Home Forums IDIC – FLEET SUMMIT NOVEMBER 2012 Fleet Summit Transcript 24-11-2012

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    Fleet Summit Transcript 24-11-2012

    Here is the complete transcript from the summit.

    Several sections have been made into Discussion Topics, please feel free to comment on them.



      -Plas@-Plasma: Hi everyone, welcome to the first -I.D.I.C- summit

      -Plas@-Plasma: This I’m hoping in the future will be like a convention for the entire Guild Alliance and will be run on teamspeak or something similar.

      -Plas@-Plasma: For now we are running it on our main guild U.F.P. -I.D.I.C-

      -Plas@-Plasma: Just a personal note to start off with if I can.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Of course many of you know that I’ve been seriously considering stepping down from the fleet. I have some personal issues as well as the stresses of running a fleet, even a relatively small one like

      -Plas@-Plasma: ours

      -Plas@-Plasma: One of the big stresses is dealing with the varying personalities and some cultural differences relating to communication within the fleet. I’d like to think that until now I’ve done this well.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: very well

      -Plas@-Plasma: I’d like to think I have a handle on undertanding people and empathising with their points of view.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Lately Im having trouble because i’m put in a situation where I don’t want top be, the situation where I have to criticise and this may break friendships. I’m reaching the point where I can no longer

      -Plas@-Plasma: make everyone happy.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Please bare with me for 10 mins or so while I get through this opening statement. In this you may find my words a little bit harsh but the time to get things out there has come, for the good of the

      -Plas@-Plasma: fleet

      -Plas@-Plasma: This discussion like our previous meetings will be posted on the forums for members that couldn’t attend to read.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Since our last major meeting STO has changed in a big way. There have been so many changes and additions that it would be impossible to illustrate how they have all affecetd the fleet.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Starbases and now the embassy are of course the major Fleet game-changers and while on that point, welcome all to our Embassy, this being our first major gathering within its virtual walls.

      -Plas@-Plasma: To start off I have some recent announcements.

      -Plas@-Plasma: First, I’d like to congratulate LawMarshall for contributing the most to the UFP StarBase and winning the Tier III portion of the Starbase competition.

      -Plas@-Plasma bows to LawMarshall.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: Woohoo!

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027 cheers for LawMarshall.

      -Plas@-Plasma: The KDF Tier III Upgrade is coming up soon and we will soon have a winner there also. Just keep in mind that there are prize packs and time-rewards for all Tiers as well as a major prize for

      Neithy@neithu: Yeah!

      Neithy@neithu cheers for LawMarshall.

      -Plas@-Plasma: the overall contributor when both bases are at Tier V.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Second, I want to thak all the officers that have supported me as leader and have taken an active role in the fleet.

      -Plas@-Plasma: *thank

      -Plas@-Plasma: sorry just a sec…

      -Plas@-Plasma: Ok as far as this meeting will go when our discussions begin, I’d like to ask Ambassador T’par to take over as moderator of the meeting and she

      -Plas@-Plasma: will be in control of who speaks, for what duration and in what order.

      -Plas@-Plasma: when the question time comes up please type *Claps* if you wish to speak

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: I am coming

      -Plas@-Plasma: Ingrid will then give you a chance to speak and will moderate how long you have and keep you on topic

      -Plas@-Plasma: First Let me just put down some guidelines for this meeting.

      -Plas@-Plasma: You all had over 3 weeks notice to make your opinions known on the forums, in your own time. You all also had an opportunity to lay out alternative Fleet Rank structures etc for discussion there.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Given that fact, please keep your comments as brief as possible and on-topic.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Any ideas for alternative rank structures should be posted to the forums where they can get a proper debate.

      -Plas@-Plasma: To do that here would take forever. Understand whether I remain leader or not, whether a council rather than a sole leader emerges or whatever structure we decide,

      -Plas@-Plasma: these comments and Ideas of yours will be of value, put them forward.

      -Plas@-Plasma: If you are planning to propose something like this, by all means at the end of our discussion, speak up and let us know you will be doing so

      -Plas@-Plasma: and we will love to read and respond to your ideas in detail on the forums.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Now one last thing.

      -Plas@-Plasma: I had planned for several matters to go up for a vote.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Most people have advised against this.

      -Plas@-Plasma: What I will do instead is this…..

      -Plas@-Plasma: To get us going I have written several topics down that we can discuss and I can get your opinions.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Some of these are minor points, but have been annoying from a management perspective.

      -Plas@-Plasma: After we go through these I will invite anyone who has a topic for discussion, question or criticism to speak up and let us know it.

