Home Forums IDIC SPECIAL: U.F.P. 2nd ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION EVENTS SCHEDULE + INFO ** Big Thanks to BattleCat and Plasma**

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    Post count: 2368

    A special thanks goes to BattleCat and Plasma for organizing such a successful fleet cup event. The -I.D.I.C- KDF fleet were the lucky winners for today and took the trophy home. Everyone did well and the event was enjoyed by all. Please continue to check the forums as we will be having more events happening in early July. We will also be honoring those members who have been promoted on the FED and KDF side this year and will have a promotion service. Please keep an eye on these forums for more information. 🙂 [attachment=0:22sskmmv]screenshot_2013-06-23-18-49-19.jpg[/attachment:22sskmmv]

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Ingrid and congratulations to the KDF Fleet for winning the Cup this year.

    Post count: 2368

    Plas and Cat, thanks very much for a wonderful time. Everyone I spoke to enjoyed themselves and can’t wait to do something as a group again. Here’s a few shots I took for those of you who missed it…

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