Anniversary Event Round-Up

    We had a great time celebrating the 2nd anniversary for the I.D.I.C. Klingon fleet. We drank blood wine and raised a toast to our dedicated officers, Veena presented an honorable speech in Klingon, we partied and played Dabo at Risa and ended the night with a glorified PVP. Thank you to Veena for all the effort and organization, we appreciate this immensely. A special thanks goes to Nei for all the contributions to the star fleet base and the sacrifice and time spent on building it up. Thank you to Battle Cat ((B’Vat/Fang) for keeping the legacy alive and for reigniting the fire in us. We will miss you, however we know that you are not far away and that we shall see you again.

    Thank you to everyone who attended, with out the people, our fleet would not be what it is today.

    “Do not bring dishonor on us by abandoning your post. Go when you must for all must heed their own personal call to battle, but do not forget your brothers, for it is cold in space without you”(Veena, October 13th. 2013).


    [attachment=0:2ucu5cau]kdf shot party.jpg[/attachment:2ucu5cau]

    Post count: 2368

    Event Screenshots: Starbase Gathering, Ceremony and Speeches.

    Post count: 2368

    Event Screenshots: Party On Risa.

    Post count: 2368

    Event Screenshots: Anniversary PvP.

    Law and Obi (FED) Vs Nei and Dlight (KDF)

    KDF triumphed and took home the prizes 🙂

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