Home Forums GA MEMBER: PLAYER PROFILES/GAME REGISTER Gamer Profile: -Plasma (updated 28/Jan/12)

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    Post count: 2368

    Gamer Profile


    Actual Name (optional):Jim Manavis
    Age (optional): 36
    Location: Australia, South Australia
    Languages (optional):English, Greek, Greek-lish
    Main Handles: Plasmacoolant, -Plas, -Plasma

    About Me (Optional)

    I’m a Multimedia Designer, with a Degree in Multimedia Studies from UNISA. I’m a big Star Trek fan and a moderate Star Wars fan. I like all types of science fiction and have been a follower of many sci-fi shows over the years. I am also a collector of sci-fi memorabilia.

    Gaming History: Player Organizations

    1. Jedi Knight & PlasmaSkins

      My interest in the Jedi Knight series besides the gameplay was in creating custom skins (skinning) for existing and fan-made bots. I was a skinner for several projects as well as made custom commissions at times. By the end of my association with those games I was one of the most noted modders. During that era I had two websites on jk2.net & jediknight2.com. In addition my skins were available ( and are still) at several Jedi Knight sites such as Masassi.com, JK2.net, jediknight.com and others.

    2. FtB (Fade to Black)

      My first taste of a player organization was in the, Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast/Jedi Knight Jedi Academy Clan, FtB (Fade to Black) circa 2002.

      I was in this clan for about 6-12 months. I remember the clan was involved in other game-play as well, however I focused mainly on the JK side of things. My association with the clan ended after a dispute related to ranking in the Clan and leadership. Several members took sides on the issue and I decided to resign as a result.

    3. Klandestine

      My second outing was as a co-leader of a Star Wars Galaxies Guild named, Klandestine. This guild was created while the game was in early Beta and I designed a website and forums for recruitment purposes.

      The guild had advanced quite a bit with membership numbers at the time when I stepped down from the leadership. This decision was made due to my inability to secure a beta key for testing as International keys were not easily accessible. After member complaints about a leader that has not even sampled the Beta game I decided to step down from the position. The incoming leader was very keen to take over and unfortunately this left a bad impression on me regarding online communities. I learnt that there was little loyalty in them, and even in the virtual there is always someone who is looking to take your place and authority.

      After this experience I continued with my JK skinning and remained involved in that community for some time. Eventually I gave up on multiplayer online gaming for many years and concentrated on console single player games.

    4. STO and Starfleet Ops

      In early 2011 as a distraction from personal issues I started to play Star Trek Online. I came into the game just before its 1 year anniversary and focused on the single player experience. After about 3 months I accepted a random invite to a fleet called Starfleet Ops.

    5. -I.D.I.C- & The Guild Alliance

    Gaming History: Games

      To keep this relatively short I’ll limit this to Online games. Not going too far back my first outing into online gaming was with Quake 3 and Unreal Tournament. many shoot-em-up games were produced using these engines and I was a fan/player of most of them. I was also into XBOX games and am still playing select XBOX 360 titles. Some of my favorite games have been;
      Mech Assault 3 (I think it was 3)
      Quake3 Arena
      Star Trek Elite Force
      Star Trek Elite Force 2
      Star Trek: Starfleet Academy (Interplay)
      Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2 Jedi Outcast
      Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy
      Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
      Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords
      Tomb Raider – ALL of them
      Halo – ALL of them
      Quake 4
      Quake Enemy Territory
      Star Wars: Obi Wan
      Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
      Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
      Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
      Guitar Hero – All Of Them
      Dead or Alive Series – All Of Them


      Star Trek Online
      Star Wars: The Old Republic
      DC Universe Online
      Dungeons And Dragons: Neverwinter

    To Be Continued……

    Post count: 2368

    Just a quick note on my latest PC Rig for the techies out there. I have a Red-Neon theme going on this build :).

    After waiting to fully upgrade my old dual core for 2 years I’ve decided to put almost top of the line everything into this one.

    I have always been a AMD Processor and Nvidia graphics man, so I’ve kept to my likes. I know that some people argue for the I7 CPU’s but this is the TOP AMD 8-core chip here.

    The GPU is mid-range, however I’m getting steady 44fps on STO with all settings full, thats full filtering, full bloom, shadows, textures, everything. This is before overclocking, so I’m not going to OC anything for now.

    Here is a quick pic of the guts of it – pic came out a bit dark.

    Main Parts

    Gaming Peripherals


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