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    Post count: 2368

    I have 2 avatars, both are ready for battle, and can lead the fleet as needed. But What Face would you llike to represent you in the gaming community?

    Battlecat: A Ferisan using Jem”Hadar gear, packing assorted power weapons. With a Barbarian look to him.

    Corsair: A formaly dressed, no nonesence avatar. Carrys a sword and pistol, uses the latest Romulan tech.

    Post count: 2368

    In all seriousness I would say BattleCat for a couple of reasons.

    1. In STO the Feresan race is a fully integrated species in the Klingon Empire. The Romulans are just using Fed or Kdf to train and build up their forces and are not a fully integrated race in the KDF. Romulans in essence are their own faction even if aligned one way or the other. So I would say that a leadership toon should be a Klingon Character or a full KDF allied species.

    If this was a fleet conceived as a Rom-KDf fleet then by all means a rom leader would be appropriate.

    2. We all associate your characters with a feline and from my perspective I don’t feel that needs to change.

    That is just my opinion.

    Post count: 2368

    What Plas said. LOL. I agree that even though your Rom looks cool, I think from a KDF point of view I think it’s best to have a Klingon faction race as the leader. But that’s just my 2 cents. Besides, I like the cat.

    Post count: 2368

    This was actually what that meeting I canceled was going to be about, I instead turned it into a poll. I was going to ask everyone if they wanted to go the Romulan route or stick with the KDF one. The only thing it would change would be the rank names and the fleet uniform. This way is more efficient as not everyone could have made the meeting at the same time.

    I like to have my people involved in the fleet functions and activity, its important to me that everyone has the same chance to drop thier 2 cents. Every time you take the oportunity to speak up and take part, you strengthen our fleet and help to rally us together by holding up our banner. Participation and communication are our life blood, thats why I have started allowing some early promotions for those who contributed by teaming and effort to making this a more active fleet. Send me a mail or message should you need a hand or have a question.

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