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    Post count: 2368

    PS… Sorry Plasma, I meant to comment…

    Don’t worry about me, I’m “socially” and “mentally” pretty well adjusted. My attitude on the “recruiting” situation is, I’ve done my fair share
    of “individual interviews” and I’ve been a part of “mass invites” (where you have to weed out the undesirables by “kicking” them) and both are
    an absolute nightmare, in my book… not to mention time consuming. It’s like, “we’re digging a pool” and someone hands me a shovel, when there’s
    a backhoe parked right there… if you want to shovel it, be my guest, as long as it gets dug. But, no worries, anything I’m apart of… I’ll be
    involved with. The “recruiting” is just one aspect, there is still much to do… ^_~

    Post count: 2368

    Oh R3 but you are wrong. I disagreed with the with the idea and supplied reasons why they don’twork that I have experianced, not that I am against the idea. You brought up reasons why it could work, I brought the negatives this is the crux of a debate and so
    NO it was not shot down, kara/amy even threw an example in where it worked
    even tho it’s more of an alliance is on the other side for them with… <Despair> I thinkit was.

    You always meet with the guild leader when discussing mergers no if, ands or buts. Once again Iam speaking from what I’ve experianced when I bring these points of doubt or concern up as I’veseen them rip mergers and friendships apart. These very same issues do happen among people
    who aren’t precived to be “anti” social as it does take time for most people to be comfortable in new surroundings, I myself am guilty of this even if I haven’t shown it.

    I also was…intrigued maybe? by the situation when we first joined but didn’t feel it was my
    place to poke the bear so to speak. And again no I disagree, while we are a small guild still Ihave never been in a large guild but have been in ones that tip-toed the line between small andmedium up to about 16 people on during peak times. Could I have been apart of the anomaly? yeahbut my point still stands that it can happen.

    To finish this of I’m just supplying my concerns with potential problems of a merger.
    The matter is not that i’m against it or that it’s not a viable option it’s just not my place
    to actively look for a merger as that should be on the shoulders of kara, plasma, scotty and
    londi I believe if they so choose, but what I can do to help the guilds numbers is, with thier
    blessing, is to recruit for what I want to do which in case you can’t tell is HM Fps and Ops.

    Post count: 2368

    As of new developments tonight, I just want to add… “Tomo” just joined the guild, very cool guy and very knowledgeable, who is planning on bringing
    I think he said (4) of his guild mates with him. Granted, it’s technically not a “merger”, but falls into a gray area. And no matter how many times you
    say it Zez, I’ve never heard of a “wrong” opinion. Your experiences with “mergers” is the opposite of mine, sorry things didn’t go so well for you.
    Personally, I didn’t run into any of the issues you did, but I recognize them as potentially possible outcomes. And we must just have different definitions
    for the term “shot down”, because unless an idea receives… “we’ll look into it”, “we may consider it”, “that may work”, something that fits in this
    category, it was “shot down”. No “right”, no “wrong”, perspectives vary, that’s just the way it is.

    Post count: 2368

    That’s exactly it perspective, an idea dosen’t need to even be considered for to have not been shot down, my opinion unless I
    specificly straight up said “no, no way, no how” then I’m not shooting it down
    the definition of the phrase from the dictionary:

    “shoot down
    1. To bring down (an aircraft, for example) by hitting and damaging with gunfire or a missile.
    2. Informal To ruin the aspirations of; disappoint.
    3. Informal
    a. To put an end to; defeat: shot down the proposal.
    b. To expose as false; discredit: shot down his theory.”

    None of which happened even if you feel that it did. Didn’t put an end to it and didn’t expose it as false or discredit the
    possiblity of it happening. What we actually have at the moment is a disagreement of how you felt it has recieved as opposedto how it was intented as can often happen through text. Opinions can absolutly be wrong if I say “In my opinion we have 6 fingers”
    or “In my opinion Hitler was an amazing person who wouldn’t harm a fly” am I not wrong? or even my interpretation of the definition
    can be wrong, also considering both of us can’t be right on this. However I do agree with you on tomo, he’s a cool dude and it does
    fall into the grey area as it’s not quite…I wanna say big enough to be considered a merger but is very similar, assuming he does
    actually pull them over.