      Saruk@Bracca: Sorry I overslept!

      -Plas@-Plasma: I will especially like to hear from officers.

      -Plas@-Plasma: No prob Saruk, we are at the embassy

      -Plas@-Plasma: Ok I’ll give few minutes for people to catch up on my words

      -Plas@-Plasma: Perhaps come down here Ingrid

      -Plas@-Plasma: Ok I have 4 topis to start off

      -Plas@-Plasma: Ill post them one by one and we can discuss with Ingrid as moderator

      -Plas@-Plasma: first

      -Plas@-Plasma: Topic 1. Forums

      -Plas@-Plasma: We have made forums our main communication, however I estimate less than 10% of the fleet is using them. This is annoying as we cannot guarantee you will be up to date if you dont read them now & then

      -Plas@-Plasma: This is my question, What do you find wrong with them? or What can we do to make them more appealing for you to use?

      -Plas@-Plasma: I know that many people are out of date as well as some Officers which is the big concern for me. An officer should not be asking me when an event is being held or telling me they didn’t know.

      -Plas@-Plasma: For example about this summit, I have posted several times on the forums, Sent out two fleet mails and put in the event in our Events tab several weeks ago and I was still

      -Plas@-Plasma: asked when, where and why only a couple days ago.

      -Plas@-Plasma: over to you ingrid

      -Plas@-Plasma sits in a chair.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- ponders the situation.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- sits in a bridge officer chair.

      -Plas@-Plasma: how can i improve this for you all? is what Im asking

      Saruk@Bracca sits down.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: the only problem i have

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: is my work schedule for of you that dont know

      CatStar@Cat_Star sits in a bridge officer chair.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i work weird and long hours and most of the time i am just too tired

      Saruk@Bracca sits down.

      Xante@X-Zion sits in a bridge officer chair.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i am done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thank you Londi.

      -Plas@-Plasma: *claps

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Does anyone want to reflect or have any thoughts on this? Please type “clap”

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: clap

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Plasma you may talk

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: sorry mis read lol

      -Plas@-Plasma: I can undertsand that it’s a hassle, but with multiple games and Guilds that we are in, theres no other way of informing people easier across these different areas.

      Iskara@Ishakar: *claps*

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: londi did u want to add to that?

      -Plas@-Plasma: If there is another way people can think of i would be open to adapting it – in addition we have a facebook page and a twitter as well

      -Plas@-Plasma: sorry, im fin

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: np sorry Plas…

      -Plas@-Plasma: Kara Claps

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: go ahead i will wait for kara

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Kara

      Iskara@Ishakar: i’d say that after all advertisment we’ve made for teh forum, only those not actualy interested would not be already on forum …

      Iskara@Ishakar: also, made we shoudl place a tutorial to teach peoples how to set teh forum to automaticaly receive email notifications when a new post arrive

      Iskara@Ishakar: *rests*

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: clap

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Londi

      Xante@X-Zion: clap

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: as for plasma’s comment

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i totally agree with the forums mostly for me is i am not use to typing on the forums and just need to get into the habit

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: and make the time if i can and as for kara’s idea that sounds good

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Xante

      -Plas@-Plasma salutes Siran’ger.

      -Plas@-Plasma salutes Tetsuya.

      Neithy@neithu salutes Siran’ger.

      -Plas@-Plasma sits in a chair.

      Xante@X-Zion: the e-mail can be set but defult

      Tetsuya@cab09 salutes -Plas.

      -Plas@-Plasma: *claps

      Xante@X-Zion: and that is in forum settings

      Xante@X-Zion: *

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Plasma

      Siran’ger@Siranger salutes -Plas.

      -Plas@-Plasma: I think making a tute for the forums can be done and I will do that at the next opportunity

      -Plas@-Plasma: anyone else with a suggestion for communication, if not we can move on

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: *claps*

      Neithy@neithu: clap

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Please type ‘done when you have finished talking. thank u

      -Plas@-Plasma: sorry

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Law thank you.

      -Plas@-Plasma: done

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: quick note..the forum issue is not unique to us…this happens in all games

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: but due to multiple hgames we play..we need the forum

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- sits in the captain’s chair.

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: u will always get people not read forum or even emails..but i’m afraid its a part of it

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: i think if its on forum and u have sent email for that game to fleet..then not much more u can do

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thanks, Neithy

      Neithy@neithu: As you know STO forum is split into many subforums

      Neithy@neithu: and its sometimes hard to browse them wheres are new posts and topics

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: Yes!

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- agrees with LawMarshall.

