Home Forums IDIC – FLEET SUMMIT NOVEMBER 2012 Fleet Structure Proposal: CatStar

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    Post count: 2368

    Fleet Structure Proposal: CatStar

    I have posted my ideas in picture form so none members cant copy.

    Post count: 2368

    Please keep responses on-topic and related to the specific points in the proposal. I will be moderating posts heavily from now on.

    Non point-specific comments have been moved here http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=381

    Post count: 2368

    I see what you are doing with this, I remember you talking about bringing the Star Trek Aspect back to the game. How about instead of IDIC Command, you have it Star Fleet Command, and instead of having that one branch named Hazard team, they just be Star Fleet Officers? That way its set up more like the U.F.P. with its titles. I think your Hazard team idea should still remain volunteer oriented, that way if there are casual gamers in that branch, we can accomidate thier needs to. Volunteers can be our regulars, and they can just put “Hazard team” in thier toons message bar in the roster.

    I like what I see so far, this will give me a chance to become a leader if I want. outside the game you said one of the challenges for when new members come in, is getting to know our vets and people like myself who arent always on when the main group is. I think Plasma has provided this solution with the forum. We get to know people by thier words and actions, all the screen shots and verbal submissions paints a picture of us all. As well as what we have to offer the fleet.

    But will I be able to switch branches if I tire of what im doing?

    Post count: 2368

    Yes, that would be a good idea for the names, should everyone agree upon it. I also agree with you about the Hazard team, it was originaly supposed to be volunteer. I also hope everyone understands that while it may appear like its designed for grinding, I set it up this way for a more orderly function, to give thier branch a localised goal, so they arent over burdened by trying to fill it all, nor should one or two people be expected to carry everyone else. You can contribute acording to what you can spare or wish to contribute, so we can have more time to focus on the game itself. This does leave it open for competitions and stuff too between branches. My intent is to avoid chaos of a lack of structure, I did put some time into this and tried to accomidate everyone, even casual gamers…ill explain. Being in one of the officer branches, you can have any amount of players there, they can login at any time they wish, the over all design is to not only to give a more star trek feel to the game again, but to allow freedom to enjoy to choose what they want to do. As for Captains, they would be apointed by the Admirals, hopefully people who are regulars due to thier important role. The Admirals pool allows for the setup board like ive seen in the shows, to avoid the will of one. Ive been in fleets ruled by Tyrants, they can be unfair and selfcentered (this was why ive been leary of joining fleets in the past) “Two heads are better then one” if you wish to switch to a different branch, just inform the Admirals where you wish to be placed, as they control the promotions and demotions permissions. Another casual position I have added, is section 31, they only need check in on admirals every so often to make sure things are running smoothly…and it is infact a very important position, they have the most trust of everyone, because they keep people from looting banks, and allowing chaos to fall upon the fleets leadership, or changes to the fleet structure to accomidate personal favors. (this does happen) thankfully not here!

    I welcome any questions or additions you may wish to share about this idea, please feel free to inquire me at anytime. Pleae do so on the forum, so others may see too.

    Post count: 2368

    sry plasma, I know you said not to post another thread unless we cant help ourselves, but the temptation got to me 😛

    Post count: 2368

    HAHAHAHA! Smart@$$!

    Post count: 2368

    When I get a bit more time, I plan to put into more detail exactly what this plan can do for the fleet. I would ask everyone to have a good look at what I propose, the RP aspect aside, it will provide an environment for everyones needs, while it is designed to encourage an active fleet, its also designed to ensure that everyone will benefit from it too. I believe that no matter what you do in life or in an MMO, you only get out of something what you put into it. Thats why we have been so successful so far, we all came together and have achieved alot. This fleet is our gaming legacy.

