Home Forums GLOBAL PERM: Teamspeak3 Server Information and Settings GLOBAL PERM: Forums Are Our PRIMARY Communication

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    Post count: 2368

    NOTICE: Forums are our PRIMARY communication

    Be advised that from today all primary communication on all GUILD. FLEET, LEAGUE and SUPERGROUP business will be carried out through these forums.

    Please keep abreast of what is happening in the fleet

    Post count: 2368

    Im not sure how many people read the forums, i think they are afraid of mass reading and being wearied by all there is. Maybe Alanna, being our Abassador (IE communications officer) can send out weekly news letters with links to parts of the forums that need to be highlighted. Then let thier interest take them from there. Having members setup another mail just for fleet activity would be possible.

    Post count: 2368

    I am happy to do that as stated previously:)
    I think it is a good idea if possible to have the emails of the people. I have been sending out emails to as many people as i have in my list, regarding the upcoming space PVP event and it would be good to have forward the information to others. I’d be happy to send it out/ organize etc… At the same time I will remind people that the forums are our primary source for communication and the email format / newsletter does not take place of that, this is for others who can not read the forums as frequent..

    Happy to assist- newsletter sounds good 😀

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,
    I think I’d better generally elaborate on this a bit, I’m sure all the regular members will already know my feelings on this, but its important to explain myself.

    This is the thing, we all have other things in our life to do, work etc. I know that Ingrid is studying right now and I wouldn’t want her or anyone in the guildalliance to take time away from real things that matter in their lives for a gaming guild. By all means if people in the guild want to distribute information, do so and I will really appreciate it, but not at the expense of taking precious time away from their real life commitments.

    I’ll just add that these forums and the guild websites etc are all also syndicated via RSS News Feed to our Facebook page, so anyone with a FB account can join the page and get all these news feeds as well as the Official Game Feeds, Perfect World, STO, TOR, DCUO and Champs.

    Please note the ‘Officer’ private access forum posts do not get sent via RSS

    I’ve tried to cater to everyone by Fleet Mail, posting on our websites, forums etc. It’s become too much for me to coordinate in the sense that many people do not even read the IN-Game Fleet Mail, which should be naturally the first thing people should look at. Soo many times there is a meeting or event and people do not know about it even when its been posted in the events tab as well as mentioned in a fleet mail. Or someone attends a meeting and has no idea what it is about even tho its been talked about for weeks.

    In addition up until the recent guild website update (currently in progress) at the bottom of each page on the sites (except the main page) our twitter, forums and other RSS news feeds were also present there, so I’ve tried to create so many ways of accessing accurate guild info across the board.

    So to sum up, this forum is the best way in my opinion of conducting fleet communication. People can access it in their own time, independent of which game they are playing or timezone and instantly post a response on any topic or create new topics straight away. Please note the ‘Officer’ private access forum posts do not get sent via RSS or Twitter

    This to me is the most flexible way to communicate. I really appreciate everyones opinions and efforts on this, please post suggestions or comments and if we come up with a better way I would be more than happy to adopt it. Also if someone wants to take it upon themselves to do a fortnightly/monthly newsletter based on all our sources then that would be cool too.

    Best Regards.

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