Star Trek Online: 4th Annual Shutup Wesley Event

By LaughingTrendy
Wed 16 Dec 2015 04:00:00 PM PST

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You may have come to A Shutup Wesley Christmas and you may have even made it to The Great Goon Giveaway Part Deux, or even The Great Goon Giveaway Part Three! In any case, I’m pleased to invite you to our holiday party, conveniently scheduled on Saturday, December 19th at 3pm PST (23:00GMT). This should make it the afternoon for the US, evening for Europe, and Sunday morning for Australia. This year’s party includes 75 lobi/lockbox/promo ships, 25 plasmonic leeches, and 4,800 superior upgrade techs. If you can’t make the party, there are forum events that will be judged before the party starts, so you’ve got plenty of time to make an entry and if you win, you have a chance to claim your prize from the pool before anyone else!
To answer trivia questions and chat with your fellow party goers use the channel: “WesleyChristmas”
All events and trivia questions will be announced via the alternate channel “WesleyAnnounce”
Join them both now and make them different colors so you can easily pick out announcements!

Featured Events Include:

  • Forum Events
  • Where’s Wesley
  • Shuttle PvP
  • Trivia
  • Costume Contests
  • Tactical Racing

Fanfic Bonanza

The last we saw him, Wesley Crusher was leaving Dorvan V in the company of an old friend. Regale us with a tale recounting one of the untold adventures of Wesley Crusher and The Traveler! (500 words or more).

  • Grand Prize: Lobi/Lockbox ship of your choice
  • 2nd Place Prize:
    [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]
  • 3rd Place Prize: [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]

Where’s Wesley

Four Shutup Wesley characters will be hidden throughout the known galaxy and at the time of the event their names and locations will be revealed. The first player to find each one and open (and keep open) a trade window with them will receive a fabulous prize pack:

  • A Herald Ship Pack – A Quas Flight Deck Cruiser, A Baltim Baltim Raider, and A Vonph Dreadnought Carrier

Shuttle PvP

Two 10v10 matches will be run. Show up in your best shuttlecraft and join the match. The entire winning team will each receive a lobi/lockbox ship of their choice, awarded in descending order of score according to the post-match leaderboard. Perform better to get a better chance at the ship you really want! If there is enough interest, a third match can be organized with Plasmonic Leech prizes for the winners.

Starship Barbie

Everyone loves to kitbash and paint up their starships. Show off your best effort with a screenshot!

  • 1st Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox ship of your choice
  • 2nd Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox ship of your choice
  • 3rd Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox ship of your choice

Party Screenshot Competition

Did you make it to the party, but not win anything? Or maybe you did and you’re looking to earn more loot? Share your screenshots of the party with us after the fact for a last chance to earn prizes!

  • Grand Prize: Herald Ship Pack (Quas, Baltim, & Vonph)
  • 2nd Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox ship of your choice
  • 3rd Place Prize: [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]


Correctly answer a question for a prize of one full stack (100) of Superior Tech Upgrades of your choice!

  • Star Trek Online Trivia
  • And more!

Costume Contests

Show us your mastery of the tailor!

Striped Sweaters – The best looking Wesley Crusher wins!

  • Grand Prize: Herald Ship Pack (Quas, Baltim, & Vonph)
  • 2nd Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox Ship of your choice
  • 3rd Place Prize: [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]

For Science! – Come dressed as your favorite real or fictional scientist!

  • Grand Prize: Krenim Ship Pack (Krenim Warship, Zahl Cruiser, Annorax)
  • 2nd Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox Ship of your choice
  • 3rd Place Prize: [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]

Post Apocalypse – Come dressed as your favorite post-apocalyptic hero… or villain!

  • Grand Prize: Jem’Hadar Ship Pack (JHDC, JHHEC, JHSS)
  • 2nd Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox Ship of your choice
  • 3rd Place Prize: [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]

Best Head Of State – Come dressed as your favorite world leader!

  • Grand Prize: Elachi Ship Pack (S’golth, Monbosh, Sheshar [Intel])
  • 2nd Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox Ship of your choice
  • 3rd Place Prize: [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]

MY IMMERSION – Come dressed as your favorite non-STO game protagonist

  • Grand Prize: Krenim Ship Pack (Krenim Warship, Zahl Cruiser, Annorax)
  • 2nd Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox Ship of your choice
  • 3rd Place Prize: [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]

Best Overall – Make the best costume you can come up with!

  • 1st Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox Ship of your choice
  • 2nd Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox Ship of your choice
  • 3rd Place Prize: [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]

Worst Overall – Literally the worst tailoring abomination you can create!

  • 1st Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox Ship of your choice
  • 2nd Place Prize: Lobi/Lockbox Ship of your choice
  • 3rd Place Prize: [Console Pack – Ionized Gas Sensor / Plasmonic Leech]

Tactical Racing

Whether you loved or hated it, you definitely remember this event, if you’ve been to one of our parties before. Slap on some Frosted Boots and line up for a race! Playing dirty is encouraged so bring your cover shields or any other obstacles you want to throw at your competitors. Winner will receive any remaining ship of their choice or a plasmonic leech crate (whatever’s left).

So make sure you’ve got your costumes created in advance and get ready to have some fun!

Hope to see you there,

The Members of Shutup Wesley

*Premium ships are limited in supply, although there is at least one of each, choices will dwindle as the event goes on. The event will begin with Where’s Wesley and end with the Races, with trivia being asked in between events.