    Post count: 2368

    Hello everyone Β πŸ™‚
    I cannot find the words to express how happy I am to see such an intense discussion on our forum.
    I think it is the time to present a more elaborate opinion on this topic.
    And, as I see more then one aspects to be considered, I’ll present them by points:
    1. As you all well know, our guild defines itself as a casual/social guild. Of course, nothing impedes a casual/social guild to do high level end-game content. Some of us wants this, me included. BUT, some of us don’t want this. In this case, if we will find, maybe, another guild to merge with and we decide that the way the merge will be implemented would be for us to move over to their guild, what would happen with those of us that are not looking for high level endgame content? Will they be left behind? With this case I cannot agree.
    Also, maybe it will be the case that those with whom we want to merge will want to come over and join out guild. With the purpose of doing high level, endgame content, of course. Then, we will bring in a very competitive environment which, those members that just wants to enjoy the casual/social part of the game would find, maybe, a bit challenging. This scenario could work, tho, if we are aware of this risk and we take measures in order to prevent it.
    2. In order to do high level FP/Ops endgame, we don’t actually need full teams of 16/20/24 players. We need, for each of the time frames of a set of 2 tanks, 2 heals and a bunch of dps. When we’ll have those we’ll be able very easily to impromptu recruit for those specific run the rest of 2 heals + dps we need to form a full team from fleet. Recruiting those is pretty easy and, in SW:TOR, this is how most of the guilds runs theirs Ops. So, you see, we actually have a much more achievable goal for our endgame content recruitment. We did this in the past many times, and we started the Ops run with only one tank and 2-3 dps from the guild … and it went quite well.
    3. In a game that provides you with ingame tools for events, raids planning, etc, it makes much more sense to do such merges, as you need everyone to be in the same place in order to be aware of the plans sets in place. But as in SW:TOR, such tools does not exist, we can easily start talking with other players/guilds invite them to our site and start planning a common schedule together (or they can invite us to their site, whatever works). What I’m saying is that in SW:TOR, guild merges might not have the same way of happening as it did in WoW, nor the reasons there were in WoW to justify merges, might not be in here.
    4. I’m not ruling out a merge, if you find someone interested, let me know and we will discuss it, what I’m saying is that from my experience in here, mergers usually don’t take place, but I’ve seen many times guilds that splits and then continues to play together as one. Reasons for those splits being usualy either administrative (they reached the maximunm number of 500 players) or economical (the need for more guild storage). Such example of guilds that did this are Doll House Assassins, in which i played for a time (from there are my toons named as letters Beta, Gamma, Tetha, etc)
    5. As for the “drama” that you’ve glimpsed just when you joined, that was basically an after effect of a much older drama that we’ve inherited since we were in STO, it sprung when i decided that is the time to put this guild into much more activity and was dealt with at that point so no ghosts from the past to hunt us πŸ™‚ The reason i let it take place in the open was exactly to prove to all of you that we are open and we don’t want historic skeletons to hunt us. Since then, you saw nothing as such.

    Bottom line is: I don’t exclude the possibility of discussing about merging, but in those talks we’ll have I’ll make sure to see to the interests of all of our members, even of those that comes in and plays 2-3 times per months and wants to find here, when they log in a friendly and helpful environment πŸ™‚

    As a personal note, please be aware that the extensive use of voice communication software, when others are around, gives them a feeling of exclusion. So, please, if you need to use this kind of software for setting up strategies during battles, please limit its use for that πŸ™‚ This is not a must, but a recommendation πŸ™‚

    For all concerns please come forward and speak, I’d like to discuss them.

    Always yours,

    Post count: 2368

    I’m gonna speak for just for myself here, my desires and intensions I guess.

    On Topic 1:
    If we were to merge with another guild and and be absorbed into them as it were taking their guild I would probably not be apart of
    either I don’t do too well in those situations in terms of getting acclimated with the other guilds members. With that being said let me be clear that I have no intensions of leaving the guild as it is now. I believe this is a decison each individual member would
    need to decide on weather the wish to transfer, stay or leave altogether for themselves. I never want to be a part of a guild thats
    competitve and that is not what I’m aim for here. I want to be a part of a guild that just wants to have fun and challenge themselves
    to clear content whatever that set of content is (all 60 hm fps, sm 60 ops, hm 60 ops, ranked pvp etc).

    Topic 2:
    Agreed. We don’t need 16/20/24 that is actually a bit to much and a bit of a pain to manage. The aim is groups of 8 for ops and to
    get to a point were we don’t need to fill spots from fleet, rishi or yavin chats although there is nothing wrong with half guild runs
    for example the last few weekends me, bow r3 and telleste have been organizing ops with pugs and trying to nail the first boss on
    tython for r3 but it is much better to run with as many guildies as possible during especially with how challenging some of the
    bosses in 3.0 compared to how they used to be.

