Star Trek Online: Season 11 – New Dawn

By LaughingTrendy
Thu 15 Oct 2015 09:00:00 AM PDT

The Iconian War is finally behind us. The finale of the Iconian War, Midnight, showed that the Alliance is bold enough to be principled, and strong enough to truly uphold those principles when their backs are to the wall. Everyone on every side of that conflict is ready to move on from that dark time in the New Dawn of Season 11.

We will be featuring two new story arcs this season, the first of which features Chase Masterson reprising her role as Mirror Leeta. The team has taken the time to completely revamp the Cardassian story arc, and deliver a tight story that delves deeper into the Mirror Universe and their plots against the Prime Universe. Alongside that storyline, we’re also going to take a peek into how the Mirror Universe fared in their version of the Iconian War, and how that fallout could impact the Prime Universe. I’ll give you a hint; it went pretty well for them! They now have the tools and technology to really give the Prime Universe a run for its energy credits through two Deep Space Nine themed queues and a space battlezone in the Badlands. Luckily, the Terran Taskforce Reputation will give you the tools and abilities you’ll need to level the playing field and send the Terran forces back through the looking glass.

We’ll also be moving the main story arc along for Star Trek Online as a whole. With the war over, and a large alliance of varied species, the impulse to discover is re-emerging. We’ll be investigating parts of the Alpha Quadrant that haven’t been seen before, making first contact with a new species, and seeing the far reaching effects of our extensive use of time travel in the Iconian War.

The introduction of the Admiralty System will also give players the opportunity to not only put players in charge of a fleet and truly feel like an admiral, but to also make use of all the ships they have in their inventory. The system provides a strategic and tactical ship command experience, as well as significant rewards for your efforts. We’re excited to see this system finally make it live so the entire community can enjoy something we’ve been having a blast with internally for quite some time.

With the introduction of a brand new story line that brings the game forward, and so much new content to experience, there’s never been a better time to warp in and check out Star Trek Online. I look forward to seeing you all in game for the October 27th release of Season 11: New Dawn.

Stephen Ricossa
Executive Producer
Star Trek Online

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