Home Forums IDIC – JOINT FACTION ENGINEERING CORPS: FLEET HOLDINGS Archive: Construction Updates 10-19, 25 Sep-17 Nov 2012

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    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Updates 10 & 11 – Tues 25th September 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    Thank you to all for contributing this fortnight.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    During the last week we have unlocked several Tier 2 Facilities. We are currently in the process of complete Upgrade Shipyard II which should be completed in the next 24 hours.

    Coming up soon is the Bartender Special Project. We managed to skip this for a couple of weeks while we finished others, however it looks like we will have to start it soon.

    We will be gathering Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale for the next special project. That project will need 250 of each so please start saving.

    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defence Force

    During the last week we have completed the started the Shipyard II upgrade and the Tier 2 Starbase upgrade should be finished in the next 24 hours. The Update Transwarp Conduit and Industrial Fabricator missions will be available soon and will require marks.

    Construction has slowed and we need marks for the KDF projects. Next time there is a bonus marks event please consider earning some for our KDF fleet.

    We have completed the Limited Special Project History and Movement.

    Please bring a toon to the KDF side if you have not done so, all the help we can get is appreciated.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    At the time of this post, these were the top 5 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂



      3. *ISKARA

      4. CATSTAR

      5. *-Plasma

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Week 10

    Week 11

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Updates 12 & 13 – Thurs 11th October 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    Thank you to all for contributing this fortnight.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    During the last week we have completed the special interior project adding a conference area to Ops.


    The Bartender Special Project is about half way complete.

    Please keep gathering Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale for this project as we will need it out of the way asap to make room for the Tier 3 Upgrade Projects. ALSO take note that the KDF Bartender project will also be needing these items so please keep gathering after we have filled our FED obligations 🙂

    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defense Force

    During the last week we have completed the special interior project adding a fireplace, Mugato rug and seats to the recreation area.


    Construction has picked up slightly however we need marks for the KDF projects. Next time there is a bonus marks event please consider earning some for our KDF fleet.

    We are currently working on starting the Upgrade Transwarp Conduit II, after which we will be on par with the Fed Starbase.

    The Bartender Special Project is next in line..
    Please keep gathering Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale for this project as we will eventually need it out of the way to make room for the Tier 3 Upgrade Projects.

    Please bring a toon to the KDF side if you have not done so, all the help we can get is appreciated.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    At the time of this post, these were the top 5 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂



      3. CATSTAR

      4. *ISKARA

      5. *-Plasma

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Weeks 12 & 13

    Post count: 2368

    UFP & KDF Construction Updates 14, 15 &16 – Sunday 28th October 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    Thank you to all for contributing over the last 3 weeks.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    During the last 3 weeks we have completed the special interior project adding a fish tank to the Ops area.


    We have also unlocked Elite Fleet Ground Weapons and Armor, please check them out. Contribute to the Star Base construction to earn SB credits and purchase this high-end gear.

    The Bartender Special Project has been completed after much searching for Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale. I’d like to thank all those who purchased these items from the exchange, especially Luna as it would have been quite an expense.

    Please take note that the KDF Bartender project will also be needing these items so please keep gathering 🙂

    We are currently gathering resources for the Upgrade to Tier 3 project. This requires mainly Dilithium. When this project is complete we will have access to the Tailor as well as the Fleet Odyssey Uniform option.

    When the upgrade to Tier 3 is complete the winner of the Tier3 leaderboard challenge will be announced 🙂


    During the last week we have completed the special interior project adding a Bloodwine Fountain, more tables etc to the recreation area.


    Construction has picked up slightly however we need marks for the KDF projects. Next time there is a bonus marks event please consider earning some for our KDF fleet.

    We are currently working on the Upgrade Transwarp Conduit II, which should be complete in a few days.

    The Bartender Special Project is next in line..
    Please keep gathering Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale for this project as we will eventually need it out of the way to make room for the Tier 3 Upgrade Projects.

