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    Post count: 2368

    Hi everyone, I’m Zez or Ammetri in IJO

    I’m a newish member, been around for 2 weeks i think. Well I guess i’ll start off saying i’m an experienced player active since launch. My main is an assassin name Zez on Jedi Covenant. I rolled over here because i was getting bored over there having done so much, 20 toons 8 55’s cleared HM & NM content on the imp side, and i’m enjoying the fresh start over here. Getting to experiance the pub side stories & endgame gearing from scratch.

    I am interested in endgame raiding in 3.0 so I would like to atleast start the groundwork for a raiding team for anyone interested, my time zone is EST(US) and i’m available most of the day in the US and midday/afternoon in EU. Also with the slew of games coming out over the next 2 weeks i won’t be on as much as I was previously, but i’m still gonna try and put in an hour or 2 for dailies and such a day. If anyone wants to contact me my email is if anyone has a PS4 my psn is Zezzlez, my steam is uninun609, origin & uplay mdbrad32, my battle net is Zez#1765 I also stream on twitch if anyone watches at

    May the force be with you,

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Zez, welcome to the guild and the Guild Alliance as a whole. I’m glad you found your way to our site and forums. You have a lot of experience which is great.

    I’m impressed that you picked the right forum to post in as well, lol – this shows you have an attention to detail that many don’t. The site is still in the process of being finished as I am amalgamating several sites we’ve had into the one.

    The Guild Alliance as we call it has been around for almost 3.5 years and the goal here is to establish long-term gaming friends. We are/were involved in several games and are a multi-game player organization.

    I am always looking for new original content for the site and would love to link to feature your twitch streams or any other content you want to contribute.

    Thx again for signing up and we hope to have more guild-specific details on the site over the next month. feel free to chat to us here anytime or even go through past convo’s and comment as the forum is our main communication.

    Also as you add Alts to the guild please update us on the names so we can keep track of which characters are you.

    See U in game soon 🙂


    Post count: 2368

    Hi Zez,

    Welcome 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Thank you for the welcomes. I actually wasn’t sure where to post this lol and if you want to link my stream feel free

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