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    **ANNOUNCEMENT** New Tactical Officer

    has taken up the post of fleet Tactical Officer. He has some great ideas on fleet training and Im sure will be a great asset to us in that role.

    While @CatStar has a tactical agenda mapped out for 1 on 1 team training and teh Hazard Ops initiative, on a more broader scale I would like us to begin work on these points.

      a) To share information on weapon/console builds and match them to specific ship configurations.
      b) To share information on ground weapons and kit tactics for the three careers.
      c) To share information on skill point distribution with focus on PvP effectiveness.
      d) To develop strategies on specific STF’s/Fleet Actions and share the most effective and efficient plans

    We’ve been trying to start this work for several months, however have been side-tracked with other issues (Star Base etc). I believe we need some fundamental documents written with the points I’ve indicated above that all members can study in their own time.

    As we have seen with the former Tac Officers’ initiatives early on people can be reluctant either because of time-zone issues or because they want to keep their builds secret to come to the party so to speak. We have to overcome this and share our information. We have to be prepared to risk the student becoming better than the master. ‘Risk is our business’ as Kirk said.

    Having said this I leave it up to the Tac Command to determine what information is safe to share and what is not.

    I’ve created a private forum for the Hazard OPS so that the members of that team can post in private http://www.guildalliance.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=123

    Only people that the Tac officer allows in there will be able to view it as well as Fleet leaders.

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