Home Forums IDIC SPECIAL: U.F.P. INAGURAL CELEBRATION EVENTS ROUND-UP EVENT 5 ***Celebration Party*** Multiple Events

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    EVENT 5 ***Celebration Party (multiple prizes + events)*** Information

    Event Date: Sunday July 1st at 6:30 pm (GMT+9:30 Adelaide) -Please check the fleet events tab for your local times

    EVENT 5a *** D’Kora Raffle Tickets Give-Away***

    @-Plas will be giving away 4 more raffle tickets early in the event for the D’Kora raffle to be drawn at this event (See point E Below)

    There may be a quiz or he may just give them away, who knows? 😉

    Prizes: 4 x Raffle Tickets


    CANCELLED EVENT 5b ***Fleet Dress Uniform Winner Announcement***

    @Ishakar will be announcing the winner of the Dress Uniform contest. (For details see Event 2 information)


    EVENT 5c ***Door Prizes***

    @-Plasma will be giving 3 door prizes. Highest roll wins!!

    3 highest rolls will each receive:

    1 x Fiery Party Popper
    1 x Holo Emitter – Model CH-12703 Space Transport
    1 x Gekli Pet
    1 x Polytrinic Acid Horta
    1 x Danube Runabout Pet
    1 x Dilithium Horta Pet.

    EVENT 5d ***IDIC Fleet Foundry Mission***

    @-Plasma will launch Version 1. of the Fleet Foundry Mission.

    The most creative review will win a prize (to be drawn on the 7th of July (see Event 6 for competition info).

    EVENT 5e ***D’Kora Raffle*** Information

    -CatStar & @Carina_Regazza will be raffling off a Ferengi D’Kora Starship for the fleet.

    All members may buy tickets. Here’s how;

    First donate 500k to the bank per ticket, then mail @-Plasma your name/donated amount/and numbers (you get to pick 1 number per ticket). They can then check the records of deposits to verify.

    The numbers will be between 1-100, @-Plasma, will post the date/member/number or numbers selected for each participant, as received in this forum: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=152

    If you choose a similar number, you will be asked to choose again, first come first serve. Times will be marked on mail sent.

    Chosen number will be determined openly using Emote Roll Dice (d100), we will roll until someone’s number comes up. The winner will then be able to claim their prize. Those unable to attend or stay for the finale will have their prize mailed to them.


    Winner will receive: D’Kora Starship
    Runner-Up will receive: Holo Emitter: D’Kora + Set of 6 Ferengi Officers (Very Rare Purple) 3 Females + 3 Males, all Careers + 10 Gold Pressed Latinum Boxes
    2nd Runner-Up will receive: Holo Emitter: D’Kora + Gambling Device + 5 Gold Pressed Latinum Boxes


    CANCELLED EVENT 5f ***Fancy Dress Costume Contest*** Information

    , @Ishakar, @CatStar will be the judges for our fleet fancy dress contest.

    The successful candidates will be judged on the following: Originality – Creativity – Imagination

    The Awards will be given to the 3 best costumes created. After the candidates have presented their costume, our judges Ingrid, CatStar and Kara will discuss each costume and make the final decision. The award ceremony will take place straight after the decision has been finalised

    Candidates who wish to participate in the fancy dress costume and cannot attend the contest have an opportunity to enter and will be judged fairly on the costume presented.

    Please email your screen shots to Ingrid, or post on the forums viewtopic.php?f=78&t=166 by June 30th and state in the subjects section ‘Fancy Dress Competition’ -screen shots and the name of your toon.

    Ingrid Email: ingalansto@gmail.com


    Winner will receive: 1million EC + DS9 Costume Pack + Choice of 3 (MKXI or MKXII) items from the fleet Bank Rewards tabs
    Runner-Up will receive: 750000 EC + DS9 Costume Pack + Choice of 2 (MKXI or MKXII) items from the fleet Bank Rewards tabs
    2nd Runner-Up will receive: 500000 EC + DS9 Costume Pack + Choice of 1 (MKXI or MKXII) items from the fleet Bank Rewards tabs


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