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    Post count: 2368

    I have taken a real liking to this uniform i have created so im going to change policy on it so I can wear it all the time. Its the standard fleet uniform now, but the same rule still applys, its only requested durring meetings and formal gatherings….but now u can wear it anytime if u want. It has a formal Imperial look to it I think, and I always try to dress cat to look like a noble.

    Post count: 2368

    Cat love the work you’ve done with the fleet, will have to pop on as either N’Rumia(my Ferasan) and Selar(my Orion). Sadly work has been keeping me a bit busy more out of worry then anything that I’ve not been on as much as I normally am for either my FED toons or my KDF ones.

    Post count: 2368

    RL has had me really busy, plus I have video requests to film and 3 new foundry requests to play and typeup, so my teaming participation will be kinda light until I catch up…but I will make it a point to do our FLeet report before the weekend is over.

    Post count: 2368

    Here is our current standing for this week, posted as of Sunday afternoon. We have 2 new members @dlighted22 and @Rex_Morgan. Welcome to our fleet, should you have need of anything, including a team mate, feel free to ask. It will be a few hours yet, but we should have 20 more personal provisions available for members, who wanna try out the new Elite gear, but please until we get them built up just take 2 for now, so all of our regualrs can have one too.

    Post count: 2368

    Here is the report for this week as of Saturday afternoon. Plus I would like to welcome back mobbyKPL, drop by our fleet sometime and lets do a mission or two. We have a few new members this week as well. B’nera@mechalegzilla, Kasteisy@Robbie2683 and Alaphur@haxxeron.

    Post count: 2368

    woo, its going well, thx Cat

    Post count: 2368

    Im wanting to have the Fleet cup this weekend, there will be 3 cat-egories, ground pvp, space pvp and trivia. We need the Ambassidor of her assistant to be be the judge. They wil count the kills for each team for both pvp, then make up 15 questions for the trivia. lAst years winner (fed side) will get to answer first, if they are incorrect, the other team answers, then we switch back and forth, each side getting to start thier own question. I will being sunday morning my time at 2:30am (chicago time)
    (questions must be about STO)
    KDF plz see me this week if u can for training, so we can get organised, and who/how many are coming.

    Post count: 2368

    I will try and be on over the weekend to support the event. I’m having a bit of a bad week, but I’ll do my best 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Thx Plasma, its been nuts for me this week, Ive been on the go! Ive even had sis to help me on the game and uploading my videos for me. With summer getting close im going to be rushed for time again. But tomorrow im taking a day off, I will be on and off all day. My ROmulan is nearly level 10, one of the missions im about to start on there allows u to choose a faction, so once your level 10 u get to pick a fleet it seems. Both me and Luna have been playing the same toon there, so if you see Tribblenaught-R it maybe her. Her account doesnt have Tribble access.

    KDF members, we need to get together for some training, the Fleet cup is this weekend and we need to get organised and a team together, plz contact me if your coming. I have some tactics I wanna practice too before we face the contest. We have more in the fleet this year that are active so we should have a fighting chance this time! Plus this is a formal event, those with rank, will be required to wear thier uniforms for this event, lower ranked members arent required, but it would show support for your fleet.

    NOTE:Members of KDF, please read the fleet structure I have provided, it will be your responsibility to keep up with your status for promotion, this insures you are paying attention and tells me that your really wanting to be apart of this fleet and its functions. After you have met the qualifications, message me that you are ready for and want to be promoted, then we will work out a time for your trial, if available when asked, we will complete your initiation then. I have been relaxed with the first week trial of new memebrs and just been automatically promoting members after thier week is up…not knowing if they had an interest in it or not. Communication is vital to any group or team! Please try to keep up with this thread, bookmark it and help us keep things going.
    What I ask of every member, is 2 things…1: Please read this thread once a day to keep up on news for your fleet. 2: If possible, please run at least 1 fleet mission per day (if playing) to help us with the star base items. This fleet is casual, so its just a request, not mandatory.

    Post count: 2368

    Im afraid I will have to cancel our Fleet Cup for this weekend, we didnt get enought available members to get us going. Sometime in the near future we can try again. :/

    Post count: 2368

    Maybe we can have the cup as the main events leading up to the 2nd -I.D.I.C- anniversary this year. We can make the events EPIC, this gives us a month or so to work out times and advertise 🙂 what do you think?

    Post count: 2368

    I like the idea of having it with the anniversary. This will be a fun event, been quite a bit of PVPing going on lately.

    If anyone is like me, I have a LOT of work to do tweaking my various ships anyway…. I’m cannon fodder for the likes of Law and Cat 😆

    Post count: 2368

    I missed last weekends report due to a lack of time, but I was able to get it prepaired for this week. Below is our current standing in the fleet. Congratz to those promoted, there where many this week.

    We are still looking for more members should you come across any who wanna join. Remember to bookmark and check this thread at least once a week, once per day would be even better you never know when something important may come up. Plus we may not get a chance to always meet in game, so communication here will help out me and our other members to hear from you. When you see one of your mates on, remember to say hello. Taking the time to get to know one another will go a long way to creating strong teams, a successful fleet, and good friends to game with!

    As some of you may have heard, once the Romulan patch is added, I plan to gather teams to start leveling together so we can gain access to our fleet quicker. If you are short on EC when you begin to level your toons, let me know and ill give you a hand. Those who take the time to level a Romulan and join them to our fleet will be given a reward for special service to our fleet. The quality of the prize will be determined by the speed that you leveled them.

    Donating to our fleet is more then just earning fleet credits for the new gear, you help your mates advance further, the further we all bond together the stronger our fleet becomes as a whole. Please share what you can, and help where you may, but the most important thing is communication…idle water becomes stagnate, the more water flows the stronger it becomes.

    If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please send them my way. My current board member is Neithy, so you can ask him should I not be available.

    Post count: 2368

    Let me know what you think of this uniform to replace our current one? I think it looks more formal, but I would like to know if its something you would like to wear too.

    Post count: 2368

    Looks good, but will we be able to use it on KDF and Romulan characters respectively?

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