Home Forums IDIC – FLEET SUMMIT NOVEMBER 2012 Discussion 1: Forums and Communications

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    Discussion 1: Forums and Communications

    Members who were not at the summit please feel free to post your thoughts. Members who were present and wish to make additional comments may do so. We are happy to hear any comment be it a few words or a whole page, feel free to speak within this fleet.

    Please note i have edited the transcript to remove the ‘claps, gestures and dones’ for the full transcript please follow this link http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=388

    Summit Transcript Excerpt

      -Plas@-Plasma: Topic 1. Forums

      -Plas@-Plasma: We have made forums our main communication, however I estimate less than 10% of the fleet is using them. This is annoying as we cannot guarantee you will be up to date if you dont read them now & then

      -Plas@-Plasma: This is my question, What do you find wrong with them? or What can we do to make them more appealing for you to use?

      -Plas@-Plasma: I know that many people are out of date as well as some Officers which is the big concern for me. An officer should not be asking me when an event is being held or telling me they didn’t know.

      -Plas@-Plasma: For example about this summit, I have posted several times on the forums, Sent out two fleet mails and put in the event in our Events tab several weeks ago and I was still

      -Plas@-Plasma: asked when, where and why only a couple days ago.

      -Plas@-Plasma: over to you ingrid

      -Plas@-Plasma: how can i improve this for you all? is what Im asking

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: the only problem i have

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: is my work schedule for of you that dont know

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i work weird and long hours and most of the time i am just too tired

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i am done

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thank you Londi.

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Does anyone want to reflect or have any thoughts on this? Please type “clap”

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Plasma you may talk

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: sorry mis read lol

      -Plas@-Plasma: I can undertsand that it’s a hassle, but with multiple games and Guilds that we are in, theres no other way of informing people easier across these different areas.

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: londi did u want to add to that?

      -Plas@-Plasma: If there is another way people can think of i would be open to adapting it – in addition we have a facebook page and a twitter as well

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: go ahead i will wait for kara

      Iskara@Ishakar: i’d say that after all advertisment we’ve made for teh forum, only those not actualy interested would not be already on forum …

      Iskara@Ishakar: also, made we shoudl place a tutorial to teach peoples how to set teh forum to automaticaly receive email notifications when a new post arrive

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Londi

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: as for plasma’s comment

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: i totally agree with the forums mostly for me is i am not use to typing on the forums and just need to get into the habit

      LONDI REVAN@JONAS1027: and make the time if i can and as for kara’s idea that sounds good

      Xante@X-Zion: the e-mail can be set but defult

      Xante@X-Zion: and that is in forum settings

      -Plas@-Plasma: I think making a tute for the forums can be done and I will do that at the next opportunity

      -Plas@-Plasma: anyone else with a suggestion for communication, if not we can move on

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: quick note..the forum issue is not unique to us…this happens in all games

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: but due to multiple hgames we play..we need the forum

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: u will always get people not read forum or even emails..but i’m afraid its a part of it

      LawMarshall@LawMarshall: i think if its on forum and u have sent email for that game to fleet..then not much more u can do

      Neithy@neithu: As you know STO forum is split into many subforums

      Neithy@neithu: and its sometimes hard to browse them wheres are new posts and topics

      Neithy@neithu: i personaly like to use RSS

      Neithy@neithu: but its not set up for all of those subforums

      Neithy@neithu: maybe i just cant find it

      Xante@X-Zion: i dont know which forum we use but i know that alot of forums use

      Xante@X-Zion: rss and that they require some manual setup

      -Plas@-Plasma: on Laws point: I agree with his points, the only thing i would say is that for a regular member to not be up with the forums is one thing, but for officers it should be taken more seriously

      -Plas@-Plasma: on Neity’s point: All of the public forums are set up for RSS, only the private officers forums are not. In addition these feeds go to the IDIC main site ass well as the facebook page which has all

      -Plas@-Plasma: RSS feeds from forums and websites going to it in one place. if anyone needs help finding that please let me know and I can help you out

      Tiberius@-Tiberius-: i think thats enough on forums sure ill be on there every day now and so should everyone else can we move on now please next topic ty

      Siran’ger@Siranger: Can someone tell me what to search on for the faceBook page? Done.

      Annotation: The Facebook site URL is http://www.facebook.com/theguildalliance

      Ingrid T’par@Alanna_Boraz: Thanks Tiberius, it’s important we all discuss this and consider all possilbities. The forums are a great way to advertise our fleets and I think they are necessary.

      -Plas@-Plasma: The reason i brought this up first is not to bore you all. This is necessary so that we can go off and discuss these things in our own time without having to resort in this Summit etc. Ok next topic

    Post count: 2368

    I think the overall consensus here was that the Forums should be used more by all members of the fleet. If you have an alternate impression of what was said or an alternative view that has not yet been brought up please post.

    I am happy to address any RSS issues on an individual basis so that we can get that working for you if you wish to be informed in that way.

    Post count: 2368

    Hi All,

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post and future posts. I have been thinking about the forums and communications aspect within the fleet. I have to say I think all of our fleet members have and can have access to the forums frequently and in ways it is not an excuse not to know what is going on. The disappointing factor is that many do not check the forums regularly or even months on end and thus when it comes to events, meetings and discussions they have no idea what is going on and fall behind with the latest news for -I.D.I.C.-. The other fact is the in game mail. This is also used as a back up for communications, events, meetings, summit information from past and present. The communication side of things have been of a very high standard thanks to Plasma for all the hard work in designing this website and others who continue to use the forums. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with the forums and the way it is set up, yes it might need a bit of tweaking as everything does in time, however the main point is everyone is informed through it and in the game mail.

    We have encouraged people to use it and been understanding regarding the reasons why people can not use the forums etc. I believe it comes to a time where we need to discuss guidelines and regulations regarding this aspect. A fair and just proposal for everyone, but at the same time ensures that the forums are being used more frequent. If this does not happen, really there is no point to continue with the website as it costs money and above all a huge amount of effort has gone in for the up-keep of it. An idea could be, if the person has the rank of Commanding Officer and above (present rank of IDIC) a requirement for having this rank is that the forumsand/or gamemailshould be checked once per week. If that person is away or on holidays, or with extenuating circumstances of course that is a valid reason and totally understandable. The question is if it is not a valid reason and simply because someone has forgotten and continues to not know what is going on, what fair and reasonable guidelines should be established?

    Please note that every member is valuable, you are just as important as the leaders within this fleet. We love to hear from you on here, even if it is to say ‘hi’. It doesn’t have to be an academic essay. Your opinions and ideas are valid and you are also 🙂

    I look forward to talking with you soon 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I’m going to start making final determinations on the summit issues as I think there has been more than enough time to discuss them.

    Forums and Communications

    Commanding Officer and above (present rank of IDIC) are required to check the forums at least once per week. If that person is away or on holidays, or with extenuating circumstances of course that is a valid reason and totally understandable, however they must post in the Leave Of Absence forum just as you would if you are away from the game.

    There is no real penalty to neglecting the forum, however if you do not know what’s going on I will not be inclined to renew your position as a Commanding Officer in the future 😉

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