    Please bring a toon to the KDF side if you have not done so, all the help we can get is appreciated.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    At the time of this post, these were the top 5 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂



      3. CATSTAR

      4. *-Plasma

      5. *ISKARA

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Week 14, 15 & 16

    Post count: 2368

    I am eager to get the Tier 3 project going, I hope someone helpful comes on soon so i can get an invite. I have a toon with enough Marks to get it going. Ive asked a couple of people, but couldnt get on yet. :/

    Post count: 2368

    I plan to come in and add some marks too, can add about 350 on daily reports 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    Wooo, UFP Tier 3 Upgrade Project is now Go. 7 days until the UFP Tier 3 Competition winner is announced.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Updates 17, 18 & 19 – Saturday 17th November 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    Firstly Thank you to all for contributing over the last 3 weeks. There’s been a lot of changes to STO over the last few days with the introduction of Season 7. From the engineering aspect the main change is the addition of the fleet embassy. I will start to update the fleet on the Embassy construction from next week.

    We achieved Full tier III on the Federation Starbase during the last couple of weeks and the winner of the UFP Tier III Prize pack was LawMarshall. Congratulations Law, thanks for all your hard work.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets


    During the last 3 weeks we have unlocked the star base tailor. This gives us access to the Odyssey uniform, however be advised it costs both Dilithium and Marks to purchase.



    In addition we completed the special interior project adding a dance floor and DJ to the OPS Bar Area.


    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defence Force


    During the last couple of weeks we have completed the special interior project adding dancing girls to the recreation area.


    Construction has picked up slightly however we need marks for the KDF projects. Next time there is a bonus marks event please consider earning some for our KDF fleet.

    We are currently working on materials for the Upgrade Shipyard III project.

    We also need Dilithium for the Special project to upgrade the Conference Room.

    The Bartender Special Project is on hold..
    Please keep gathering Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale for this project as we will eventually need it out of the way to make room for the Tier 3 Upgrade Projects.

    Please bring a toon to the KDF side if you have not done so, all the help we can get is appreciated.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    I have skipped the week 17 & 18 tally and am going straight into week 19.

    At the time of this post, these were the top 5 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂



      3. CATSTAR

      4. *-Plasma

      5. *ISKARA

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Week 17, 18 & 19

    Post count: 2368

    Gratulations Law 🙂

    The Bartender Special Project is on hold..
    Please keep gathering Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale for this project as we will eventually need it out of the way to make room for the Tier 3 Upgrade Projects.

    Bartender no longer needs Dosi Rotgut and Romulan Ale. I now requires “food” and “drink” so it should be cheaper. I’ll queue is as soon as we hit tier 3 base.

    Post count: 2368

    Woo great news. Big thanks to Luna for buying up the Dosi for the Fed SB, If only we knew they would change it 🙁

    Post count: 2368

    All current Fleet Module prizes have been mailed today.

    Please keep track of your earnings from now on in the Engineering Report leaderboard graphic. Please contact me to redeem your tokens.

    Thanks All and Congrats and Thanks to those who have earned these rewards.

    Post count: 2368

    wow that is very generous of you Plas- thank you for all your hard work in acquiring the prizes for the fleet, very kind of you… Some strange reason I can’t see any screen shots in the forums, they come up blank and when I click on it it states I am not logged in. Yet I am logged in lol- as I am replying to the forum posts. Seems a mystery to me. No worries might be a glitch on my laptop

    Post count: 2368

    Your welcome, it’s costing me a lot in z-points but Its worth it.

    What browser are you using? Some browsers cannot see the attachments for some reason.

    Post count: 2368


    Im working on the SB/EMBASSY reports at the moment however there is an urgent need to get onto the KDF Specials. We have 3-4 specials going and the next ones will be lost if we don’t get these out so please contribute if you can. Thanks. The Report should be online later today/tomorrow.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Plas i’ll come on KDF and assist there 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    THREAD CLOSED: Issue Resolved or Old Topic

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