Star Trek Online: Release Notes: October 29th, 2015

By LaughingTrendy
Wed 28 Oct 2015 05:55:37 PM PDT


  • Badlands Battlezone:
    • Resolved an issue where player ships could get stuck inside the shield of a boss base when the boss base phase began.
    • Decreased the amount of participation required to earn the maximum amount of rewards for each area of the Battlezone.
    • Resolved an issue where Portal Generator Beta could not be captured by players if more than 5 were present.
  • The Temporal Account Claim store for Delta Recruit Unlocks now requires level 20 before captains may access it, instead of level 10.
  • Resolved an issue where some Herald Kit modules could be used in social zones.

Known Issues:

  • Foundry functions are temporarily unavailable.
  • Interact distance is incorrect for some console types.
  • Badlands: If a player touches the shield of a boss base, they will be warped close to the respawn point.
  • Vulcan ground has incorrect art textures.
  • A few spots of VO are missing from the Cardassian Revamp and Sunrise.
  • Multi-Vector Advanced Escorts do not reflect the proper Special Ability benefit of “+15 All when Alone” in Admiralty.

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