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    Post count: 2368

    FAQ SERIES: Lobi Scavenger Hunts

    For those of you who didnt know, they have added a hidden accolade in each of the rerun missions. I have checked all of the Devidian series, and found them all. Searching for hidden treasure is something ive always enjoyed in a game. Heres screen shots of thier locations in each level. Skrimish: On the table along the cat walk when your scanning dead Cardassians. Spin the Wheel: When scanning the replicator and stuff, go behind the bunch of cargo shown. What lies Beneath: Just as your locked in and get attacked by spiders, there is a ramp leading to a catwalk, run up and to the end to find it. Everything Old is New: After you collect all the stuff you need to assemble the machine (before u go to fight the devidians), go around to the other side from where you remodualted the frequency whatever, there is another console, thats your Lobi. Night of the Comet: I didnt try this when I first arrived because i thought it would be inside the station…I spent 30 min looking around…nothing. So I decided to finish the ship part…nothing, so i scanned the area and behold it pointed me right to it. Behind the comets trail was a small asteroid with your final Lobi.

    Post count: 2368

    Due to a file size issue, I had to shrink the pics so they would fit.

    Post count: 2368

    Last two, enjoy =^.^=

    Post count: 2368

    Rule of Acquisition #40: If you see profit on a journey, take it!

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks I’ll look out for that 😎

    Post count: 2368

    This weeks Lobi Quest is in the Reman rerun. In the Vault, look under the thaleron radiation generator after talking to the reman boss. there are crates just underneith with your Lobi. Luna helped with the next two. In Mine Enemy, in the cavern with the Horta, scan the egg Luna is standing next to. IN the episode Frozen, check the minimap so you rin the room shown, and scan the console Luna is standing near. Thanks Luna for your help.

    Post count: 2368

    In Coliseum, the Lobi box is glowing in plain sight on the way to the cave. In Cutting the Cord, CatStar and Makorkin teamed up again for another adventure 😀 The last staiway before the boss has a crate to scan for your last Lobi. Good luck and have fun =^.^=

    Post count: 2368

    Dont thank me, just pay me. I am a professional adventurer after all, finding treasure in a game is my specialty! :mrgreen:

    Post count: 2368

    This weeks Lobi hunt is hosted by the beautiful, sensational, gaming genius; Luna. Ok so heres the scoop on this weeks rerun locations.
    Bodly they Rode: Kneel at the alter in the Bajoran chapel. Facility 4028: The console my toon is staring at behind the security terminal. After freeing Miss Wishy-Washy. Of Bajor: After beaming to the planet, run around behind the teleporter building and scan, it will lead you by a pillar, kneel down and scan the fishy, he has the Lobi.

    Post count: 2368

    Second Wave: Run up to the top floor of Quarks bar and scan this console.
    Operation Gamma: In the background you can plainly see the starting point where you meet the Ferengi, turn to your right and head to this satelite for your Lobi.
    Thats the conclusion for this week, so lets get out there and win some Lobi, hugs and kisses everyone!

    Post count: 2368

    Breen Series Lobi Crystals. Here are the first three. Due to time issue ill retype this with instructions tomorrow.

    Post count: 2368

    Catstar’s a slacker! Alrighty I shall finish this. Out in the Cold: Inside the Zaria mine, the last room near the purple plant. Cold Comfort: Top left corner of the big map, on the side of the door you will find a console to scan.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for the effort in making these guides Cat and Luna, I’m looking forward to future updates if and when new hunts come up 🙂

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