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    Post count: 2368

    I’m thinking I’ve messed up my character enough, and it’s time for a respec.

    So here is my current build, more or less:

    I know it’s an awful mess, I’m using multiple damage types, and the skills are frankly just all over the board. But I was hoping I could get a few specific suggestions. I plan to go with the assault cruiser when I hit 40 (which is like, half a level away right now). I’m not too knowledgeable about the different end-game weapon types etc., so frankly I’m not sure what I should be planning to use, or if it even matters in terms of my skill tree.

    I don’t know. I’m still digging around various places trying to learn more about this, so any suggestions are helpful.

    I’m a tactical officer in a cruiser, I’d like to have a reasonable amount of hull strength while still doing a fair bit of damage, I guess somewhere floating between tanking and DPS. I don’t know if this is a bad idea, if so, let me know.

    So yeah. Basically I’ve been just plugging away and training what sounds cool rather than really learning about what these skills do and why I should choose certain ones over others. So any pointers would be appreciated.

    (I didn’t realize until recently either that I could look at which abilities are affected by certain skills, which is certainly useful, but as I understand it doesn’t show you all of them until they’re unlocked which sort of hinders more in depth long term planning once I respec, so I don’t want to rely on that too much.)

    Also, if there’s any particular role that’s needed in the fleet as well, one that I have the capability to fulfill with this character after a respec, please let me know.

    Anyways, mostly looking for suggestions if folks have them – I’m going to spend some time looking into this on my own as well. Thanks in advance!

    Post count: 2368

    Hi There,

    Thanks for your message 🙂

    I am not an expert at these sorts of things, but can give you a few tips of what I have learnt in this area!

    I completly understand what you are meaning. I am always trying to improve on my builds and ships etc, it is a challenge. I suggest when you get up to VA experiment with the certain types of weapons you would like as some are not offered until you reach Vice Admiral. This might make it hard with the skill tree, but I have found for example the phaser beam arrays are a good energy weapon for the lower levels. When I hit VA I wanted Antiproton weapons as I felt they were better against the borg, it didn’t make too much difference with the skill tree.

    Have a look at stowiki, I have found this is very helpful in building the right type of ‘build’. I say keep experimenting to find the best build that fits your gaming style also.

    I am sure there are other folks here who are masters at this and can assist you further.

    Enjoy your day 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks a bunch, Alanna. So it sounds like I might want to hold off on the respec until a little later, so that I can get a better understanding of the weapon types that will be available to me. I’ll continue to look into this stuff in the meantime.

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya Localhorse, I’ve been a bit busy and haven’t had a chance to respond to your question properly. I’ll try and get something more meaningful to you asap.

    One thing to bear in mind real quick is when you are doing a respec have all the gear you are likely to be using on hand.

    For example choose your ship, your weapon type, your consoles etc, all the things you like best and then do the respec. Equip them all and then you will see a drop down menu at the top right of the respec screen.

    Select one of your weapons or device powers and the system will automatically show you which sliders affect that particular weapon type or power. There will never be enough skill points to max out every slider that affect a particular weapon or power, but using that as a guide you can then decide what to give more points to and what to leave a bit weaker etc.

    Hope this made sense.


    Post count: 2368

    @-Plasma wrote:

    Select one of your weapons or device powers and the system will automatically show you which sliders affect that particular weapon type or power. There will never be enough skill points to max out every slider that affect a particular weapon or power, but using that as a guide you can then decide what to give more points to and what to leave a bit weaker etc.

    Excellent, thanks Plasma! I didn’t realize you could look at specific weapons and see which skills affect them. I will have to take a look at this when I’m able to log on.

    So with the advice given to me by Alanna and yourself, I’m thinking I’ll be better off waiting to respec. I was thinking I might want to do it now, so that I can purchase a bunch of new weapons for my new ship once I hit 40. However, it sounds like I have it a little backwards, and that I’ll want to wait and see what level 50 brings before I change everything up.

    What’s the cost of a respec if you’ve exhausted your available free tokens?

    Anyhow, thanks again for the advice, guys!

    I’ve been pretty busy in the last few days, things have been hectic here, but I look forward to seeing you all soon… I should be back on either tomorrow or the next day.

    Post count: 2368

    Hiya, I think the Captain Retrain token is 400 C-Store Points to purchase.

    I would wait until you max your character and then use the free respec’s to do it. After I leveled my first VA I realised that it really doesn’t make too much difference for normal mission play, it’s when you start to PvP and STF that all this fine-tuning comes into play.

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