Home Forums IDIC – JOINT FACTION ENGINEERING CORPS: FLEET HOLDINGS Construction Updates 24-28, 19 Jan 2013

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    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Updates 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28 – Saturday the 19th of January 2013

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    Thank you to all for contributing this past month and over the holiday season. Because of the holidays I didn’t expect many projects to be completed, but surprisingly we have achieved quite a bit over th elast month.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    Star Base Report

    Upgrade Projects:

    Upgrade Communications Array III: In Progress

    Special Projects:

      Staffing: Queued
      This Special Project will add Exocomp officers to the starbase.

    Winter Event 2012: Completed
    We have completed the Winter Limited Special. This added an ornament to the star base commemorating the 2012 winter event.


    Embassy Report

    Upgrade Projects:

    Upgrade Emabassy to Tier I: Completed
    We have completed the ‘Upgrade Emabassy to Tier I’ project. This has added mail access and new visuals to the embassy Lobby (Columns and a window into the Nanov reasearch area.


    Upgrade Recruitment Facilities: Completed
    We have completed the ‘Upgrade Recruitment Facilities’ project. This has added new Duty Officer slots, Green Romulan Doffs, New Ground Kits.

    Upgrade Diplomatic Facilities: Completed
    We have completed the ‘Upgrade Diplomatic Facilities’ project. This has added new Threat-Scaling Science Consoles, Reinforcements and the Psionic Pacifier.

    Special Projects:

    Belongs In a Museum: Completed
    We have completed the Belongs In a Museum project and this has added artifacts to the Embassy as well as a monument to the Sword of the Raptor Star.


    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defence Force

    Star Base Report

    Upgrade Projects:

    Upgrade Star Base to Tier III: In Progress
    We are currently working on the Tier III Upgrade project that will bring the base in line with the Federation facility.

      Upgrade Communications Array III III: Queued

      Station Security Officer On Starbase: Pending

      Contract for Bartender On Starbase: Pending

      Contract for Ship Customization Officer on Starbase: Pending

      Station Security Officer on Starbase: Pending

    Special Projects:

    Staffing: In Progress
    This Special Project will add Feresan officers to the starbase.

    Winter Event 2012: Completed
    We have completed the Winter Limited Special. This added an ornament to the star base commemorating the 2012 winter event.


    Embassy Report

    Upgrade Projects:

    Upgrade Embassy to Tier I: In-Progress

    Upgrade Recruitment Facilities: Completed
    We have completed the ‘Upgrade Recruitment Facilities’ project. This has added new Duty Officer slots, Green Romulan Doffs, New Ground Kits.

    Upgrade Diplomatic Facilities: Completed
    We have completed the ‘Upgrade Diplomatic Facilities’ project. This has added new Threat-Scaling Science Consoles, Reinforcements and the Psionic Pacifier.

    Special Projects:

    Belongs In a Museum: Completed
    We have completed the Belongs In a Museum project and this has added artifacts to the Embassy as well as a monument to the Sword of the Raptor Star.


    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    At the time of this post, these were the top 5 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂

    Star Base



      3. *@ISHAKAR

      4. @CATSTAR

      5. *@-PLASMA


    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Weeks 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28

    Post count: 2368

    That Breen ship looks good in the KDF SB, it almost looks like a beer ad.

    Post count: 2368

    Bit of a hectic week this week for me. The construction reports probably won’t be done ’till this coming weekend sometime, sorry to those that follow this closely.

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