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    Post count: 2368

    I like both of the uniforms that you have made. Either one looks classy 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Heres the KDF Fleet report for the week. We could still use as many Fleet Marks as we can get, our members have been doing a fine job in its construction.

    On another note, teaming has been down a bit due to beta testing, but as Leader of this fleet, any time one of my members sees me on and needs a hand or has a question, let me know. Im here to help!

    I am also putting up a bounty for Tribbles, the first member that finds a “Tribble Hunt” exploring mission will win 1 million EC. To collect this, you will have to save it until a team is gathered, lead by me, Plasma or Neithy. Once a team has been gathered all members must have thier team pose around a large tribble pile for a screenshot so we can start to document our hunts. I plan to create a webpage called Tribble Hunting Club, with our screenshots, some time in the near future. I would also like to get videos of different ways to destroy them ^^ 😆

    Post count: 2368

    The new look coming soon, Snake Eyes. Romulan faction.

    As for the outfit I came up with for our new uniform, not all will have the costume unlocks available so I will keep our old one. Even Romulans can use that one.

    Post count: 2368

    I prefer the uniform you have on your boffs, that one looks pretty cool. What about the hoodie? is is available to everyone?

    Post count: 2368

    @Neithy wrote:

    I prefer the uniform you have on your boffs, that one looks pretty cool. What about the hoodie? is is available to everyone?

    I guess u would look good in a white dress….XD No really, that unifrom will only be available for the reman side toons. I dont know if everyone will have em so I wasent sure if i should enstate it. But yeah, That uniform would be a great addition to our fleet and really make us stand out if everyone was willing to make a toon for the new faction. The hood is only avalable to remans, as are the goggles.

    Looks like im going to make an alien for the romulan faction so I can pull off the mask look for this theme. The Saurian face colored black and the Geordie visor works well. PLus I can start the game with the jem minigun and that crystal sword from the lobi store, and they level up with me ^^

    Post count: 2368

    Snake Eyes 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Attention members of the KDF fleet, please remember to sign up for the Fleet Cup. I need to kno how many are coming, last year we where left short handed and due to a lack of KDF members. With more joining our fleet, this can improve our chances. Eather message me or neithy, or even better, respond to this thread to let our Guild and fleet know if you will be representing your fleet this year. -Cat

    Post count: 2368

    I’ll join too, if the date and time of the event will allow me to be online. I’ll let you know when the date/time of the event will be published.
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    I’ll join also and will use Ingrid.

    Post count: 2368

    I’ll Join up with Selar my main KDF toon, I’m off that weekend so I should be able to partcipate.

    Post count: 2368

    Please check your STO mail and UFP & KDF Events Tabs for dates and times.

    The CUP event is on the 22/23rd of June

    Ill post time zone info tonight and you can get all this info in this forum viewtopic.php?f=156&t=569

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