      Neithy@neithu: i personaly like to use RSS

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- sits in the captain’s chair.

      Xante@X-Zion: clap

      Neithy@neithu: but its not set up for all of those subforums

      -Plas@-Plasma: *claps

      Neithy@neithu: maybe i just cant find it

      Neithy@neithu: ok, done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thanks Xante

      Neithy@neithu: clap

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Xante

      Xante@X-Zion: i dont know which forum we use but i know that alot of forums use

      Xante@X-Zion: rss and that they require some manual setup

      Xante@X-Zion: *

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: plasma thanks

      -Plas@-Plasma: on Laws point: I agree with his points, the only thing i would say is that for a regular member to not be up with the forums is one thing, but for officers it should be taken more seriously

      -Plas@-Plasma: on Neity’s point: All of the public forums are set up for RSS, only the private officers forums are not. In addition these feeds go to the IDIC main site ass well as the facebook page which has all

      -Plas@-Plasma: RSS feeds from forums and websites going to it in one place. if anyone needs help finding that please let me know and I can help you out

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: clap

      -Plas@-Plasma: thanks, done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Neithy had a comment thanks

      Tetsuya@cab09 sits down.

      Neithy@neithu: nevermind, done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: ok, Tibs thanks

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: i think thats enough on forums sure ill be on there every day now and so should everyone else can we move on now please next topic ty

      Saruk@Bracca sits on a stool.

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: claps

      Siran’ger@Siranger: Can someone tell me what to search on for the faceBook page? Done.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thanks Tiberius, it’s important we all discuss this and consider all possilbities. The forums are a great way to advertise our fleets and I think they are necessary.

      -Plas@-Plasma: *claps

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: plasma

      -Plas@-Plasma: The reason i brought this up first is not to bore you all. This is necessary so that we can go off and discuss these things in our own time without having to resort in this Summit etc. Ok next topic

      -Plas@-Plasma: 2. Absences From the fleet.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- salutes -Plas.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Many people are absent from the fleet for a long while and do not inform us. What do you think is an approprite length of time to wait before kicking them

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- sits in the captain’s chair.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: claps

      -Plas@-Plasma: this is a bit blunt, but intended to get convo going

      -Plas@-Plasma: done

      Neithy@neithu: claps

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Neithy

      Neithy@neithu: Londi first?

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: ty

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: sorry Londi, didn’t see ur clap there

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: as for that we use do it as a 3 month span

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i propose that we shorten the inactivity time down to one month

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: claps

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: unless we are informed otherwise that they will be gone longer

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Neithy

      Neithy@neithu: And do we actualy have to kick them?

      Neithy@neithu: Not like they are taking space or anything

      Xante@X-Zion: clap

      -Plas@-Plasma: *clap

      Neithy@neithu: at least from my experience in other game, we didnt kick those inactive

      Neithy@neithu: and when if they came back they had a place to be

      Neithy@neithu: just my opinion

      Neithy@neithu: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Tibs

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: may suggest you loose rank every 2 weeks inactivity as a officer should be on unless on holiday then gone after a month

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: if we need room when we recruit thius fleet to max force

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: one of my topics for later

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thanks, Xante

      Iskara@Ishakar: *claps*

      Xante@X-Zion: my thoughts are if kicked that they are not removed from forums definitly

      Xante@X-Zion: cause that is a great way to get back in contact

      Xante@X-Zion: *

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: plasma

      -Plas@-Plasma: On Londi’s point, i think 1 month is a good time period to set for inactivity.

      -Plas@-Plasma: On nei’s point, Im not really suggseting to kick, just wanted to get tconvo moving. At this stage with our low membership its not necessary, but we are planning for the future as well

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: claps

      -Plas@-Plasma: Tibs’s idea of rank is interesting as well. i think that we can continue this on the forums if peopel are willing to take it there.

      -Plas@-Plasma: thx Done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thanks Kara

      Iskara@Ishakar: as far as i understood we’re talking about teh membership ststus of those inactive and not about ranks/positions in teh fleet …

      Iskara@Ishakar: in this context, I agree with Nei’s position, in principle and if however we decide to still kick those inactive

      Iskara@Ishakar: i would say that each case should be treated differentiatly

      Xante@X-Zion: clap

      Iskara@Ishakar: because it is one thing when we have a member that was once active and then goes off …

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: of course alts must be taken into account you can play one toon and others are safe yes you should be active if you want to be an officer

      Iskara@Ishakar: and a totaly different thing when someone just joined, we saw them 1-2 times, then dissapeared

      Iskara@Ishakar: thanks and *rests*

      -Plas@-Plasma: *claps

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Tiberius

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: sorry i spoke out of turn done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: ok Xante,

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: *claps*

      Xante@X-Zion: well 1 if the you do that kara

      Xante@X-Zion: then that does not seam fair to others

      Xante@X-Zion: all cases should be treated the same till they return

      Tetsuya@cab09: *clap

      Xante@X-Zion: *

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Plasma

      -Plas@-Plasma: Thx, Kara raises a good point, in the spirit of fairness, so does Xante. I think that this should continue on teh forums and we move on after Tetsuya speaks.

