Home Forums GA MEMBER: Fan Fiction, Character Bios & Role Play House Atreides (Legacy) (it’s becoming through time until the age of Star Wars)

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    House Atreides (Legacy) (it’s becoming through time until the age of Star Wars: The Old Republic)

    As you might know, my legacy name is Atreides, in SW:TOR, and each and every character that I have, member of this house has its own story. Most of those stories are in my mind, but, as time flows, I’ll try to write down short resumes about them in here. Everything written here is in a draft stage, so please apologize in advance for any flaws you may find.

    In the beginning it was dark…. And that darkness had a name….. Iskara…. She was the first in which the ancestral memories awakened, the first that realized the legacy carried in her blood. The first in which the old Bene Geserit training enhanced the courses she had on Korriban. As the awareness enveloped her, she realized she was not alone. There were others scattered across the galaxy. Her lifelong mission became that day to discover and train those others in her legacy …. And the journey begun ….
    But in the darkness a beacon of light aroused. In the deep forest of Tython, O’Drade, master of the Jedi Order started having troublesome dreams. Dreams of old lives, of old stories, of old happenings. At first she tried to use her mental control techniques to push away those dreams. But they continued to come back, more powerful each time. In the end, she gave up and let herself float within those endless dreams. Indistinctive personalities started talking to her, she was brought on the verge of madness. But her Jedi training prevailed. As time passes, she managed to put order in those dreams, in those personalities. Some specific ones became more distinctive, as distinctive that she started to have true dialogues with them. One’s name was Jessica. She taught her new methods, called Bene Geserit way. Based on those techniques, O’Drade started to have better control over those memories. A marvelous past started to unveil….

    … to be continued ….

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