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    Guild Alliance Podcast Proposal

    Hiya all, upon trying to find new ways to engage our guild members I had the idea of possibly doing a monthly podcast.

    This would co-inside with a Guild Alliance Newsletter, that would inform the GA members across all guilds of what happened during the last month and what events are up in the future. This newsletter would be mailed out through a mailing list that we can set up. this was proposed by ingrid a few months back, but we haven’t got around to implementing it.

    Regardless of what we decide at the upcoming summit, these things can still be put into motion if there is enough enthusiasm, please let me know what you think.

    If you would be interested in contributing articles to the newsletter, or even recording part of a podcast then please let me know 🙂 – Once it gets going i can set up a private forum for our newsletter writers where articles can be submitted etc. Also fleet officers can contribute articles as well if they feel that they have something to say in a given month.

    Post count: 2368

    Is a great idea, to have some sort of monthly planned schedule for events. I can contribute with those for SW:TOR.
    For the upcoming weekend, I’ll be grinding in both sides in SW:TOR to get the necessary funds to open up the Infinite Jedi Order bank.
    Those that wants to join will find me either on dark side, playing Cladda or on the light side playing G’Anima or Kwiisatz. The purpose is to get 400.000 credits for the light side bank unlock.
    Also, as I discussed with Londi, sometimes during saturday we’ll try to approach some Ilum missions to get teh daily commandations needed to enhance our members lvl 50 toons.
    I’ll also open up a new thread in my profile where I’ll wrote my plans about what i’ll be doing and where in SW:TOR.
    Best wishes,

    Post count: 2368

    I think the idea of a podcast could be a very good idea. As i have seen the podcast from the Stoked series of jupiterbroadcasting.com, i have learned a great deal from watching there podcasts on youtube while i am work. I think we should explore this idea further.

    Post count: 2368

    Woohoo, Plasma television! Dont forget your eyepatch hehe. 😆

    Post count: 2368

    I am in the beginning stages of organizing a news letter and the sub headings for each section. At the moment I am organizing this with the thought of STO and IDIC fleet.

    Firstly, I would like to know what people are thinking, did you want this newsletter to be for the Guild Alliance and include all the games that we play? Or should that be left up to individual members for each game? At the moment I don’t think I can take on organizing a monthly news letter for all the games included, plus I play STO more and my focus and knowledge is there. By all means we can use the similar template and format and some one keen and interested from CO or SWTOR can also create their individual news letter based on that game.

    I want this newsletter to advertise our fleet IDIC and have a mixture of fun and humorous aspects plus also display the business side of things. for eg. Chief engineers report, Tactical officer tips on STFS, Missions, PVPS. This section only needs a few sentences or one or two paragraphs and not a huge academic article. I would also like to have a section that honors members who have been promoted and accomplished certain tasks in our fleet and in game. I also like the idea of using as many screen shots to advertise our fleet. Pictures are what captures people’s eyes first, so if anyone has any cool pictures to share for the newsletter I encourage them to add that to it. We will also have a small fun corner for people to win rewards, similar to CatStar’s contest that he recently posted. We could also have an advertising section for any gear that members wish to sell to the fleet etc.

    I would also like an active member in STO who would like to assist me with creating the newsletter and helping me with the monthly organizing of it. I would also need help in the creative side of things for eg how the newsletter is set up as I am not that good with that type of thing i.e. graphic and design aspects. Please come forward if you are interested 🙂

    Please reply if you have any further ideas, comments, feed back and/or are interested in assisting me in this project 🙂

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