      -Plas@-Plasma: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thank you Tetsuya please and yes let’s move onto the next topic and continue discussing in fleet and on the forums.

      Tetsuya@cab09: Thank you, in point of both Xante and Iskara, in terms of fairness and treating inactive members

      Tetsuya@cab09: in my opinion it would depend on how well the member communicates with the rest of the fleet

      Xante@X-Zion: clap

      Tetsuya@cab09: life can throw curve balls at us and we could be gone for more than 1 month

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: clap

      Tetsuya@cab09: but communication with the rest would be key to we would treat that member in terms of kicked or etc.

      Tetsuya@cab09: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Ok thanks everyone, please place further thoughts and comments on the forums, we will continue this. Plasma will introduce the next topic.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Sorry Tibs, Xan, we must move on we are 1 hour into it

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: k

      Xante@X-Zion: k

      -Plas@-Plasma: I had another two points regarding Time Zones and Officers positions, maybe we’ll only do one and teh other on teh forum and then you all can bring up topics that are of concern to you

      -Plas@-Plasma: lets go officers, the more important point of teh two

      -Plas@-Plasma: 4. Officers Duties and Positions

      -Plas@-Plasma: There is a debate on the forum on whether Officers should hold roles without actually holding events or taking care of a position etc.

      -Plas@-Plasma: We have several officer and have had several officers tht have never posted an event in over a year.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Up until now I was ok with it, but I’ve seen other officers take on the burden and try and do weekly events or even special fun events.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Do you think there should be positions in the fleet where Officers enjoy a high-rank without contributing in the way of management?

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: clap

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: thanks londi

      Tetsuya@cab09: *clap

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i do agree that some us have not posted anything and its not fair to others

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i think each of us should post at least one event each week regardless of turn out

      Iskara@Ishakar: *claps*

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: but as for me i have a few ideas for some

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: was waiting for the summit to determine where this would go

      -Plas@-Plasma: *claps

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i am proposing that i will be playing at a different time i should do more recruiting to get a all around active fleet going

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: since i am co leader of the fleet it would be good to have a officer at a different time

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: done

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: claps

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: thanks Tetsuya

      Tetsuya@cab09: Personally I believe that an officer position is a responsibility over a privilege

      Xante@X-Zion: clap

      Elim Celak@ec006: Super!

      Elim Celak@ec006 spendet Saruk Beifall.

      Elim Celak@ec006 sitzt auf einem Stuhl.

      Tetsuya@cab09: Holding a position like that would mean added roles and task that that person should be aware of and shoul be capable of handeling

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: thanks Tetsuya

      Tetsuya@cab09: not saying that all officer should everything at once but saying that being an officer is position to be taken more seriously.

      Tetsuya@cab09: done sorry completely tired and drained right now

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: sorry thought u were concluded. all good

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Kara

      Tetsuya@cab09 sits down.

      Iskara@Ishakar: i think that for us to be able to properly discuss this, we should first agree on some definitions ….

      Iskara@Ishakar: first: what do we consider a “contribution” to the fleet

      Iskara@Ishakar: second: on what period we count that contribution …

      Iskara@Ishakar: thanks and *rests*

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Plasma

      -Plas@-Plasma: *claps

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Plasma please.

      -Plas@-Plasma: I think Xante was next – I can wait

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: oh sorry ok Xante.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Oh no I was, lol sorry, go Xante

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: and Plasma then Tiberius was after.

      -Plas@-Plasma: yes, sorry

      Xante@X-Zion: llol

      Xante@X-Zion: one

      Xante@X-Zion: i also think that that needs to be decided to

      Xante@X-Zion: kara but just a reminder of time

      Xante@X-Zion: we also need to keep in mind time zones of the officers and what

      Xante@X-Zion: also we need to think about is what passitions we have over all

      Xante@X-Zion: go ahead plas ma

      [Fleet] Events System Looks Fixed – Check back often for new Events

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: thanks Plasma followed by Tiberius thanks

      CatStar@Cat_Star: claps*

      -Plas@-Plasma: I take Kara’s point, some definitions need to be eastablished. As far as roles, they are defined in the fleet rules, which i don’t think many have read in their entirety. In any case clarifying these

      Xante@X-Zion: clap

      -Plas@-Plasma: things would help alot. As for time zones, that was another issue that i wanted to bring up and this will shape our fleet going forward as I have two proposals for that issue. if we have timne we can

      -Plas@-Plasma: discuss them.

