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    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,

    This is a quick breakdown about the events I have posted up on the fleet events tab.
    My aim is for the fleet to not just do a few things together, but to have fun and to learn.

    What has been posted and why:
    Every Monday night 7:30PM AEST – Fleet STF runs.
    Purpose: I know we have done quite a few space fleet runs over the past year, but this event is for getting us as a fleet to run some ground stf’s. We have had so far a few runs through the new Hive ground (normal level) with a full team from the fleet. It is a challenging stf even on normal, but it is alot of fun. It is a great stf for making sure you are aware of your surroundings. My aim is for us to keep trying this stf if we get 5 fleet members otherwise I will arrange for space elite stf runs for that evening.

    2 Sundays a month 7:30PM AEST – PVP events
    Purpose: 1 Sunday is for ground pvp testing against other fleet members. This is a chance to test out your skills, try different combinations/kits/weapons and to enjoy it without being called a noob or yelled at like can happen in non fleet events.
    To learn though is the primary reason for this event in a good team environment. Ask questions of the others and adapt to the situation.
    Side note: we have a lot of great pvp players and some with very good knowledge who are willingly open to sharing that information. So this is great for those who want to just have a blast and for those who want to play around with their toon configuration.

    2nd Sunday PVP event, 7:30PM AEST
    Purpose: This one is purely designed for fun factor only. It is for shuttle pvp against fleet members. We have available a wide array of shuttles to choose from now in the game. It would be interesting to see how they can perform or last against certain weapons. Good practice though too for those that like doing ‘The Vault’ shuttle events.
    I have made an option with this that after a turn in the shuttles we can switch to our normal ships to have a go in space pvp too. This is an option if those participating would like.
    This again is great for those that would like to tweak their ships configuration/shields/weapons etc.

    I do hope we can get a few to join in with these events.
    Look forward to seeing you on the battlegrounds.



    Post count: 2368

    Woo, thanks for this update Law.

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