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    Hi All,

    It has been a very active and ‘full on week’ for IDIC and the formation of making new alliances with like minded fleets. I have been very excited with the way this has been embraced by everyone in IDIC and our new ally’s. I would like to personally thank you all for making yourselves known to our new allys and teaming with them 🙂

    I would like to give a very special thank you to Plasma, he has been here helping and supporting me every step of the way. I am truly grateful and appreciative of this and in a way I am not sure how I could have handled the challenges that were presented to us with out you.

    There are a few thoughts that I would like to discuss and possibly set up a meeting with those officers who are interested.

    Inter fleet chat channel

    I would encourage everyone in IDIC to join the multi fleet chat channel. I believe when new recruits are invited into our fleet they should have access to both chat channels the main IDIC and IDIC Inter fleet chat channel. It is about including everyone and not just command staff, this also allows our members to have have someone to team with if we are not on. Plus it is important for us to continue communications with our new allys.

    Alliance Rules

    I believe we need to sit down and discuss fair and realistic rules/ terms and conditions for the formation of alliances. I am not into creating long treatys or in depth rules that simply are full of ‘words’, instead we do need to think about having a page on our website that informs all of our alliances what this is about. We want to ensure the allys are well informed in advance of our expectations we have as a fleet and to also realise that the multi fleet organization is founded by IDIC and its principles. I apologise in advance if this has already been established, If so, I would like to review and add to what we already have.

    Thanks all for your continuous support.

    See you in game!

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