    I also have another proposal that adds to the RP aspect as well, guild leaders visiting from thier respected games to our main fleet IDIC fed. be given an Ambassidors ranking (Fleet Captain level) just llike when reciveing outer faction dignitaries, Picard would accomidate honored guests and see to thier needs. It would be the Flagships responsibility to see to them, technically they would be entreated to choosing what our activities would be durring thier visit and join us in and lead the team. I would like to know what you guys think of this idea as an additive for my structure. But as for having members in more then one fleet, thats breaks IDIC protocol and as fleet tactical officer, I would have to protest that.

    Post count: 2368

    I love this idea and you’ll have my support for it 🙂
    Also, if I can help you in any way to refine it, please let me know 🙂
    I also agree with your last statement about other fleets membership. Yet, it should be carefully checked out, as, by our own rules, the restriction only refers to being part of a command structure of other fleets, if I am remembering correctly. Maybe also a more detailed regulations on this matter would be needed.
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    I was just wondering, with a theme dedicated to Star Trek will we have to wear the uniform? It is kind of drab, I prefer a bit more color in what I wear, a room should light up when I enter it 😎

    I agree, it would be difficult to have people who are in different fleets, should we ever go up against thiers in a PvP, who would they ally themself too. I remember my brother once saying, “You cant serve 2 masters, because you will love the one and hate the other. Its what you put your whole heart into that decides your loyalty.”

    Post count: 2368

    RE: CatStars- Ambassador Pass idea

    I like this idea and that it promotes the ideals of Star Trek and creates the feel & role play aspect of it within the game. Above all it is a fair proposal as it means if another guild leader from another game participates in an event etc on STO or any other game, it means they are respected like an ‘Ambassador’ and vice versa.

    Agreed – Regarding any game played in the future, this aspect can be versatile and catered to that content of the individual game!

    Post count: 2368

    Well not just for star trek, if u remove the star trek theme from it and call all the ranks by other names like, section 31 could be a sith lord to rule a guild, the head of a klngon house. The admiras could easily be a council, and all offiers below, …well, what ever they are called, they will still have the same important functions that all guilds would need, dividing up equally the jobs. One branch earns for prizes and makes contests, one recruits and teaches new members our guilds ways and rules, the 3rd is our elites that train and workout tips and tricks for the rest of the guild. Flagships can be field commanders or generals, jag officers can be inquisitors or watch commanders. The council/Admirals can alocate thier resources and members as needed, depending on thier guilds/fleets/super groups current needs. Example: in star wars, jedi lead an army of clones to battle, sometimes they may need to pull other jedi or troops from other assignments to a more critical need, same thing for super groups, picture the avengers split up on other assignments, thiercommander or even nick fury may need to assemble them for an ememrgency, in star trek, admirals sometimes pull ships from other assignments to accomidate a situation like the borg. If you use your imagination enough, my template for a productive guild/fleet/supergroup/house can be very versatile and be used to overcome any challenge we may come across. We must also never forget the fundamentals of IDIC, to be able see to all player types and all play styles, this template should provide room and the freedom to choose the path that suits most any player type we admit to our guild. Even if they tire of what they are doing, they can switch at any time and takeup another assignment.

    If anyone has any questions or ideas they wish to add to this comment or my idea that inspired this page, please send them my way.

    Post count: 2368

    These sound great ideas Cat, and I will support them as well 🙂

    Also Hi guys, Been so busy with work that I haven’t had a chance to see you guys when you are on 🙁

    But I have been active and contributing to the projects on both starbase and Embassy…although most of it has been to the embassy.

    Anyway I’ll be around as often as I can spare 😉

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Saruk,

    Great to hear from you!

    Not a worry about not being on when you usually are. We look forward to teaming with you soon and thank you so much for your contributions 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    There are some great ideas here and the discussion is a lot more constructive since the summit. I will be spending this weekend going over CatStar and Kara’s proposals in-depth as they seem to be the only comprehensive submissions at this time. Please forgive me for not getting my responses in sooner, but I have some RL personal issues as some of you would know in addition to technical issues, such as an Internet ISP changeover.

    Post count: 2368

    I will be making a determination on this topic soon. I think there has been more than enough time to discuss it.

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