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    Post count: 2368

    CANCELLED – EVENT 2 ***Fleet Dress Uniform Contest***

    Please be aware that this event has been cancelled

    Event Dates: RIGHT NOW until the 20th of June 2012. Entries can be submitted to iskara07@gmail.com or posted in THIS FORUM here

    Your design will be showcased on our fleet website and voting will take place on our forums from the 20th of June. The winner will be announced on the 1st of July at our party. One entry will be chosen to be the new fleet Dress uniform and the uniform will be worn at our awards ceremony on July 7th.


    1. Entries must be submitted by June the 20th.
    Participants can either post in THIS forum or send their entry by email to (iskara07@gmail.com)

    The entry must be at least 1 image (or more) of the proposed dress uniform. For the purposes of fleet ranks etc, the Fleet Admirals reserve the right to modify your design.

    2. The winner must provide the specifics for building up the uniform. Costume piece names and where they came from (regular, C-Store, etc), color codes for each part) must be provided within two days of being announced the winner.

    3. Each participant may eithersubmit a single uniform prototype for all ranks or one prototype for each rank i.e. officer, command staff and flag officer.

    4. The following costume parts are not allowed to be used and will disqualify the entry: the ambassador coat and any of the veteran coats (the idea is that everyone to be able to use the uniform).

    5. Multiple proposals for one fleet member are allowed, if they will be clearly differentiated.

    6. The winner will be chosen by a pool vote on the forum that will take from June 20th until June 30th. In case of a tie, the flag officer will decide the winner.

    On a final note (regarding the ambassador/veteran coats): after choosing the dress uniform for the fleet, fleet members that have the ambassador/veteran items will be able to use them as dress uniform for them, as long as they follows the color codes set by the official dress uniform. This is because those parts reflects some special abilities/ranks/positions and they shall have the opportunity to display them.

    For any questions please feel free to contact me, either directly by email at iskara07@gmail.com, either by in-game mail (Iskara@Ishakar).

    Good luck to all of you,

    Please post your entries below 🙂


    Winner will receive: Choice of 3 (MKXI or MKXII) items from the fleet Bank Rewards tabs + 1 Borg Prosthetic – Maintenance Drone Mk X [CritH]x2]
    Runner-Up will recieve: Choice of 3 (MKXI or MKXII) items from the fleet Bank Rewards tabs
    2nd Runner-Up will recieve: Choice of 2 (MKXI or MKXII) items from the fleet Bank Rewards tabs

    Post count: 2368

    Heres my entry. I used this for Flash since he was the heroic type. Its basic black/white and trimed in gold, I tried for a nobility look that i think will compliment our fleet, since we should look diginfied and stand out. PLus the badge shuld have meaning too, like a rank. The one hes wearing will be for the leaders, the next down with the medal should be for senior officers. Jr officers wear decorated badges, and members wear plain badge.

    Post count: 2368

    Looks good, Cat!

    Post count: 2368

    nice one 😀

    Post count: 2368

    We have alot to be proud of, why not look like Nobility? …like any cat :3

    Post count: 2368

    Very True..

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