Home Forums IDIC SPECIAL: U.F.P. INAGURAL CELEBRATION EVENTS ROUND-UP -I.D.I.C- Fleet UFP Inaugural Celebration – What is it?

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    -I.D.I.C- Fleet UFP Inaugural Celebration

    The fleet was founded in July 2011 and to celebrate we are holding a series of events for all of our fleet members.

    Please check the In-Game Fleet Events schedule for information on each celebration event.

    You can also download the .pdf (3.5mb) schedule document which contains all of the events information

    This information is also accessible on our fleet website here http://fed.idicfleet.com/inaugural-anniversary-event-2011-2012/

    Post count: 2368

    I’ve been making some mini-poster art for our events. I’ll post them all here for those who may want to print and keep them.

    When I’m all done making them, I’ll post a .pdf with all of them as well 🙂

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