Home Forums IDIC – JOINT FACTION ENGINEERING CORPS: FLEET HOLDINGS Archive: Construction Updates 1-9, 15 Jul – 9 Sep 2012

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    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Updates 1 – Sun 15th July 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    Hi all, I’m hoping that we’ll have a chief engineer soon that can do these updates however until then I’ll be doing them.

    I want to thank all of you who have started construction of our star base and have given up your hard earned resources for the project.

    Theres not much to report at the moment, we are at the initial stages of Tier 1 and have completed the first Limited Time project to open the shutters and be able to look outside into space.

    Please check the fleet status area in-game often and contribute if you can.

    I’m hoping next week I’ll have more to report, until then safe travels.


    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Update 2 – Sun 22nd July 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    I want to thank all of those who have been able to contribute to the fleet starbase project. Im happy to report that we are nearly finished with Tier 1 construction and I estimate we will be in Tier 2 construction phase by next Tuesday 24th of July.

    For those who haven’t noticed, take a look around the orbit of the starbase. You will see the transwarp gateway as well as a few other structures being constructed.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    Also I am working on getting a cool prize together for the winner of the Leaderboard challenge.

    For information on the competition we are running for the Leaderboard challenge please see this forum http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=225

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Week 2

    Post count: 2368

    Thx Plasma

    Post count: 2368

    We’re happy to announce that the KDF Starbase reached tier 1 in tactical !!!!
    Thanks for the hard work of everyone involved, especially to Admiral Nei who’s dedication to this project was outstanding!
    Best regards,
    Lt. Gen. Harishka
    KDF Fleet Admiral

    PS Update: KDF shipyard construction is started … estimated time of finishing, Tuesday 24th, around 3 pm GMT …

    Post count: 2368

    Heya again,
    UFP Starbase reached Tier 1 in tactical too …
    Shipyard project is in resource gathering stage …
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Wooo, I’ve just gone through and maxxed out most resources for the current FED projects. Fleet Marks should go to the special projects first for the next few days until Tier 1 is complete 🙂 – wooooo

    Post count: 2368

    I donated the Unwelcome mat :3

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Update 3 -Sun 29th July 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    Although we technically achieved the Tier 1 position during the week (Tuesday as we estimated), we completed the Tier 1 upgrade project today so we are officially in Tier 1.

    We have also completed the Interior Design special project adding plants and computer consoles to the base as well as a bar-top. We are currently working on the Subspace Comm Array.

    In addition we have 10 fleet ships provisioned and available for the fleet to use. Please note that the ships are accessible from the Tactical section and you will discover a console that allows them to be accessed. Also please be aware that the most powerful of these fleet ships require Fleet Ship Modules that you purchase from the Z-Store.

    We are also planning to start the ground gear provisioning today. When complete we will have 10 provisions for the ground gear. Please note for the first couple of times we provision these there will be a 1 item-per person policy. This is so everyone can have a chance to own some of this elite gear. Once we progress a bit and have plaenty of provisions then this policy will be relaxed.

    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defence Force

    I’d like to announce that KDF part of -I.D.I.C- has just constructed Tier 1 of Starbase. And winning the unwritten race to tier 1.


    This wouldn’t be possible without Ishakar and Neithy who gathered most of all needed materials and fleet marks. Thank you!
    Thanks also goes to all others who helped.

    See you on Starbase.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Week 3

    Post count: 2368

    Hi all,

    10 provisions are currently available for Ultra Rare fleet ground items, please keep to the 1 item per person policy until we get adequate provisions for all.

    At the moment these provisions are set to Officerranks only, however they will be extended to the entire fleet in the next couple of weeks. We also have a second provisioning mission in the works for a further 10 provisions.

      If you are an Officer and have not contributed a great deal towards the starbase, please do the right thing and let the officers that have been grinding out Marks etc to have first pick of these provisions. Thank you and I know everyone will find this a reasonable request. If not please post your opinion below and we can discuss it.

    Thanks all for being patient.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Plas for all the efforts and organization that you have placed in this. Appreciate the updates 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I try, thank you.

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Update 4 – Sun 5th August 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    During the last week we have had ground Weapons, Armor, Shields and Ships provisions available to the Officers, this coming week we will be opening these up to Officers first and Second Class.

    Please be sensible when claiming fleet resources and allow all our fleet-mates to have a chance at owning this elite gear.