    Topic 3:
    I Disagree that those tools, (which BW is supposedly working on btw) make more sense for mergers as I believe the same issues as to
    why a merger would happen are still there (A dying guild having trouble recuiting find one begining to grow, etc)

    Lastly I disagree with that view on voice chat that it should only be used for “setting up strategies during battles” as it is mainly
    used for when guildies run group content together and it provides a more direct ability to help each other when questions arise, suchas r3 asking me about upgrading gear last night and allows for those that participate to build a rapport with each other that far outweighs what is built purely through text communications. As always everyone is encoureged to hop in raidcall and join in the
    conversation if they so choose even if they don’t have a mic and express themselves through text in guild chat, that works great as
    well. All of this comesfrom my experiance over the last few years using voice chat, now granted occasionally issues may arise that
    wouldn’t over text and vice versa.

    Post count: 2368

    Very good conversations happening here, I like that fact that everyone is at least open to new ideas and not getting completely pissed off when something they may not like is suggested. Shows that we have a mature guild which is nice.

    If things keep going the way they are with conversations like this taking place and new guys joining like last night then we’ll have to make more room in the SH to fit everyone.

    See you in game πŸ™‚

    Post count: 2368

    I appreciate the effort of adding a dictionary definition Zez, “but the dictionary doesn’t know the meaning of ‘friends’…” Sorry, fitting song
    quote, I couldn’t help it. My point being, I felt “shot down”… no, that sounds too strong, I’m not nearly that thin skinned… If Bowman had made the
    suggestion, based on the responses that it got in return, I would of felt as if he got shot down. You are looking at this way too literal… “denied”,
    “rejected”, “not going to happen”, “uh uhn, not today”, “buh bye”, take your pick…

    Really? Hitler? This is your example? It’s easy to create scenarios to fit the point you’re trying to make, but have you ever heard some say “Hitler
    wouldn’t harm a fly”? That isn’t in the psychiatric ward? This topic is heading out of control… even though you seem to be against being “competitive”
    … you win! “Opinions” can be wrong, even if rational, which I just assumed would be understood… And we can’t let feelings get in the way of our
    choice of words, because they’ll be “wrong”. Next!

    My typing skills are very crappy and extremely slow… “voice chat” is a huge part of my gaming experience. When you’re in a group and engaged in an
    intense battle, you need to be able to call out “orders” on the fly. Maybe not for everyone, but I’m willing to bet, the majority. Chatting is an
    important social bonding tool. There’s no “tone” in text. I don’t know Zez, real well. Do you think our “disagreeing” has remained civil because
    we are just THAT mature? We definitely aren’t immature, but we’ve “chatted” quite a bit at this point. I don’t get worked up about things, and he
    doesn’t seem to take everything to heart either. You need to hear someone’s voice to understand that… or spend a really long time getting to
    know your “pen pal.” I often text things in guild chat that probably read kind of rude, but I guarantee the person I’m texting to doesn’t take it that
    way, being aware that I’m joking. Comparatively speaking our members are pretty darn mature… sure there’s a little adult humor from time to time,
    but it’s very minimal. We most definitely DO NOT get into Raidcall to isolate ourselves from anyone, and don’t want anyone to feel left out. In fact
    members are encouraged to join in. Even if doing casual stuff, leveling, dailies, in group, out of group, whatever… Raidcall.com, it’s a free
    download, then I (Aurthree) have the number, Zez has the number, and I’m sure it’s posted somewhere, or someone could get it from the raidcall page,
    type the number in the “search” window, then just “double click” down on the channel where the names are at, and you’re in. ttysoon =)

    Post count: 2368


    friend (frΔ•nd)
    1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
    2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
    3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
    4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement:

    Literal enough for you? yes Hitler. Although that is an extreme example it serves it’s purpose as when there are two polar opposite
    views on a subject, like yes vs no, they both can’t be right . Once again you could very well be wrong in your idea of what is shot
    down just because someone dosen’t respond favorably to an idea does not mean it is shot down, as seems to be your view.

    I totally agree with you on the voice chat r3, I think we are all fairly easy going and yes we may disagree but I feel disagreements are healthy or more so the fact that we can express ourselves in this manner and not let it affect us out side of the individual
    discussion is.

