Home Forums DAWN STAR – OPEN HOLONET 2015 Endgame Recruiting

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    Post count: 2368

    Hey All.

    Now that it’s 2015 and we’ve had a month to explore 3.0 I would like to build up our roster for operations and Lvl 60 HM flashpoints
    and maybe for ranked pvp if people are interested. My inital plan is to recruit on the swtor forums, in gen chat and to start streaming again
    the times i would like to have for our operations are on friday and saturday nights 8pm EST, 8pm PST & 8pm UTC (20:00, not sure if international time
    is am/pm or military) these times are, of course subject to change. So I would like to beging recruiting within the next week but i want to put this before
    the Infinite Jedi Order for ideas, concerns and suggestions.

    Post count: 2368

    Hi Zez, thanks for posting about this.

    I’ll just say a couple things about this and I’m sure Kara (Amy’doll) will have more to say.

    Your welcome to invite new members at anytime, so don’t hesitate on that. As far as play-times go, the standing rule for all the GA guilds has been to be international, meaning if you are playing at a certain time and you are willing to invite new people and shepherd them in the initial stages of their membership then you have 100% right to do that.

    Our standard playtime has been between 5pm to 12am (GMT+9.30 Adelaide) which is actually MY time-zone, however like I said if you are playing at a different time you are welcome to invite and build up a player-base for that time.

    As far as advertising the guild I am happy to provide you with whatever material you need. Be it our official logo’s etc, access to our events system to book in recruitment events or access to our facebook etc, just tell me what you need and it will be done.

    As far as concerns I don’t really have any as long as anything guild related you post outside of our official GA resources is respectful to the broader SWTOR community.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for the reply Plasma.

    I have to somewhat disagree on the standard playtime thing, but just for the fact that in international guild such as ours there isn’t one specific playtime more like peak times, for example that that is a peak but so is 7pm-3am EST for us here in the US thus the suggested ops times. In terms of the ops times specificlly, my goal isto have times where we can have everyone no matter when they play have access to runs if it’s what they desire. I just can’t personally commit to lead and organize
    times when i can’t be available like 8pm your time because thats when I’m at work, but i’m all for making it available and recruiting for it.

    For advertising the only things i think i would like access to, if possible are our infinite loop logo on a transparent background and maybe a video file of the
    “Infinite Crawl” I think that would be cool to start and end my streams with as a promotional tool.

    Post count: 2368

    Great initiative 🙂 I’ll help with recruiting myself …..
    The times seems perfect to me …. and the way they are set, i think will cover most of our players from around the world. Plas, how does those proposed times looks for the Aus/Pacific area? Because if they are unconfortable, then we should also start recruiting for a 4th time frame, that would fit better with Aus/Pacific. Please advice.
    See you in game for more discussion ….
    All the best,

    Post count: 2368

    I logged in to post on the subject that Zez had already covered… /highfive

    What I would like to add, hoping someone hasn’t already mentioned it,… recruiting, eww. Not something anyone enjoys, so what about this… I’m sure
    there are other guilds in a similar position. Rather than look for individual players, lets look for another guild to join ours. I know it sounds risky,
    but I’ve done it in the past and it has worked out great. This way you talk to a “guild master”, if he or she seems cool, chances are the “majority” of
    new members would be cool. Sounds funny, but the biggest hiccup I’ve ran into with this… “guild name”. Now our guild name is tied into to much, so
    of course, changing it is not an option… but sense it is a great name, I doubt we’d have trouble finding people willing to run with it. As far as
    leadership goes, the way I worked out in the past, keep our leadership and offer their #1, a #2 seat, and let that person select a certain number
    of upper management positions to fill with their members, so we all mesh together. Something to think about. To anyone who has done their fair share
    of recruiting, this is a pretty sweet option.

    Post count: 2368

    Just to clarify on this point:

    Our standard playtime has been between 5pm to 12am (GMT+9.30 Adelaide) which is actually MY time-zone, however like I said if you are playing at a different time you are welcome to invite and build up a player-base for that time.

    By standard playtime I mean that over the last 3.5 years the majority of our cross-guild activity has been between those times.

