Star Trek Online: Release Notes: September 24th, 2015

By LaughingTrendy
Wed 23 Sep 2015 07:30:26 PM PDT


  • Foundry: Added missing walkways to the Ancient Iconia 02 template map.
  • Resolved an issue which occasionally caused crashes when interacting with the UI.
  • Fleet Research Lab:
    • Resolved an issue that was causing the “Construct Personal Transwarp Transporter” project to not be available for Fleets that complete “Upgrade: Research Station Transwarp” first.
    • Resolved an issue with the Krenim Bridge Officer vendor so that it properly requires Development Tier 3 to allow purchases.
  • Iconian Outfit:
    • Iconian Vest – Arms should now show up on Remans.
    • Iconian Vest Long version have been categorized to be to “Armor – Iconian” exclusively to avoid clipping problems with existing categories.
    • Iconian Wrist attach pieces, Belt pieces, and accessories have been changed to be more available on other categories.
  • Miner Vest: Female arms and chest should now show up correctly.
  • Resolved clipping issues which occurred when the pieces of the Prometheus were separated.
  • Ancient Herald’s lips now move correctly during cutscenes.
  • Resolved a text issue with Romulan Delta Recruits that stated “Complete Half of Federation Story Arcs” instead of “Complete Half of Romulan Story Arcs.”
  • XP Weekend, originally scheduled on 9/24, has been moved to a later date.

Known Issues:

  • The R&D Daily mission for Cannons incorrectly rewards Argonite Gas.
  • Some players are not able to reclaim the Breen Chel Grett and the Dyson Science Destroyer.

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