      -Plas@-Plasma: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: thanks Tiberius

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: im guilty of not making events however im always available for stf or any grouped mission and will make events if thats new standard im also happy to be demoted and stay in this great fleet and serve

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: recriutment is key here need peeps to hold events

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: claps

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: lets go big

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: ok CatStar thanks

      -Plas@-Plasma: *claps

      CatStar@Cat_Star: I think while we should see to it that we make sure each member is treated fairly, we also need to consider the fact, that ranking members should focus more on what they can do for the fleet rather..

      CatStar@Cat_Star: then what the fleet can do for them, we need to remember all our needs should count and be respected…being there is a critical part of holding rank…

      CatStar@Cat_Star: in all fairness, many have given much and do deserve recognition for thier service to us, but they do thend to get bored with it..

      CatStar@Cat_Star: and need a break, this is understandable, out of professional curtosy, stepping aside so a fresh member can take over while they are away

      CatStar@Cat_Star: shouldnt be considered as this is for us all, so we can keep the fleet moving forwaard

      CatStar@Cat_Star: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: thanks Londi next followed by Plasma please…

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: on recruitment

      CatStar@Cat_Star: sry should be*

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i think every officer should do some recruiting at least once a weeek so we can keep fleet active with fresh members

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: clap

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: a half hour at least if no one bites for the offer then oh well

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: and for catstar

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Claps.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: cat has done a lot of efforts for making events so we can keep having fun but there is no one around to enjoy them

      CatStar@Cat_Star sits in a bridge officer chair.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: hopefully we can become a very active fleet so we can more events for people to show

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: done

      Iskara@Ishakar sits in a chair.

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: ok So Plasma followed by Tiberius…

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: and then Ingrid…

      -Plas@-Plasma: Ok after Ingrid we will wrap this topic up and send it to teh forum

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: sorry I missed Xante, Xante than myself…

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: the best way i saw recruiting is in a group people see that and want to join active fleet recruitment should be event and a must

      -Plas@-Plasma: In response to Tibs. If a current officer does not have the time to plan and hold events it no shame to them, i completely understand that – becoming a full member but not an officer still lets a

      -Plas@-Plasma: member enjoy all the fleet has to offer from starbase items etc to teaming to STF’s. i don;t want Officers to feel that they have to perform to stay in the fleet

      -Plas@-Plasma: I think after Ingrid we will move onto the next phase. i will post a time-zone discussion on the forums as well as we are almost heading for 2 hours and I’d like to conclude not long after

      -Plas@-Plasma: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: thanks

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Tiberius did u want to continue your comment?

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: a fleet all lined up in uniform cool i would join in a heartbeat thats what we need to do

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: impress people

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: lets do it im in anymore ?

      -Plas@-Plasma: Engage.

      -Plas@-Plasma tells Tiberius to engage.

      -Plas@-Plasma sits in a chair.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thanks everyone for your thoughts and ideas. This will take a while to discuss and come up with a decision. i think with recruiting everyone needs to be involved, when it comes to events, it’s

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: important to get involved and support eachother. If we want this fleet to grow everyone needs to step up and take responsibility for whatever role they are given 🙂 DONE.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: what about xante

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: oh sorry xante,

      -Plas@-Plasma: Go Xante, sorry

      Xante@X-Zion: i am typing

      -Plas@-Plasma: Engage.

      -Plas@-Plasma tells Xante to engage.

      Xante@X-Zion: i am also wanting to point out that there are a lot of issues that ned to be resulved and a few my need i have undersould from the forums …

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: he is still here peoples lol

      Xante@X-Zion: and some my also be able to be resulved via a relaying out of the fleet hierachy

      Xante@X-Zion: done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thanks Plasma

      -Plas@-Plasma: Ok, now lets leave my points there.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Please check the forums I will have a plethora of points to discuss there

      -Plas@-Plasma: in the next few days

      -Plas@-Plasma: please also feel free to post your own topics for discussion

      -Plas@-Plasma: but right now, since we are all here I would like you to bring up any topics you feel can be quickly discussed here

      Vorar@MajikMonki: heya

      -Plas@-Plasma: or you may have questions for me

      -Plas@-Plasma: Hiya Vorar

      Vorar@MajikMonki: ah, sorry I missed the start of the meeting

      Vorar@MajikMonki: heya plasma

      Elim Celak@ec006: “start”

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i have something

      -Plas@-Plasma: Go Elim

      -Plas@-Plasma: Engage.

