Star Trek Online: Release Notes: December 17th, 2015

By LaughingTrendy
Wed 16 Dec 2015 05:19:57 PM PST

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  • Resolved an issue which was not allowing players to beam out of the Winter Event map without speaking to Q.
    • Players will now be transferred to the Beta Quadrant when leaving the map through beam out.
  • Resolved an issue which was causing a small amount of players to not be able to log in.
  • Admiralty: Colonist and Prisoner rewards will now remain in their reward packs until manually opened by the player.
    • This will prevent issues with insufficient Brig/Passenger space causing them to move into the Overflow bag, and potentially be lost.
  • Resolved an issue which would occasionally cause a progression blocker in the Federation tutorial during Welcome to Earth Spacedock.
  • Added Dilithium Weekend (12/17-12/21) and Upgrade Weekend (12/31-1/4) events to the calendar.

Known Issues:

  • Unlocked Trait slots become “Locked” while in a queue or adventure zone which lowers the player’s level.
    • This includes when teamed with someone at a lower level in an instance.
  • Changing the windows in the Ship Tailor can also change the materials option.
  • Players cannot challenge other players on different maps.
  • Items show up as empty when items are attached when composing a message.