Home Forums IDIC – FLEET SUMMIT NOVEMBER 2012 Discussion 4: Time-Zones and Recruiting

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    Discussion 4: Time-Zones and Recruiting

    Please feel free to post your thoughts. We are happy to hear any comment be it a few words or a whole page, feel free to speak within this fleet.

    As a reference and for those that may not know what their GMT is please see the two charts below.

    GMT+0 London Time

    GMT+0 London Time Map – Illustrates the separate zones + or –

    To convert your own time please visit http://www.timeanddate.com

    Please note: This was not discussed at the summit due to time constraints.

    Post count: 2368

    Time-Zones have been a problem for this fleet as we have members from all over the place. The majority of US players are people that game at very late or early hours, while European and Oceanian players can usually catch each other when morning in one place is evening in the other.

    The question is this, Do we want to become an Oceania heavy fleet? What is the opinion of the non-Oceania members?

    This does not mean that we will be excluding US or EU members, however our main recruiting focus will be in the GMT+9 (2 hours before-2 hours after) mainly Australian Players.

    I am obviously proposing this as it will be easiest for me to deal with, so I’m being self serving. I am interested in hearing your opinions and alternatives. At the end of the day if a US person is recruited in US day-time and only plays in the daytime I will only see them on Sat or Sun on the occurrence that I am playing in a non-standard fleet time. This is also true in the reverse for US players.

    In a post-summit thread Luna commented http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=385#p1297

    There arent usually people on when I play, its rare, plus not everyone is willing to talk to me, that makes me sad. I hope I can find and recruit some new people to add to my play time. Durring the week, im generally on from 12pm to 2pm new york time. This varies, but I try to get in at least an hour of gaming per day. I enjoy getting to team up for raids, and could use some help acquiring fleet marks for our Star Base assignments, im trying to unlock Elite personal shields for us before I unlock the next Shipyard Tier, thanks.

    In a post-summit thread Ingrid commented http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=385#p1308

    Recruitment is a very challenging aspect in any fleet. Every fleet wants active members, ones that contribute, ones that team up frequently etc etc… If only this could be true and real. Sadly, realistically it is important to realise that this is not ‘normal’ especially in many MMO based games. We are always going to have times where we might be the only ones on in the roster , we may not always get to team with other members as often as we would like. I think it is important to understand that this is not the case, due to time zones, real life and other games taking priority it means that we can not always be on. All the same, we must not loose hope. Instead find ways where we can accommodate such changes and work together to overcome them the best way we can.

    A few thoughts have been mentioned to assist those members who come online often and find themselves the only one in the roster. One idea that may work is having a group of consistent members and officers within their time zone to recruit as many new folks as possible. It could work, but a lot of hard work is needed to ensure it actually happens. However, at the same time issues could arise as it means the other officers or leaders whom play at other time zones do not get to meet these new comers, it would be as though the fleet was divided into two parts based on each of the time zones. I believe a fair decision needs to be made regarding the time zone of IDIC – this needs to be realistic and also noted that we can not possibly accommodate every individual member based on their geographic location. At the moment we have many USA, UK & European members whom play during the Australian time zone (thus this was our original idea as our founder was from Australia). It has worked so far, but I can see other members are feeling isolated from being the only ones online. Let’s continue to post our thoughts and discuss!

    Post count: 2368

    I will be making a determination on this topic soon. I think there has been more than enough time to discuss it.

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