Home Forums CHAT: GENERAL CatStar VS Flash Dashing

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    Post count: 2368

    Its time to see who is better, these two will be competing in a number gauntlets. For more information on whats going on, check out my website at http://catstarsto.com look for the page, CatStar VS Flash Dashing.

    WHo will come out on top, the cat, or the man?

    Post count: 2368

    I look forward to seeing this. Wow this is a hard choice, can I place a bet on who I think will win hehe 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Lol, I dont think anyone cares…Idrona seems to be carring the Foundry review torch now. I seen her thread, the requests are pouring into hers, and people stopped asking me for a couple weeks now. I checked her youtube channel, shes been doing this for a couple weeks. I think I may have ruined my rep by coming up with a voice for cat…I should have used FLash for the website theme i think, catstar was a longshot, and this gimmick has run its coarse. Blast, I wish I had used FLash :/

    Post count: 2368

    Hmm sounds like competition… It always exists and people want to ‘out do’ others -sad thing 🙁 Still there is only one ‘CatStar’ & you can’t keep a good cat down though-good and bad he has always pounced back. Don’t give up on the CatStar website, it is very good . . . All the effort and money you spent on it and him in game, he deserves a chance!

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