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    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- Fleet Operations Wind-Down

    After consultation with several Fleet Officers and G.A. Reps I have decided to wind-down operations of the -I.D.I.C- Fleets.

    This has been a very difficult decision. I don’t make it lightly. The last few months have been hard on the fleet, we have lost many fleet officers and most members have become inactive. Not many have actually left the fleet, but inactivity has hurt us. I am also guilty of this inactivity as RL issues have taken up my usual play-times. At this point we would need a massive influx of members and officers to oversee them and It doesn’t look like a prospect that can succeed given the state of recruitment success at the moment.

    The game itself has become boring for many, the expansions unexciting. You just have to look at ESD zone chat or any Zone for that matter to see no-one is talking. Comments on the official site are almost non-existent and the STO forums are the lowest in activity I have ever seen.

    I want everyone to know that I have valued all contributions to fleet projects, the teaming and comradery between all. We should be proud to have survived for 2.5+ years as a guild.

    For those that found some real friendships here there are many ways you can keep in touch with each other. As for the fleet and our other games we play you can always chat and catch up on the forums. We would love to hear from you all there and keep up our friendships.

    Many of us have also moved more into our Star Wars The Old Republic Guilds so you can join us there.

    In addition I’m happy to chat on Skype, Facebook or any other place for those who would like to catch up or keep in contact.

    What will this mean?

    In late January 2013/early February 2014 the fleet will be put in a state of stasis. The fleet will cease recruiting, events, fleet holdings and all other operations until further notice.

    The -I.D.I.C- Chat Channel will remain active and will become a teaming channel for members that still want to keep in touch and team up.

    The -I.D.I.C- Forums and Website will also be updated and remain active as a tribute to the fleet and the day when we can revive it.

    What do you need to do?

    Between now and then I would like all those members that want to remain in the fleet to message me and let me know that they want to leave their toon in stasis in the fleet. There may be many reasons for this such as;

    1. Keeping and displaying the -I.D.I.C- name.
    2. Making use of our vast provisions.
    3. You may have an alt. that you want to keep in -I.D.I.C-.

    All ranks but 2 will remain being fleet owner and member.

    Any member that does not contact me by the cut-off date (TBA – Early Feb) will be removed from the fleet. No-one will be removed from the -I.D.I.C- Chat Channel.

    I will also keep a list of current members 28th Nov 2013 and if in the future we revive the fleet I will re-invite those who want to re-join at that time.

    In addition any past member that has been removed during this process can at any time request to re-join to make use of our provisions.

    I will also be paying-out all of our Prizes for fleet projects by the wind-up date. If you believe you are owed a prize after this date and it has not been paid, please contact me and I will rectify it a.s.a.p.

    Please note: Don’t Panic and Leave Prematurely. We still have several events over the next 2 months as well as the Winter events and I want to team with all of you there 🙂 – I want to get a 2014 Calendar done like we did last year as well as an alternate calendar spanning the 2.5 years

    Thanks for being part of this fleet and I hope that in the future we can come alive again.

    All the best,
    Jim Manavis (-Plasma, Veena)

    Post count: 2368

    I too have become inactive or at least low activity on STO recently moved to SWTOR, but would like to stay in the fleet. There still may be a point in the distant future that STO will become less Stale and we will rise again but for now that time isn’t here. Have many friends on IDIC, and that has translated to SWTOR(actually it’s friends i met on STO that finally got me to join SWTOR).

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for all the time and effort Plas 🙂 I won’t commit to play STO, however If I ever decide to play it again in the future, I would like my toon’s in the best fleet of all time -I.D.I.C-!

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