    I just did a quick conversion on 8pm EST USA:

    •2015-01-10 01:00 UTC (UTC)
    •2015-01-10 03:00 Europe/Bucharest (EET)
    •2015-01-10 01:00 Europe/London (GMT)
    •2015-01-09 20:00 America/New York (EST)
    •2015-01-09 17:00 America/Los Angeles (PST)
    •2015-01-09 19:00 America/Mexico City (CST)
    •2015-01-10 11:30 Australia/Adelaide (CST)
    •2015-01-10 12:00 Australia/Sydney (EST)
    •2015-01-10 12:00 Australia/Hobart (EST)
    •2015-01-10 05:00 Europe/Moscow (MSK)
    •2015-01-10 09:00 Asia/Hong Kong (HKT)
    •2015-01-10 09:00 Asia/Kuala Lumpur (MYT)

    This will work for me on USA Friday and Saturday as this is my AUS Saturday and Sunday.

    I think as you say R3 its harder to merge when there is resources invested in the guild. For us there’s a lot of internet properties and in-game there are the StrongHolds. If this was suggested before the SH I would have been for it if we could keep our name etc, but I think it will be increasingly difficult as players pour more resources into their guilds.

    We found this also in Star Trek Online after they introduced Fleet Starbases. The resources that went to the SB’s were so great and time-consuming that giving them up to do a merge was not an option. Unfortunately this killed many fleets.

    I guess the choice is to merge and survive and lose resources or hold on and risk the guild declining. I think while there is a chance of growing through recruitment we should take that course for now. having said that if we find a guild willing to join under our terms then by all means we should be open to it.

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks Plasma for being open minded to the idea, that’s a good sign. The idea got shot down immediately, without discussion… no weighing of the “pros” and “cons”
    just told it wasn’t a good idea. And sense I’m not doing the recruiting, it makes no difference to me. It was just an idea that has worked well in the past, so
    I felt I should throw it out there… ^_~

    Post count: 2368

    R3 you’re wrong it didn’t get shot down and you weren’t told it wasn’t a good idea. I disagreed with the idea… to an extent and expreseed why.

    Post count: 2368

    There’s nothing wrong with having ideas. Not every idea is taken up, but it’s important to say what you think.

    Your comment disturbs me R3 because it has put you in the mindset of ‘well I’m not recruiting, so its no diff to me’. Experiences like that isolate your rather than make you want to get involved. This is never something that I would want anyone I’m associated with feeling, and I just want you to know that every opinion is of value to me.

    Back to mergers, on Star Trek Online we had quite a lot of active members and when it started to decline the idea of mergers came up. I was against it because I felt that we would lose our identity, however like I said the balance between staying active and losing a part of your guild history is the hard choice. Which is why I say, if it can be done on our terms, then I am for it.

    One of the more insightful features of Star Trek Online was Chat channels that crossed guilds and factions. you could create a chat channel that you could see cross-faction and on any of your characters. Using this function we created a multi-guild, guild for the purposes of teaming called Interfleet. This feature would have been a great help for SWTOR.

    Post count: 2368

    Chat channels are in swtor they just aren’t cross faction

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for posting Zez. One thing I would encourage is that discussions that start on the forums flow on through the forums or else we get a disjointed view of what has been discussed. If you want to please briefly post your opinions on R3’s proposal as it will definitely help the conversation.

    Post count: 2368

    Chat channels in TOR are reset at every update unfortunately so we have to keep recreating them and every member will have to keep adding the channel at every update as far as I am aware.

    The channels on STO were independent of the game using XMPP protocols so updates and the like had no effect. Indeed, not only are the channels maintained forever, cross faction and on every character they are also cross-game so all players of Cryptic Studios MMO’s can talk to each other in-game.

    I’ll get a hi-rez logo together for you Zez and I’m currently working on the next version of the crawl which should be finished by next week. I have some re-wording to do and adding copyrights etc so we don’t get sued or taken down.