      -Plas@-Plasma tells Elim Celak to engage.

      -Plas@-Plasma: then Londi

      Elim Celak@ec006: n that was just a remark to vorar saying he missed the “start” of the meeting. the 2 hour star

      Elim Celak@ec006: 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: Oh, lol

      -Plas@-Plasma: Go Londi

      Vorar@MajikMonki: yeah, I mean I missed all the meeting, my bad : )

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: this regarding the forums real quick

      -Plas@-Plasma: sure

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: np Vorar 🙂

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i have been reading them for the past few days and i am pretty upset by them of what people have said

      Vorar@MajikMonki: good to see so many people on

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: the forums are suppose to be used for friendly discussions and future ideas for the fleet

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: not for bashing each other or other people

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: Hooray!

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- cheers for LONDI REVAN.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- sits in the captain’s chair.

      Tetsuya@cab09: indeed, unfortunately trolss like to pop every where

      Tetsuya@cab09: trolls*

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: if you have a problem with someone in particular then we get a officer as a third party and have a friendly discussion to iron things out to keep our friendship going

      Elim Celak@ec006: that doesnt work even in real life

      -Plas@-Plasma: *I’ll clarify this if I can when your done

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: because of what was said on the forums i came really close of dropping from my position or from the fleet altogether

      Iskara@Ishakar sits in a chair.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: that is why i have stuck around because we have had no drama until now

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: as for my opinion that drama can be blown out the airlock

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i will not tolerate it

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: ok done

      -Plas@-Plasma: I’ll say this, there have been some concerns regarding Leadership positions

      -Plas@-Plasma: over the last few months rumors and speculations have popped up, not without reason

      -Plas@-Plasma: I had an opportunity to discuss these with Kara – specifically regarding her case and I think we understand where all this came from pretty well

      -Plas@-Plasma: i still have to have a conversation with you Londi about this but i wont get into it here

      -Plas@-Plasma: one of teh people involved, CatStar has asked to make a statement at the end and I will let him

      -Plas@-Plasma: for now is there any other topics people wish to bring up

      -Plas@-Plasma: anything at all?

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Yes

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: I would like to say something please.

      -Plas@-Plasma: by all means Fleet Ambassador

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thank you.

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: I have been seeing people are very burnt out with grinding and keeping up with star base things.

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: As we cannot help the game conent, but we can choose to build this fleet up together or let it slip. I feel that at times Plasma has not been given the support.

      -Plas@-Plasma salutes Vorar.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: agreed

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: We have a great group of people and I would like us all to continue together and support one another. I think plasma needs help with many things etc and we need to take a role in assisting in that

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Done 🙂

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: Hooray!

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- cheers for -Plas.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Thanks Ingrid. I would like to wrap up with a couple statements

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: Yeah!

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027 cheers for -Plas.

      -Plas@-Plasma bows.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- salutes.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- sits in the captain’s chair.

      -Plas@-Plasma: i want to thank you all for taking time out of your day and night to be here

      -Plas@-Plasma: and for sticking around for so long

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027 raises the D’k Tahg.

      Xante@X-Zion: one more thing

      -Plas@-Plasma: I am going to appointing a committee of 5 members to decide on the fleet matters going forward. I will pick these out of a hat and I’ll inform you

      -Plas@-Plasma: This will also include the fleet leadership, candidates for that i feel must be made of past and current officers, not the general membership

      -Plas@-Plasma: There is also a suggestion of their being a fleet council to lead, this will also be in consideration

      -Plas@-Plasma: please check the forum “IDIC SUmmit over the next few days for more info and to debate

      -Plas@-Plasma: Now is there any final business?

      -Plas@-Plasma: besides the fleet photo, lol

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: yes well done plas great meeting ty all who came

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: let cat speak

      -Plas@-Plasma: Thank you – Then i will ask Tactical Chief CatStar to make his statement as requested

      -Plas@-Plasma bows to CatStar.

      CatStar@Cat_Star: typing..

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz bows to -Plas.

      Vorar@MajikMonki salutes -Plas.

      CatStar@Cat_Star: Ok, im going to get right to the point, there are hard feelings about me and i would like to have anyone who feels bitter about me plz speak up and let me know of anything you wish to say. I think ..

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- sits in the captain’s chair.

