Home Forums IDIC – FLEET SUMMIT NOVEMBER 2012 Fleet Structure Proposal: Kara

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    Fleet Structure Proposal: Kara

    The following structure is the one that I was thinking as a guildline for any of the Guild Alliance guild/fleet, adapted for STO-UFP RP.
    Basicaly, what we need would be 2 types of structures. First (unrelated with RP) would be that for guild administration and the second, the one for RP related stuff.

    As for the first I see the following levels:
    F1. Guildmaster
    F2. Two Wardens
    F3. Council members
    F4. Deputies of the council
    F5. Oficers
    F6. Lieutenants
    F7. Members
    F8. Candidates
    F1, F2 and F3 would form the command body (The Admiralty).
    Each member of the F1, F2 and F3 would have the right to select a deputy who would inherit its powers on its behalf and responsability (sort of council apprentice)
    F5 would form the Officer’s council – basically tasked with operational duties (missions coordination, events planning)
    Each of the F5 members would have the right to appoint a deputy who would inherit its duties and powers on its behalf and responsability.
    F8 – candidates – those newly accepted in the guild
    F7 – normal members

    RP wise we could have the following ranks:
    S1: Fleet Marshall
    S2: Fleet Marshall Deputy
    S3: Fleet Admiral
    S4: Fleet Vice-Admiral
    S5: Rear-Admiral
    S6: Captain
    S8: Lieutenant
    S9: Ensign
    The mapping between the two types would be the following:
    F1 -> S1
    F2 -> S2
    F3 -> S3
    F4 -> S4
    F5 -> S5
    F6 -> S6
    F7 -> S7
    F8 -> S8

    This way, we will have enough ranks to give to members for their interests in guild activity plus there will not be necessary to give higher ranks for those that wants to coordinate missions/operations as we will have the “Officer Council” for that.

    The Admiralty would remain as a supreme body, that would get involved only if sees fit, acting as a warrant of stability over time and as last resort decission body for fleet matters. Also, the Admirality, actualy reflects on the fleet level the Guild Alliance board.

    I think this structure would meet both operational and RP necessities.
    Of course, the actual titles to be used would be the “S” ones. The “F” ones were only defined to specify the roles and to be easier to be understood (for instance in cross-guilds matters), as those would be the same for all guilds in Guild Alliance.

    In case of appointed deputies, those cannot be alts of teh toon that makes the appointment.

    Also, only one toon of a person would be allowed to be part of the S2, S3, S4 ranks alltogether. The rest of teh toons of that person would have to cope with the ranks below S5. This way the Admiralty will remain small and the fleet roster will not look like full of Admirals only. I see this restriction as a matter of aestetics 🙂 This restriction can also be extended to any command position.

    I don’t consider that there must be demotions for absence, as this is a game and after all, a promotion is, in the end, a sign of trust. As we won’t impose limits for how many will stay on each rank, we can always promote those interested in getting involved in fleet activities to teh appropriate rank to allow them to actualy get involved.

    Promotions to “Rear-admiral” would be proposed by the Officer Council and sanctioned by Admirality who will always have the veto rights on that. The ranks under Rear-admiral will remain to be granted by any officer who has the “Rear-Admiral” rank or above. The Admirality retains the right to also promote to “Rear-admiral” any officer, as it sees fit.

    Also, the “Rear-admiral” positions can also have special assignements linked to them as: quatermaster (tasked with the Starbase project), ambasador, strategist (tasked with tactics for team missions), etc.

    This kind of structure would be also consistent with Star Trek universe, as in the Admiralty rarely intervenes in the day to day story line, but provides the resources for all UFP fleet activities.

    If any questions, please post them on this forum and I’ll reply to them asap.

    Post count: 2368

    Please keep responses on-topic and related to the specific points in the proposal. I will be moderating posts heavily from now on.

    Non point-specific comments have been moved here http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=381

    Post count: 2368

    I will be making a determination on this topic soon. I think there has been more than enough time to discuss it.

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