    Please note that the fleet ships can be accessed from the Tactical Section and you will discover a console that allows them to be accessed. Also please be aware that the most powerful of these fleet ships require Fleet Ship Modules that you purchase from the Z-Store. Also I have noticed that buying fleet ships is unlocked form all starbases so you do not actually have to travel to the starbase to make ship purchases.

    We have completed the Subspace Communications Array and we are currently waiting for the Transwarp Conduit project to complete in the next 24 hours. This should give all fleet members direct transwarp access to the base.

    Also we have completed the Starbase Tactical Officer project and you will find her in the Tactical (lol) section. We will be starting the Engineering and Science Fleet Officers soon. Please be aware that these projects require Purple (Very Rare)Doffs in order to complete them. I used several million of fleet EC to complete the last task so if you can spare a VR Doff for these missions please contribute.

    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defence Force

    During the last week we have had Ships provisions available to the Officers.

    Please note that the fleet ships can be accessed from the Tactical Section and you will discover a console that allows them to be accessed. Also please be aware that the most powerful of these fleet ships require Fleet Ship Modules that you purchase from the Z-Store. Also I have noticed that buying fleet ships is unlocked form all starbases so you do not actually have to travel to the starbase to make ship purchases.

    We have completed the Subspace Communications Array and we are currently waiting for the Transwarp Conduit project to get underway. This should give all fleet members direct transwarp access to the base.

    Also we have completed the Starbase Tactical Officer project and you will find him in the Tactical (lol) section. We will be starting the Engineering and Science Fleet Officers soon. Please be aware that these projects require Purple (Very Rare)Doffs in order to complete them. If you can spare a VR Doff for these missions please contribute.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    At the time of this post, these were the top 8 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂

      1. *ISKARA


      3. NEITY

      4. CATSTAR

      5. SIMA

      6. *-Plasma

      7. *LONDI REVAN

      8. LUNA

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Week 4

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Update 5 – Sun 5th August 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    Thank you to all for contributing this week. Several projects called for a ton of resources and Very Rare Doffs and we have pulled it off.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    During the last week we have completed the Science and Engineering Officer projects. These officers as well as the Tactical can be found in their respective sections.

    We have also completed the Tribbles and Targs featured project, adding Tribbles and a Tribble handler to the base.

    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defence Force

    This week we completed the Tribbles and Targs featured project, adding Targs and Targ beds to the base.

    We are also on the way to having a Science and Engineering Officer. This week we are also running provisioning missions to give members access to fleet weapons and equipment.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    At the time of this post, these were the top 10 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂

      1. *ISKARA


      3. CATSTAR

      4. NEITHU

      5. SIMA

      6. *-Plasma

      7. *LONDI REVAN

      8. JAMES

      9. LUNA

      10. INGRID

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Week 5

    Post count: 2368

    Thank you Plas for the update and the information 🙂

    It is most appreciative!

    Post count: 2368

    -I.D.I.C- U.F.P. & K.D.F. Construction Updatee 6 – Tue 21st August 2012

    Welcome to the Engineering construction updates.

    Thank you to all for contributing this week. This past week and continuing this week STO is running a Bonus Fleet Marks event. This is an opportunity to stock up on marks and ease a bit of the grinding for the next few weeks.

    -I.D.I.C- United Federation of Planets

    During the last week we have been focusing on Science and Engineering projects in the hope of getting us to Tier 2 in the next two weeks.

    It’s been a pretty quiet week, this is all I have to report for now.

    -I.D.I.C- Klingon Defence Force

    During the last week we have been focusing on Tactical and Engineering missions in the hope of reaching Tier 2 on par with the Federation Starbase.

    We also unlocked the Science Officer and are on the way to having an Engineering Officer.

    Please bring a toon to the KDF side if you have not done so, all the help we can get is appreciated. I want to commend Fleet General O’Drade (Kara) and Fleet Quartermaster, General Neithya for almost single-handedly getting the base to where it is today.

    Leaderboard Competition & Time-Reward Program Updates

    Star Base Leaderboard Competition

    Star Base Contributions Time-Rewards Program

    Leaderboard Competition: Combined Contribution Rankings

    At the time of this post, these were the top 10 ranked contributors (Combined K.D.F. + U.F.P. Contributions)
    If I have made any mistakes please let me know 🙂

      1. *ISKARA


      3. NEITHU

      4. CATSTAR

      5. SIMA

      6. *-Plasma

      7. JAMES

      8. *LONDI REVAN

      9. INGRID

      10. LUNA

    *Fleet leaders are not eligible for competition prizes

    As of the time of this post this is the current leaderboard. Please check your rewards tokens for prize eligibility.

    Week 6

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