Home Forums IDIC – JOINT FACTION ENGINEERING CORPS: FLEET HOLDINGS Construction Updates 20-23, 13 Dec 2012

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    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Updates 20, 21, 22 & 23 – Thursday 13th of December 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    Thank you to all for contributing this past month. Because of the addition of the embassy and the time it is taking to complete projects across the two fleets I have decided to write this report on a monthly basis. If there are any urgent developments i will add supplementary reports in this same thread.

    Star base Winter Event 2012 Special Project
    Just a quick note on this limited project. The amounts of holiday items needed to compete this is quite high, however we have nearly completed this task on the Federation-side. In addition the devs have posted about this on the official forums stating that if it is not completed by the end of the Winter Event there will be a way to complete it and get it out of the way for future projects, so we need not worry about this blocking future projects.


    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    Star Base Report

    Upgrade Projects:

    There have been no upgrade projects in the last month.

    Special Projects:

    Winter Event 2012: In Progress
    We are currently working on the Winter Limited Special. this will add an ornament to the star base commemorating the 2012 winter event.

    Works of Art: Completed
    We have completed the ‘Works of Art’ project and we now have a series of mannequins in starfleet uniforms on display at the star base.


    Embassy Report

    Upgrade Projects:

    Upgrade Diplomatic Facilities: In Progress
    During the last month we have brought the embassy to near-Tier 1. What we need is to complete the ‘Upgrade Diplomatic Facilities’ project and we should be in full Tier 1.

    Special Projects:

    Belongs In a Museum: In-Progress
    We are currently working on this special which will add artifacts to the Embassy lobby.

    Nanov, Nanov: Completed
    We have completed the Nanov observatory project.

    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defence Force

    Star Base Report

    Upgrade Projects:

    Upgrade Star Base to Tier III: In Progress
    We are currently working on the Tier III Upgrade project that will bring the base in line with the Federation facility.

      Contract for Bartender On Starbase: Pending

      Contract for Ship Customization Officer on Starbase: Pending

      Contract for Security Officer on Starbase: Pending

    Upgrade Shipyard III: Completed
    During the last month we have completed the Shipyard III upgrade. Several new fleet ships have become available.

    Special Projects:

      Winter Event 2012: Pending

    Works of Art: Completed
    We have completed the ‘Works of Art’ project and we now have a new piece of artwork on display at the star base.


    First One, Then the Other: Completed
    We have successfully completed this special adding an enhanced conference room to the base.


    Embassy Report

    Upgrade Projects:

    There have been no upgrade projects in the last month.

    Special Projects:

    Belongs In a Museum: In-Progress
    We are currently working on this special which will add artifacts to the Embassy lobby.

    Nanov, Nanov: Completed
    We have completed the Nanov observatory project.


    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    At the time of this post, these were the top 5 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂



      3. CATSTAR

      4. *ISKARA

      5. *-Plasma

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Weeks 20, 21, 22 & 23

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