Home Forums CHAT: GENERAL CatStarSTO =^.^=

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    This thread is for all things related to my cats. You can find my work here http://catstarsto.com have a look around and see if there is anything to make you smile. I have been reviewing peoples foundry missions and just added a meditation page for Jedi Master Meow. :3

    I have also decided that when the option to change ur toons race comes up, I will turn Maverick into Jedi Master Meow (caitian), instead of using catstar for that theme. This will also give him the Ebon Hawk to start with.

    Post count: 2368

    Alot of intersting content being created by CatStar here, its not easy creating a site from scratch and even harder to fill it with content people want to read. Congratulations on what you’ve done so far 🙂

    Besides the fun of it, I think most useful to the STO community will be the Foundry reviews. A foundry review site could be a success all its own now that I think about it, imagine how many foundry missions will be created over the years 🙂

    Keep up the great work. I strongly urge everyone to take a look and support our fleet-mate 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Ill be working hard to keep everyone relaxed and loose, drop by and let me entertain you :3

    Post count: 2368

    hehe funny pics, yeh true we all need to relax.

    I’ll spread the word about your Catstar website to our new allys…

    Post count: 2368

    Omagosh! Meowstar just told me he was invited to host one of the Foundry Round table Podcasts!! I want to join him so bad!! no fair 🙁

    Post count: 2368

    oh my :O how cool!!!

    Please let us know how it goes CatStar… Awesome stuff!!

    Post count: 2368

    It didnt go on at all, I had waited all weekend on skype for them, and no answer. I got snubbed by the Foundry Round Table that weekend! The website was a failure, no visitors come any longer, no requests for reviews now. The only real interaction was when Idrona first came, but nothing from her now, instead, Idrona now gets requests to reviews, hers are better as she videos them to her youtube account. I paid for a year on that website, and did the best I could with it, and had time too. But it just didnt take off so im going to let it drop when it runs out, I just wasent meant to entertain people. I have also decided (as much as i hate leveling) to make a Romulan when its released to replace my ferisan, the lolcat theme has run its coarse I think, and I get the impression its whats held me back from actualy getting support and involvement all these years. So im going to hold back from doing that theme as it seems to cause more and more people to distance themselves, and while im trying to build up an active fleet the last thing this guild needs is something that would repel possible new active members. From this time forward, CatStar is retired, and my focus will be to the Klingon fleet only!

    Post count: 2368

    I don’t think that the answer is to go for one fleet or the other, it’s supposed to be ONE -I.D.I.C- regardless of faction. Whether the KDF or UFP side completes it’s holdings first or never it doesn’t matter. Whether an event on one side or the other is better attended, again it doesn’t matter. The risk as leaders is our time, do we want to put aside our time for an event that may not be successful? I think its worth it overall. As far as the holdings competition goes its for individual contributions regardless of what faction a member puts their resources into, so there is no more incentive to put into one or the other. Some things work out and some things don’t, people are coming up with thousands, millions of ideas everyday and most of them turn to nothing, I wish everything we come up with could succeed, that doesn’t mean we should give up on stuff.

    Post count: 2368

    I’m not an expert at websites, from what I saw it was obvious a lot of effort had been placed into it. It is all ‘time consuming’ and it is challenging when things like this happen 🙁 Above all if it isn’t fun or if it is a burden it is important to think about the next stage. However at the same time there will always be mountains to climb and once we climb over it and face it, anything is possible.

    We have an amazing group of people in -I.D.I.C- as a whole and together we can accomplish many things. I think it is important that we seriously think about what we all want to do and achieve in both fleets and create an action plan. I like to think that whatever faction I am involved in with IDIC whether it be for FED or KDF that I am there and ready to assist 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I can understand where you are coming from cat. Remember that is why only one of us is can only be a leader of one of our guilds. Also the old saying goes you get out what you put in. With me being the guild leader of our star wars guild I did not put a lot of effort into it because I realized that STO will be very time consuming as well, so I have set my rules there to be very casual. If we were playing in the same time zone it would be very different and the KDF fleet would be higher or the same as the fed side. After we had our GA meeting a while back I was upset with some of the stuff that was laid out but I just realized it was water flowing under the bridge so just be patient we will get there eventually.

    Post count: 2368

    I was talking about my projects for entertaining people outside the guild to advertise our fleets, but the only responses I got where hate mail, each one kept getting more and more personal, and the last few really touched a nerve! Not one of them spoke in favor of anything I did, nor have I been mentioned anymore on the STO forums…not missed eather. Those guys where right, all my efforts did was to make a fool of my self, to try to push something no one wanted. :/ So I gave up on the website project, and meant I was done working on Fed side toons too (all cats). When the Romulan Patch comes up I have laid out plans to make a Reman using the same jem’Hadar setup. Thier specs fit my play style better then the Romulans abilities do.

    All my Bridge officers will use the Jem sets, my toons will use the XII lobi version, plus the crystal sword. Ive taken a real liking to the Jem escort carrier and XII ship set, so I will be using that on this one too ( a lot of thought on this) Ive found a small combat advantage that balances out for a good middleground build using this. I will use a science officer again to take advantage of the tip neithy showed me (works great) and everything will be for all out fast paced asshaults like i did with catstars ground tactics.

    My reman will replace Battlecat eventually once hes setup. This will make sure I dont look bad infront of everyone, or make the fleet look bad should those guys who wrote me be spreading all they said about me to others. The lolcat theme was just for laughs, nothing else!! But its done now!

    Post count: 2368

    I hope you don’t delete CatStar – I’ve sent you a skype message, lets talk about your site and salvage it. I don’t think your reviews etc should be wasted, lets do a JJ Abrams and reinvent it 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I decided to take someones advise and post some of the messages i got on the STO forum, here is the link. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=9809171#post9809171 Just look for my last post.

    FYI, the moderator edited out the message from the 3rd, it said: “Queer!”

    Post count: 2368

    I have just read the STO forum link that you placed up CatStar…
    I am very disgusted and sad that people have wrote such things. I understand what you were doing with creating a website to entertain people and I don’t know what was wrong with that, everyone should be given a chance and not be bullied in this way 🙁

    I understand that this has tainted you completely especially using any Caitians… Remember there are many people in here who do not support this behaviour nor agree with it at all. Your CatStar theme has entertained people for years, it has brought fun and joy to many people in STO. I hope you will remember that, I can say I will miss teaming with CatStar- he was my favourite toon that you RP 🙂

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