Home Forums Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) General Discussion & FAQ Can’t quite put my finger on it but…

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    Post count: 2368

    …there is something about SWTOR that when I sit down at my PC makes me prefer log into STO first. I don’t know what it is but SWTOR seems…more lonely…or I can’t quite connect with my characters…or something. Do any of you get this feeling?

    I just changed my subscription from six months recurring to one month recurring because I’m not sure about it. I remember being bored with STO at the very beginning though so perhaps I just need to give it more time.

    Even though I usually can’t get into fantasy genre games, I might give Rift a try.

    Post count: 2368

    I’m feeling a bit like that too. For me its the size of the universe, and not having a lot of people around that I know when I’m playing. Also I feel that the STO toons are more connectible because we can customize them so much and all the gear is easily viewed and laid out.

    I think that TOR does need that teaming aspect more than sto. I can quite happily play with STO by myself and not worry about it, but TOR I enjoy more when there is a team around.

    I’ve done the per-month sub too, just in case.

    Post count: 2368

    I tried playing last night but I struggled so I cancelled my sub this morning before it kicked in. 🙁

    I might subscribe again in the future but I’m just not into it at the moment; I would rather play STO. Let me know if you guys plan any events or anything as it might give me an excuse to play again. Until then I look forward to seeing you all in STO. 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    It feels the same here too. For me i guess is mostly because of its outmost resemblance with WoW (which i didn’t liked at all) especialy at the higher levels (after lvl 25-30).
    The damage-tank-healer model for group missions is just dull but as most of the SWTOR players are former WoW players, they just embraced it. And because of that, when you join a group for a common mission (heroics or flashpoint) all you hear is the lithany: damage-tank-healer, without any involvement within the game story line, just technicalities, made for win. That is the reason for what i gave up doing any heroics/flashpoints, at least until we will be able to gather more STO players with less “damage-tank-healer” obsession in their heads with whom to gather together for those missions.
    Another reason could be the server-oriented models which practicaly only puts you in contact with like 10-30 players at a time, at least for some levels. It happened to me many times to only see like 3-5 players on an entire planet which is pretty lonely.
    Best regards,

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