Home Forums GA MEMBER: PLAYER PROFILES/GAME REGISTER Gamer profile: Iskara – upcoming activities

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    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone,
    In the upcoming weekend, those are my planned activities in SW:TOR:
    – during this weekend I’ll be grinding for credits, so that I’ll be able to open up the light side guild bank by the end of the weekend.
    – joining the daily PVP events on the dark side
    – attending with Londi at “Ilum Offensive” to get better gear for our lvl 50 toons
    – if more members will come up around, I’ll be happy to join them in doing heroics/flashpoints, for them to level up faster and to get better gear and more credits for development.
    I’ll be playing on either Cladda on dark side or on G’Anima or Kwiisatz on light side most probable by the following schedule: FRI (8 pm – 2 am GMT+2), SAT (10am – 2 pm GMT+2), SAT (8 pm – 2 am GMT+2) and SUN (10 pm – 2 am GMT+2).
    Looking forward to see you there,

    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone and Happy New Year !!!!
    May all your wishes come true in 2013!
    I’ll be mostly of the grid until sunday, as I’m of town.
    I hope to see you soon!
    All the best,

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