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    Gamer Profile: James Augustine Tiberious

    *for personal and security reasons i wont be posting my main details in this post or any other future post under this thread, i will give out basic information and that is all, if you wish to contact me out of game for ingame purposes i will link you personaly to my Facebook*

    StarTrekOnline Main Character ( James Augustine Tiberious )
    InGame Level – Vice Admiral LVL50
    Fleet Rank – Command Officer – Tactical

    Character in-game bio (written as one would see a Starfleet Report on an officer)

    James Augustine Tiberious’s Starfleet Record
    Starfleet Commision Rank : Vice Admiral
    Federation Diplomatic Rank : Federation Ambassador
    Federation Ambassador to the Deferi
    Current Assignment: (Redacted by Starfleet Command and Task Force OMEGA)

    In Command of the U.S.S. Andraste NX – 92001 – A
    [Exact specifications of the vessel are classified by Admiral D’vak of the OMEGA Task Force, Starfleet Corp of Engineers(San Francisco Fleet Yards) and by Vice Admiral James Tiberious]

    Recieved a battle field promotion to acting captain during the Vega Colony attack by the Borg, then with other starship captains caused the borg to retreat.
    Secured the Sirius and Regulus Sector Blocks from the Klingon and Gorn
    Spent 6 Months with the [Advanced Starship Design Bureau, Starfleet Shipyards Operations] *classified*
    Recieved the Silver Star and the Starfleet Cross for swift and commendable response to the borg threat

    Personel: The bridge officers under the Vice Admirals command ranges from Humans, Klingon, Vulcan, Bajoran and to the more exotic and dangerous *Classified by Vice Admiral James Augustine Tiberious and Starfleet Intelligence* and by further reports the Admiral is still expanding his bridge officers and crew.

    *Classified from here onward by Starfleet Intelligence, Starfleet Command, the OMEGA Task Force and M.A.C.O. Command*
    (Requires level 8 Security clearance, Starfleet rank of [Captain] or higher. Admiral D’vak Director Commander of OMEGA Task Force, Admiral Quinn Head of Starfleet Command, Admiral Chackotay Head of Starfleet Intelligence to view the rest of the file).

    Joined fleet I.D.I.C. Under the command of Fleet Admiral Plasma
    Base of Operations: ESD Earth Space Dock
    DS9 Deep Space Nine
    U.S.S Andraste (Flag Ship)
    Reports to Fleet Admiral Plasma, Fleet Admiral D’vak, Admiral Quinn and Admiral Chackotay.

    WARNING (Possible Affiliations To The Group Known As SECTION 31)

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