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    Post count: 2368

    Greetings everyone,
    As soon we will start with the light side too and as all of us are now pretty cought with leveling their toons, i think it would be a good ideea to share from our leveling experience and to advise the others so they won’t make the same mistakes as we did 🙂 .
    Those being said, there are a few of the conclusions i came during my leveling sessions:
    1. Never rush up to the next planet. The experience you gain by doing missions that are up to 5 levels below your level is the same; there is no significant plus from doing missions above your level and even if it might seem that you’re leveling faster, that is only happens at the lower/mid level. If you skip too many missions you will start having problems around levels 30-40 (depending on how many missions you’re skipped). So, do each mission you find, even the side ones, and wait eagerly for the bonus ones: those are the ones which gave you the best XP points. Also, from the bonus missions you will be able to find the best perks.
    2. Do heroics as much as you can; team up with others, respond to others requests; the heroics are also missions which gave you huge XP points. Same goes with flashpoints.
    3. Save your fonds. Don’t use each and every piece of clothing you find (but also don’t forget to equip well your companions too). For dressing, find clothes that are modifiable and that you like, get them and then just use mods to upgrade them. Once we will have the guild running we will also have peoples to also craft better mods for you.
    4. Hunt holocrons. Even if this kind of quests can be a bit frustrating sometimes (yet, i find some really fun and i guess that Plasma and Londi will love them as they love to jump on boxes) do them as they adds expertise points to your status (power, aim, endurance, stranght, and so on). Walkthroughs for them you may find here: .
    5. Think very well what role do you want to have in the game; this will be usefull for heroics and for the endgame content (operations and such). You should have a primary role and a secondary one. Boost your primary as much as possible; and when is not possible, pursuit the secondary. Unlike STO, SWTOR is heavily role based for team missions. When you decide your role, always consider the class specific roles; for instance, a jedi consular that trains at level 10 for jedi shadow, will never be a good healer, as the class characteristics qualifies you for tank and damage. So, all that you will have to choose is either you want to be a tank as primary role or a DPS heavily one (damage).
    6. Be prepared for teh key levels: 10 (you get a new specialization), 15 (you get a ship), 25 (you get your speeder); make sure you will have the money for upgrades, training, devices, etc.
    7. Once you get the ship, do as many space mission as you can; the space missions brings you ALOT of XP points. for instance, around level 17, you can boost 2 levels only by doing the space missions for 2-3 days. (are a few, but repetable each day)
    8. Be very carefull with the planets used for both sith and light class quests. Those planets have the most missions and the most elite monsters/NPCs.Do each and every one of them to get as much XP as you can from them. Those planets are: Tatooine, Alderaan, Balmorra, Nar Shadaar, Taris and Corellia.
    9. And last, but not least for now …. HAVE FUN!
    Best regards,

    Post count: 2368

    Thank You Kara.

    Your information is very helpful and I will take this into consideration when levelling. One thing I have defintly noticed is to be careful not to rush into completing all the story line missions for the indivdual role you choose i.e. jedi consualr or jedi knight. I started to do this and realised that these missions were far to high for my level. I changed my tactic and are completing misssions that are for my level only, this way I will be ready to complete those harder missions.

    Really apreciate the tips Kara, these will be beneficial for all 🙂

    Post count: 2368

    I want to share my Leveling Exp too) I called it “my formula of Luck”
    1st Planet – 1 – 10(better 11lvl)
    Then Take second spec and leveling till 14lvl on 1st Flashpoint (Esseless for the RepublicansBlack Talon for the Empire) – this will give you a good gear(first modable gear and other sweet cookies) + on 14lvl you can take sprint ability, so the second planet will be much faster.
    Capital planet(CorruscantDroumund Kaas) I always leveling from 14 to 1819lvl there, nothing to explain, all solo quest and Heroic.
    Space missions – 1819 – 20lvl.
    3rd Planet – BalmoraTaris – the most important planet too me. I leveled all my chars to 25lvl and buy my first mount on this planet. The most important thing is the on BalmoraTaris you CAN earn this 40k credits easly, just sell some bluepurple loot on GTM, or take crew skill slicing and make easy money, but I never had any problems with training first level of mount on 3rd planet.
    After 25lvl all should be easy to understand without tiping.
    This formula already helped my RL friends who started playing after me, I hope it helps you too.
    After 50lvl, to earn easy money, just do Illum dailys.
    P.S. Remember to interrupt bosses chargin attacks on high levels !

    May the Force set you free…

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