      CatStar@Cat_Star: allowing this matter to be settled is very important…after which i will ask u one last thing..

      CatStar@Cat_Star: anyone?

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: cat the only i have said we already made ourt peace

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: our

      -Plas@-Plasma: i will say something

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: no prob with the CatStar

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: go ahead plas

      -Plas@-Plasma: I would stand with CatStar like I would with anyone from the fleet. i dont want him to go, like I dont want any of you to go. All I ask is that we are constructive in our criticism from now on and

      -Plas@-Plasma: as fair as we can be.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: tlhIngan maH!

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- dedicates a toast to CatStar.

      Iskara@Ishakar: *claps*

      -Plas@-Plasma: But respect cat, if you have a problem please speak up

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- sits in the captain’s chair.

      Vorar@MajikMonki: Woohoo!

      Vorar@MajikMonki cheers for CatStar.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Go Kara

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: as i was going to say

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Hooray!

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz cheers for CatStar.

      Saruk@Bracca sits in a Lounge chair.

      Iskara@Ishakar: I don’t have a problem with you Cat 🙂 never had … only thing is ….

      Saruk@Bracca sits in the captain’s chair.

      Iskara@Ishakar: put yourself teh same question and if you have a problem with someone here, please speak up 🙂

      Iskara@Ishakar: *rests*

      CatStar@Cat_Star: I bring this up beacuse in order to funtion together, we have to get along…heres my question, i am willing to leave the fleet should anyone feel they are unable to work with me. ….to answer iskara

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: cat i have never had a problem with you until you posted that message on the forum

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: but

      CatStar@Cat_Star: which one

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: dont remember right now but we had a nice chat about it

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: and if you leave i will kick your butt back into the fleet

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027 salutes CatStar.

      -Plas@-Plasma: doesn’t matter which. people were offended, but there are reasons which i will discuss with Londi later on in private

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- blows a kiss to CatStar.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- sits in the captain’s chair.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: Hooray!

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027 cheers for CatStar.

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Yeah!

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz cheers for CatStar.

      CatStar@Cat_Star: i am willing to let it go yes…but want to make sure my presece wont be aloud to interfear

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: you are not leaving that is a order :}

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: LMAO

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: sorry Londi lol

      Iskara@Ishakar: from my part, as we discussed about an year ago, i stand on what i said then … you’re presence here is more then welcome

      CatStar@Cat_Star: thats all i have to say

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: same here

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- does the Robot for CatStar.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: done

      -Plas@-Plasma: Alright, last thing

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- does the Running Man!

      -Plas@-Plasma: If the Leader of teh KDF fleet wants to make a comment she is welcome

      -Plas@-Plasma: General O’Drade (Kara)

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027 does the Running Man for Saruk.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- sits in the captain’s chair.

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Rock it!

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz serenades LONDI REVAN with an air guitar solo.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027 coughs all over Ingrid T’par.

      Iskara@Ishakar: as i said on forum, I feel that due to my RL issues i failed running KDF for teh last 3 months, so I’ll step down from that position

      -Plas@-Plasma: or Admiral Revan, you have the fleet here, take advantage if you wish

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: ok for some of us that dont know

      Iskara@Ishakar: as a final act I want to summon a council formed by teh following members to decide on teh one who will take charge of KDF

      -Plas@-Plasma: sorry Londi, pls finish Kara

      Iskara@Ishakar: those in that council are: Plas, Londi, Ingrid, Cat, Nei and myself

      Iskara@Ishakar: i submit to your approval this motion

      Iskara@Ishakar: *rests*

      -Plas@-Plasma: I agree, but don’t want you to go

      -Plas@-Plasma: ok Go Londi

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: we also have a guild formed on SWTOR and i run it its free to play we have both sides formed over there if you are interested

      -Plas@-Plasma: Yeah!

      -Plas@-Plasma cheers for LONDI REVAN.

      Neithy@neithu: on what server?

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: the harbringer

      Iskara@Ishakar: Harbinger

      Neithy@neithu: US?

      -Plas@-Plasma: the best of servers

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: yes

      -Plas@-Plasma: US West Coast

      Neithy@neithu: is transfer possible? im in EU

      -Plas@-Plasma: hmm, not sure, I think you can

      Iskara@Ishakar: i’ll answer that

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i believe they have a server transfer option

      Iskara@Ishakar: you cannot transfer yet, they will have the transfer option sometimes in december, they say …

      Iskara@Ishakar: but they promissed that since march

      Iskara@Ishakar: only transfers allowed were certain very specific ones, when they wanted to consolidate the servers

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: we are small over there as well but i would like to see more numbers over there if you decide to play

      Iskara@Ishakar: so, if you want to join it wil be safer to make another toon

      Iskara@Ishakar: *rests*

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: one more thing

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i will be redesigning the command structure over there as well

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: ok thats it for me

      Iskara@Ishakar: *claps*

      -Plas@-Plasma: Thanks Londi

      -Plas@-Plasma: Go Kara

      Iskara@Ishakar: that was about the dark side

      -Plas@-Plasma: Engage.

