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    Post count: 2368

    I will be looking for someone interested in learning how to use a sword as a main weapon, I will instruct one person at a time, taking them as my apprentice. I will also cover how and what to use for kits for a blade user, as well as being prepaired, tactics and strategies for surviving and getting the most out of this art. Once you pass, you will be awarded a special weapon. =^.^=

    If interested and want to try out, please be available!

    Post count: 2368

    Once we get a few disiples of this art for our fleet, maybe we could even start our own regiment, and be used as shock troops to drop in the middle of a group of enemys, breaking up firing lines, while shooters cover us. Adding one to a team could be helpful…if u remember how I fight using catstar, im usually agro in a group, I make them turn thier back to u, to allow them to be hit with flanked attacks by ur fire, while i cut them down from among thier ranks.

    Post count: 2368

    This came to mind again, hehe 😆

    Post count: 2368

    CatStar with a Brittish accent? facepaw

    Post count: 2368

    I don’t want to divert this thread into unrelated stuff but I have never heard of that show, lol – looks interesting 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Lol you sure Plas remember ABC tv shows… Yeh I checked it out, I think I may have seen it as a kid way back in the 90’s- not sure as there were a lot of animae cartoons out then.. Love those type of shows!

    Post count: 2368

    BTW Cat, if the offer is still going I’d like to be one of your aprentice and learn to use the blade. Every time you use that sword with CatStar you are fierce- the force is surely strong in you master!!!

    I hope we can get a few more also as it is fun and something different to do.

    Post count: 2368

    The offer is still there, but it requires good control of ur mouse, can u wrap ur paw around that?

    I recomend a sword, but I can teach u how to get the most out of any melee you would prefer.

    Post count: 2368

    LOL I’ll have to get a good mouse then, they keep telling me that, I think it is time to get a decent one :geek:


    Post count: 2368

    lol CatStar as puss’n boots and with a Spanish Accent…

    It could be….

    Post count: 2368

    OMG I couldn’t stop laughing at that video!!! 😆 I need to teach my kitties to stand up like that!

    Post count: 2368

    LOL i’d love to see that in real life.. 😆 If you do, post a shot of them 🙂

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