Star Trek Online: Fleet Projects Rerun

By LaughingTrendy
Thu 05 Nov 2015 08:30:00 AM PST

Starting Thursday, November 5th, 2015, previously run Starbase, Embassy, Dilithium Mine, and Research Lab Featured Projects are available for fleets to slot and complete! If your fleet has missed out on a past project, now is your chance to upgrade the interiors of your holdings.

While we currently do not have an end date for this promotion, it will only be available for a limited time.

Starbase Featured Project

  • Room with a View: Completing this project will remove the blast shutters from the Starbase interior, allowing you to see out into space.
  • Interior Designer: Completing this project will add plants, consoles, weapons and panels to Federation Starbases. Statues and a special symbol will be made available for Klingons.
  • Tribbles and Targs: Completing this project will add tribbles to Federation Starbases. Targs and targ beds will be made available for Klingons.
  • All Work and Some Play: Completing this project will add enhancements to the lounge area of Federation Starbases. The Operations area will be improved for Klingons.
  • History and Movement: Completing this project will add panels depicting the history of the Enterprise to Federation Starbases. Banners and transporter bay upgrades will be made available for Klingons.
  • High Security: Completing this project will add additional life to your starbase’s interior. Guards will be made available for Federation Starbases. Elite warriors will be made available for Klingons.
  • Where Decisions Are Made: Completing this project will add enhancements to the conference room of Federation Starbases. The fireplace section of the bar will be improved for Klingons.
  • For Relaxation: Completing this project will add a wall-length fish tank to Federation Starbases. Blood wine, table improvements and hunting trophies will be made available for Klingons.
  • Welcome Guests: Completing this project will add Morn and latinum traders to Federation Starbases. Morn and dancing girls will be made available for Klingons.
  • First One, Then the Other: Completing this project will add enhancements to the lounge area of Federation Starbases by adding a dance floor and DJ. The conference room will be improved for Klingons.
  • Works of Art: Completing this project will add mannequins displaying historical uniforms to Federation Starbases. Weapon trophies, a floor logo and wall mural will be made available for Klingons.
  • Staffing: Completing this project will add additional population to your starbase’s interior. Ferasans will appear for Klingons, while members of Starfleet will staff up with Exocomps.
  • Majestic Construction: Completing this project will enhance the structure of your starbase’s interior. Federation Starbases will have their main area improved with the addition of a portal to the lower section, and a new form of staircase and railings with a Sword of Kahless theme will be added to Klingon Starbases.
  • Museum Quality: Completing this project will add decorations to your starbase’s interior. Special banners and a United Federation of Planets logo will be made available for Federation Starbases, and mannequins displaying historical uniforms will be made available for Klingons.

Embassy Featured Projects

  • Nanov, Nanov: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Embassy on New Romulus. A nanov vivarium will open up in the Research and Development section of your embassy, along with some infant nanov.
  • Belongs in a Museum: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Embassy on New Romulus. Artifacts found throughout New Romulus will be put on display in the main lobby of your embassy, as well as a monument to the Sword of the Raptor Star.
  • Added Elegance: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Embassy on New Romulus. The stairway sections of the embassy will be enhanced with fish tanks and seating areas.
  • Enhanced Intelligence: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Embassy on New Romulus. Display screens and a holographic system readout will be added to Ops.
  • Green Thumb: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Embassy on New Romulus. Ivy will be made attached to pillars throughout the embassy, along with some additional plant life.
  • Let the Light Shine In: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Embassy on New Romulus. The embassy shuttlebay will be expanded, including the addition of an open roof.
  • Visiting Dignitaries: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Embassy on New Romulus. Romulan delegates and embassy guards will be made available.

Dilithium Mine Projects

  • Let in the Starlight: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Dilithium Mine. Windows will open up on the second floor of the interior of your dilithium mine. It will also open up the ceiling between the first and second floors to provide a more open environment.
  • Welcoming Entry: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Dilithium Mine. Some of the flooring on the first level will be re-finished to provide views of the Dilithium deposits below, EV suits will be put on display near the entry way, and a couple of the walls next to them will be removed to also provide better views of the mine’s treasure.
  • Business as Usual: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Dilithium Mine. Additional life will be added to your Dilithium Mine’s interior and exterior (ground) in the form of miners and various workers.
  • Motherlode: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Dilithium Mine. Additional cosmetic Dilithium deposits will become visible around the exterior (ground) of your Dilithium Mine.
  • On Display: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Dilithium Mine. Special crystal displays will be added to various elements around the interior (ground) of your Dilithium Mine.
  • Center of Commerce: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Dilithium Mine. Additional space traffic will be added to the exterior (space) of your Dilithium Mine.
  • Monitoring Profits: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Dilithium Mine. A variety of decorations, including several wall displays, consoles and tables, will be added to the interior (ground) of your Dilithium Mine.
  • Improved Efficiency: Completing this project will add enhancements to your Fleet Dilithium Mine. Dilithium transfer tubes, pipes and drills will be added to the exterior (ground) of your Dilithium Mine.

Spire Projects

  • Alien Vistas: Completing this project will unlock a balcony inside your Fleet Spire (ground) which you can step out onto and look around the Spire’s surroundings. This balcony can be opened or closed, at any time, using a console located nearby.
  • Spire Lounge: Completing this project will clear out the crates in the south western room of the Spire interior revealing a lounge area, complete with various chairs, tables, and potted plants.
  • Omega Molecule Research: Completing this project will enable the automated ramps in the eastern section of the Spire interior. These ramps lead to a research area featuring a large holographic Omega Molecule.
  • A Proud Display: Completing this project will decorate the Spire’s interior with faction specific banners and consoles. These can be found throughout the various sections of your Fleet Spire’s interior.
  • Holo-Fleet: Completing this project will enable a holographic projector that displays the various starships that can be unlocked via progressing through the Spire fleet holding. Interacting with the projector will change which ship is displayed.
  • Trophies of War: Completing this project will add additional life to your Spire Interior by proudly displaying two large trophies collected from the Solanae Dyson Sphere, a Swarmer and Voth Armor.
  • Seat of Command: Completing this project will grant access to the Spire Command Room. This room can be accessed by opening the north eastern door in the Spire Interior.
  • Star Gazing: Completing this project will grant access to the Spire interior’s Orrery. This special feature can be activated by interacting with a console in the central area of the Spire’s interior.

Research Lab Projects

  • Lost Civilizations: Completing this project will add several artifacts to your conference area. These treasures are from species that no longer exist due to Krenim alterations to the timeline.
  • Broadened Horizons: Completing this project will add glass floors to your Research Lab’s Conference Room and Research Room, increase the height of your Research Lab’s Development Room, and add machine rooms to your Research Lab’s Research and Development Rooms.
  • Chronometer: Completing this project will add additional displays about the current state of the timestream, as well as a hologram depicting the exterior state of your Research Lab’s Command Center.
  • Remembered Research: Completing this project will add a new subject for research to the center of your Research Room as well as additional consoles to aid in its study.
  • A New Development: Completing this project will create a new prototype device at the heart of your Development Room as well as additional consoles to help test its capabilities.
  • Social Structure: Completing this project will increase the ambient population of your Research Lab.
  • Research Ramifications: Completing this project will add a Holodeck to your Research Room as well as a unique powercore to help power its simulations into timeline alterations.
  • Developed Details: Completing this project will allow you to access walkways around your Development Room’s core.

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