    Post count: 2368

    I didn’t really go into too many details in game but from my experiance issues i’ve seen are:

    *Incompatible styles: like bringing in casual social levelers into a raid focused guild and they start to feel alienated out flat out left out by members
    *Mini Guilds or Sects: Groups of players that communicated among theirselves before the split and after don’t communicate to new people from the merger. This can
    cause entire groups to leave or stop playing altogether
    *Disagreement in Management Direction: Usually starts out all well and good and after time if miss handled or handled without clearly stated direction from the
    officers causes people to question things like “what are we really? PvP? I don’t PvP so I’m out” and this in particular is especailly toxic among officers and I’ve
    seen people who ran things together completely divided on this some will stay some leave occasionally comes along with high drama

    These are the big 3 that i’ve seen. Alliances seem to work a bit better but, it’s much harder to manage effectively, I would imagine more so with an international
    guild or guilds. With that being said your wrong plasma they don’t reset after each update they may have used to but, on my other server I have been using them for the past 2 years and have not had an issue with it. Now even with my with all this I have been apart of ones that worked even while experiancing all of these issues

    Post count: 2368

    Thanks for posting Zez, I agree that all of the issues you raise are possibilities with any type of merger.

    As for the chat channels, I’ll have to look into it again, the last 2 times we created custom channels they were reset. However my concern with SWTOR channels is even if they were permanent, getting every guild and alliance member to add the channel on all of their characters in order for them to keep in touch would be a monumental undertaking.

    Post count: 2368

    LOL… I like you Zez, and that’s not going to change, but I’m not “wrong”. When I brought the idea up, I received 100% “negative” feedback. I realize
    that we were all in game and had things going on, but you didn’t explain “why” you were against, just that you felt there are a number of problems
    with a “merger” type of solution, and I was fine with that. I had already anticipated that when you had time, you would explain here and would could have
    more of a real discussion about it. But from my perspective, not one thing was mentioned that would indicate that it was even a “possible” solution,
    so “yes”, the idea got “shot down”, but I’m okay with it. But I do want to clarify a bit, because based on the replies, we aren’t all looking at the same

    “*Incompatible styles: like bringing in casual social levelers into a raid focused guild and they start to feel alienated out flat out left out by members”…
    This suggests we would be merging with “any old” guild. Which is why I mentioned meeting with the other “guild leader”, during which time it would be
    determined if we all had similar goals, styles, personalities,… “are we compatible?”

    “*Mini Guilds or Sects: Groups of players that communicated among theirselves before the split and after don’t communicate to new people from the merger.
    This can cause entire groups to leave or stop playing altogether”…
    This is “anti-social” behavior, and not a characteristic of a guild looking to expand. This happens on an individual basis more often than with an
    entire guild. This is “why” I constantly bring topics up in guild chat. A team that communicates well, works well together… or “plays” well in
    this case. Meeting new people as a group, is far easier than doing it on your own, for most people.

    “*Disagreement in Management Direction: Usually starts out all well and good and after time if miss handled or handled without clearly stated direction
    from the officers causes people to question things like “what are we really? PvP? I don’t PvP so I’m out” and this in particular is especailly toxic among officers and I’ve seen people who ran things together completely divided on this some will stay some leave occasionally comes along with high drama”…
    In my experience, “miss handled” information can break a part a well established guild. In fact, when I first joined this guild, there was some drama
    resulting in a founding member leaving. She was really cool, fun to talk to, and she was a knowledgeable player with a great personality. I don’t
    know the details of what happened, but it was “drama”… it happens. PvP vs. PvE would be clearly explained in the interview of the leader.

    You are absolutely right. All these things are potential destroyers of guilds, but really have nothing to do with a “merger”. They are far more
    common in “large” guilds. We have less than (10) really active players. Seeking out a guild in a similar situation, would add lets say another (10)
    in this fictitious scenario… Our size would double, and we would still be small enough to avoid large scale drama, but we could start doing
    more stuff.

    How I approached it in the past, as a guild leader… “LF small personable guild. Raiding experience prefered, but not necessary. Looking to be social
    without large scale drama. Pst if you want a good player”… Bait them in and make a proposal. Potentially double the size, one interview. The guilds
    that I successfully merged, were larger than what we are working with here. They had about (20) active members each, which isn’t enough to do 25man
    content, so by WoW standards they were small. But I don’t see any reason it couldn’t work here. I like the members we have now, I’d like to get
    into more content, but if that doesn’t happen I’ll just work on my Stronghold all the time, and trade decorations with Plasma. =)

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