Home Forums CHAT: GENERAL Guild Alliance song

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    Post count: 2368

    I have put together another song for us. My hope is that it will inspire everyone. I used what I know about everyone to entertain the lyrics.

    Guild Alliance song by: Luna
    Sang to the tune of “Men of Harlech”
    Guild Alliance, stop your dreaming,
    can’t you see your fleet is leaving?
    Plasma needs his people teaming,
    to be an active guild.

    Guild Alliance must be ready,
    for Iskara we will help ye.
    Ingrid asks us to be steady,
    and we shall never yield.

    Londi helped in founding,
    Laws skills are astounding.
    Summon all, at Catstar’s call,
    our mighty force unbounding!

    Guild Alliance is our story,
    Plasma leads us into glory.
    Keep these burning words before ye,
    we shall never yield.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Luna – That cheered me up.

    You know what?! You could start an IDIC CD ^^ we could all make a profit on merchandise, we could have T-shirts and cups and key rings with our toons on them. Flash Dashing on the front with a huge cheesy grin and a drink in one hand… Plasma could create amazing posters and sell them 🙂 The excellent thing is we would never run out of Dilithium as we would have a lot of money, turn it into zen than Dilith.

    I know i’m dreaming, but this is where the dreams happen and come true 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    That gave me a smile 🙂

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