    Post count: 2368

    Considering that recruitment for ops seems to have unoffically started on saturday I think that I shall start recruiting via swtor forms and twitch on tuesday evening about 36 hours from this post at which time I will be creating another thread pure for info and progress of said
    recruiting as well as a place to send prospective players so that they may have all of the
    information up front. I would still like for any background discussion such as mergers to still happen here. I would like to have anywhere between 8-12 people for each time period even if some
    are in multiple times. I also don’t know how we feel about the pure size of the guild are we ok with 100+ unique acconts or would we rather have 35-50 (26 atm) or so and be more tight knit and

    Post count: 2368

    I’d say that a size of 35-50 should meet our needs for the moment, after that we can continue recruiting in a more relaxed manner (casual recruiting). But the actual optimal size is not given only by the absolute numbers, the level and specialization structure being an important factor to be considered. That means that we need a minimum tank/heals members at level 60 for each of the time frames for the said time frame to work.
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    Agreed it is very much a floating number for example even though the focus is for endgame players I don’t want to turn down or scare
    away anyone in the leveling processes and those players while they inflate our overall numbers shouldn’t affect what we are recruiting
    for in endgame for example if we get 10 who are leveling we would still need theoreticly 10 others who are in endgame to still hit the
    aim for operation players.

    Post count: 2368

    I don’t think I can add any more to what has been said Re. mergers/recruitment. I will make a couple of comments though.

    1. RaidCall.
    I think what Kara is saying is that if you are in a team where people are not in RC then try and keep all your convo in the text chat, so that there is no confusion. Some people will absolutely refuse to voice chat for personal reasons, so just be aware of it depending on your teaming situation.

    2. The perceived guild drama.
    There was no drama at all, I’m sure from the outside it was perceived like that. I’ve made references to the Guild Alliance to most of you and indeed you are on the GA website as you read, but what this is exactly may be a bit of a mystery to some.

    I will be posting updated GA info soon for those that are interested in the broader Alliance we run.

    Now the issue we had late last year was with a founding member of the GA (P’andra). Basically she resigned from our organization, and what you would have seen as drama was just the shake up of re-adjusting to losing her. There was no real drama as of animosity or argument and we are all friends and it was all civil and all that. I’m sorry if I gave anyone the impression it was a larger issue for the guild than it was.

    The friendship with P’andra goes back before I met Kara and the formation of the GA, and the issue was on a more personal level for myself and an organizational level for the Alliance. Indeed there is a testimonial featured article I have written for those that missed it http://www.guildalliance.org/testimonial-on-the-resignation-of-alanna-pandra-from-the-guild-alliance/

    Post count: 2368

    On the raidcall thing if what you say is correct plasma then there is only one issue with it and it’s “keep all your convo in the
    text chat” and mainly the nitpicking on the word all as someone not in voice chat only needs to know what their job is if they are a
    dps, not in voice chat and all they need to know for example is “avoid red circles when ads spawn, then kill adds and back to boss’
    they don’t need to know what the tanks and healers or other dps jobs are, if the other dpses even have other jobs even if it needs to
    be explained to the others who are in voice what thier specific job is.

    What my issue is and what it sounds like the way it’s written is no conversation outside of explaining roles and mechanics are shouldn’t be said which isn’t gonna happen sorry people are in voice chat they are going to converse about other topics even if it’s only
    for a minute it’s natural.

    What the issue sounds like to me is when people not in voice chat are brought into conversations happening
    in voice chat especailly when they are brought in in the middle of the conversation with no referance to whats being said like if
    food is being talked about and then in guild chat someone says “hey so and so,that’s delicous isn’t it” they’re response would most
    likely be “huh, what?”

    I think it’s more of be mindfull of what’s said to somebody not in voice about something in voice and not that someone is being
    excluded from conversating as most times those in voice chat will try and include anyone not voice, especially in a guild, into the
    conversations. While it’s not true for every situation like if someone is asking for help and has access to someone knowledgeable on
    the topic in voice chat they will more often then not seek the help of the persons voice they can hear and they won’t ask in guild
    chat. Nothing against anyone, not excluding anyone, even those with an opinion on a topic they don’t even know is being discussed
    anyway… mini rant done.

    Post count: 2368

    LOL …. mini-rant or not, that’s pretty much what i meant πŸ™‚ That people using voice chat to be mindful of those that are not, so that the laters to not be caught by surprise and in the middle of some discussions/”jokes” that they won’t understand πŸ™‚
    Basically the intent is to try to avoid the “huh, what?” situations πŸ™‚

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