Star Trek Online: Release Notes: April 21st 2016

By LaughingTrendy
Wed 20 Apr 2016 07:05:56 PM PDT

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  • Resolved an issue which was causing Risa to crash.
  • The Tholian Red Alert is now back on.
  • Resolved a memory issue which would occasionally cause a player to crash.
  • Resolved an issue which was forcing players to empty out their Overflow bag when attempting to open a pack in the inventory.
  • Resolved an issue which was blocking Fleet invites if the Fleet had more than 100 members.
    • The Fleet is once again capped at 500 members.
  • Added VO to the mission turn in text in “The Temporal Front” for KDF and Romulan Captains.
  • Added a new loading screen for Season 11.5.

Known Issues:

  • The button to Acknowledge a failed admiralty mission states “Collect Rewards” on the View Details tab.
  • The Assignments to recruit Romulan Bridge officers do not appear
  • Shield Technician makes your shields show as up when cloaked.
  • Selecting “Ready Starship” in the ship selector is not moving slotted items over to the ship for some players.