Star Trek Online: Release Notes: November 5th, 2015

By LaughingTrendy
Wed 04 Nov 2015 05:06:53 PM PST


  • Resolved an issue that was preventing KDF Dilithium Starships from receiving proper discounts from the Fleet Dilithium Mine.
  • Resolved an issue where the Terran and Iconian Daily Mark Rewardpack were sharing the same requirements.
    • They can now be earned separately instead of one overruling the other.
  • The 29th Century “Relativity” Rifle in the Lobi Store has received a visual update to its model.
  • Resolved an issue where the interact distance was inconsistent on certain types of consoles.
  • Resolved an issue that was blocking some players from being able to use Species which had previously been purchased.
    • This also means they are once again available to purchase in the C-Store for those who do not own these species.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing a D3D graphic related crash for some players.


  • Resolved an issue where the Quantum Phase Torpedo’s shield heals was improperly factoring the Tier of the firing ship.
    • Resolved an issue where the tooltip was not displaying the actual amount healed.
  • Reducing targeting arc of Quantum Destabilizing Beam from 180 to 135, to match Deflector dish powers.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the Supplemental Subsystems trait to not be part of the Starfleet Maneuvering Protocol console set.
  • Players that own the Fleet Guramba Siege Destroyer
    [T6] can now purchase Stinger pets from the hangar pet stores.


  • Resolved an issue which had stopped the events from running on Defera and Nukara.
  • The rewards for the PvE queues Terok Nor and Counterpoint have been increased.
  • Herald Sphere:
    • Resolved an issue where players could become stuck in an infinite loop between areas in stage 4 of the Elite version.
    • Waves of Heralds now continuously spawn in stage 3.
  • Jabberwocky: Resolved an issue where players could complete each other’s objectives on Bajor even if not on the same team.
  • Badlands Battlezone: Resolved an issue where the player would be sent to the respawn point if the shields of an enemy Starbase were touched.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing players to enter into an empty blue map when queueing for a Fleet Alert PvE match.

Known Issues:

  • Foundry functions are temporarily unavailable.
  • Mac clients can now log in but experience a crash a few minutes into play.
  • Occasionally, ships can be invisible after map transferring.
  • The episode “The Vault” cannot be completed.
  • The ground of Vulcan has incorrect art textures.
  • A few spots of VO are missing from the Cardassian Revamp and Sunrise.
  • Multi-Vector Advanced Escorts do not reflect the proper Special Ability benefit of “+15 All when Alone” in Admiralty.

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