      -Plas@-Plasma tells Iskara to engage.

      Iskara@Ishakar: on teh light side there is a guild too

      -Plas@-Plasma: Yeah!

      -Plas@-Plasma cheers for Iskara.

      Iskara@Ishakar: that will be run by a council, not by a single leader

      Iskara@Ishakar: the first componence of teh council is teh following:

      Iskara@Ishakar: Plas, Londi, Ingrid, Cat, Nei and myself

      Iskara@Ishakar: if they choose to play, of course

      Iskara@Ishakar: after that, we will decide together

      Iskara@Ishakar: *rests*

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: sorry akra

      -Plas@-Plasma: Thanks Kara

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: kara

      Iskara@Ishakar sits in a chair.

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: were u takling about the jedi fleet or kdf?

      -Plas@-Plasma: Jedi

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: ok

      Iskara@Ishakar: Jedi … light side 🙂

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027 dances like a Jester for Ingrid T’par.

      CatStar@Cat_Star: very kind, but i had to cut back on toons here to keep up with what they have going in sto

      -Plas@-Plasma: Ok, Thanks all for coming, you guys are great to have stayed so long

      -Plas@-Plasma: 2.5 hour meeting and you are all still here

      Neithy@neithu: not gonna play light side for sure, you can check me out 🙂

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: now lets have a party hehe

      -Plas@-Plasma: please follow me for a photo

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: Bring down the house!

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- tears up the dance floor with Iskara.

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: the dark side beckons you nei

      -Plas@-Plasma: in a line under the fed symbol

      CatStar@Cat_Star: time issue

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: i’ll talk to u about swtor soon kara

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: Bring down the house!

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- is tearing up the dance floor!

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: in uniform?

      -Plas@-Plasma: in line all

      -Plas@-Plasma: find a spot

      -Plas@-Plasma: Tibs, lol

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Saruk, Vorar come on guys or are u sleeping

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: ^^

      -Plas@-Plasma: lol, they fell asleep

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: sorry ti took your spot lol

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: lol

      Neithy@neithu: please hide those monkeys

      -Plas@-Plasma: ok all take a shot if you can so we have multiple

      Vorar@MajikMonki: heh heh

      Elim Celak@ec006: hey! i look that way 😛

      -Plas@-Plasma: no monkeys please

      -Plas@-Plasma: Kill those monkeys

      -Plas@-Plasma: Tet I cant see you

      -Plas@-Plasma: thats it

      Vorar@MajikMonki: hmm… away?

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: trying to get rid o him

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: hold on

      -Plas@-Plasma: turn off mugatos please

      Vorar@MajikMonki: whoops

      -Plas@-Plasma: Cat come into the shot

      CatStar@Cat_Star: zzzZZZzzz…

      CatStar@Cat_Star slumbers peacefully.

      Tiberius@-Tiberius- mixes things up a little!

      -Plas@-Plasma: ok one monkey left

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: LMAO

      -Plas@-Plasma: kill it

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: this is hilarious lol….

      CatStar@Cat_Star: Pick me!

      CatStar@Cat_Star wants to be chosen.

      -Plas@-Plasma: Ok all ready

      -Plas@-Plasma: take some shots all

      Neithy@neithu: how do i hide ui?

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: lol Catstar ^^

      Xante@X-Zion: fleet unir

      -Plas@-Plasma: print scrn will do it auto

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: LMAO here

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: i have some coold shots woo hoo

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i am done

      -Plas@-Plasma: pu tyour arm down cat, lol

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: what a fine fleet we have

      Vorar@MajikMonki: cool

      -Plas@-Plasma: woo, some great shots

      -Plas@-Plasma: all done?

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: yes

      Saruk@Bracca: yep

      Vorar@MajikMonki: yup

      -Plas@-Plasma: woo, dsmissed all – thanks for coming

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: WOOO

      Iskara@Ishakar: thanks for teh meeting Plas 🙂

      Iskara@Ishakar: was great to see you all 🙂

      -Plas@-Plasma: Your welcome

      Vorar@MajikMonki: thanks for the meeting

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