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    Anniversary Event is Live!
    By PWE_BranFlakes @ January 30, 2014 at 10:00am

    To celebrate our Four-Year Anniversary, from now until 10AM PST on Thursday, February 27, 2014, Q is hosting parties and giving away prizes on Earth Spacedock, Qo’noS and New Romulus Command. In addition to the festivities, we are also proud to release our latest Feature Episode, “A Step Between Stars,” with the talented voice work of Voyager’s own Tuvok, as played by Tim Russ! This special episode continues the thrilling Solanae Dyson Sphere storyline and will leave everlasting repercussions on the STO universe as you know it. Don’t miss out on the fun, and make sure to read the rest of this news post for a glimpse of what is in store for you, as well as our Anniversary Rewards Blog to find out what epic rewards await you.

    Feature Episode – A Step Between Stars

    We are very excited about our newest special Feature Episode — “A Step Between Stars.” It stars Tim Russ reprising his role as Admiral Tuvok (having earned several promotions since Voyager’s triumphant return to Earth) from Star Trek: Voyager. You have been asked by Dyson Joint Allied Command to assist Admiral Tuvok in thwarting the Voth as they attempt to spirit away the entire Solanae Dyson Sphere, and stop their plans to bring warp travel to a screeching halt across the galaxy. In order to better assist Tuvok, you will be given a chance to fly one of the new Dyson Science Destroyer vessels and get a taste for this Tier 5 ship before you earn your very own through the Anniversary Event Reputation Project mentioned below. BONUS!: After your first completion of this Feature Episode mission on each of your characters, you will be rewarded a one-time-bonus of 400 Qmendations to apply towards your Event Reputation project to earn your specific faction Dyson Science Destroyer (details below)!

    NOTE: Captains level 10 and above can contact Subcommander Kaol via the in-game Mission Journal to accept the mission and discuss an operation to push back the Voth and support Tuvok in his mission.

    Q’s Party Patrol

    Once again, Q is throwing the party to end all parties, but as busy as he is, Q always finds the time to amuse himself by allowing limited sub-creatures like us in assisting him with his planning. Find Q on ESD in Club 47, on Qo’nos outside the Great Hall and on the balcony of New Romulus Command. Talk with him to pick up his mission “Party Patrol” to help him round up his ‘q’ minions (only the great Q himself gets capitalization) at the Academies and earn yourself 40 Qmendations each day, as well as your choice of a Festive Party Horn, Dilithium Ore or a 4th Anniversary Party Box containing a mystery prize (random items appropriate for your rank).

    ROMULAN NOTE: Stepping through the portal at New Romulus Command (min level 10 and ally chosen) will transport Romulan Captains directly to the academy of your chosen allies where Q’s party Patrol takes place. Upon completion of your daily mission, you can step back through when you are ready.

    Dyson Science Destroyers

    During this year’s anniversary, we are unveiling a new Event Reputation project called ‘Collect 2014 Anniversary Event Rewards’ – when completed, it will reward you with one of three faction specific, Tier 5 ships, the Dyson Science Destroyers. These ships are a cutting edge fusion of Dyson Sphere technology and Federation, Klingon and Romulan startship tech. Powerful, versatile and equipped with new Secondary Deflectors, these ships will pave the way for a new line of vessels made to combat the many enemies revealed in this Feature Episode. Don’t miss out on “A Step Between Stars” or Q’s daily Party Patrol for your chance to claim the 1000 Qmendations needed to complete this Anniversary Event Reputation Project and claim your rewards.

    NOTE: These Tier 5 Dyson Science Destroyers can only be earned by completing the event reputation project, and the box that it is contained in can only be opened once the character reaches level 40 [Rear Admiral (Fed), Brigadier General (KDF) or Subadmiral I (Rom) rank]. Ship stats are available here.

    New Spotlight Video

    Check out our amazing Anniversary spotlight video for a look at just some of what players experienced in 2013.


    New Infographic

    Check out our latest infographic by clicking the image above to see some incredible statistics about what has been accomplished thus far in Star Trek Online.

    We hope you enjoy this amazing Feature Episode and Q’s omnipotent generosity during this 4-Year Anniversary Event, and all the great rewards that await you! Thank you to all the fans that have made Star Trek Online such a great place to enjoy the universe of Star Trek over the past four years, and we’re looking forward to many more years of exploring where no one has gone before. Everyone at Cryptic and Perfect World would also like to give a big “thank you” to Tim Russ for helping us kick off year 5 in style.

    Happy anniversary and we’ll see you in-game!

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