Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET Double XP Weekend coming up next :)

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    Post count: 2368

    Progress faster with a Double XP Weekend! Get twice the experience from February 13th at 10:00 PST/18:00 GMT to February 16/17th at 23:00 PST/07:00 GMT!

    Post count: 2368
    Post count: 2368

    Hi all, how did everyone go with leveling during the double XP?

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for inviting my alt (Sh’ian) back into the Jedi guild Plas. It was great to have the double xp weekend, I managed to level Ja’lana a little more, she will finally reach 60 soon!

    Hope all is well!

    Post count: 2368

    Heya Ingrid,
    So nice to have you back with us 🙂
    I hope to see you in-game too 🙂
    all the best,

    Post count: 2368

    As for the double xp, I’m starting of running out of pre-55 toons 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for the welcome

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